**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

metacritic user ratings ouch.
It wouldn't surprise me if most of them never even actually played the game - quite a number of reviews on that site for the console versions seem to be by the same people and are worded the same as the PC version.

Everyone I know who is playing it is enjoying the game.
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Even steam reviews are looking quite grim now :mad:

As of now I looked at the first 150 latest reviews,and 113 were postive and 37 were negative. So thats around 75% postive reviews - thats grim??:confused:

I did like the latest negative review though:

"ghoul noises are too scary, background music makes everything scary, i didn't sign up for fallout: amnesia edition"
I think expectation got away with this game, it was billed and advertised very well and people got very excited about it. Now while I can't comment on the whole game the little bit I've played it does seem fun but visually, UI and in terms of bugs its hardly ground breaking (game breaking at times tho!) and this just didn't stack up to the pedestal many had put Fallout on.

Also I think people are starting to get genuinely fed up with games being released in bad shape, and while this is far from the worst it's a cumulative effect and its starting to add up, which I understand, I encountered the terminal bug a couple of times early on and I got far more frustrated then I should have. But I put that down to me personally getting very fed up with what seems like constant lack of decent QA by companies.

Also metacritic is a breeding ground for stupid.
I don't know why people are complaining about how it looks when we knew in July it would be Creation based with some tweaks,instead of the id Tech based engine they promised years ago. My expectations were it would not be another Crysis and would probably have the same bugs in the engine,that other Creation based games had...which was bourne out by what we saw. Like I probably mentioned before in the hardware section,if the game didn't look good enough for you,then vote with your pocket and don't buy it??

I just think PC gamers,do at times setup themselves up to be dissapointed ,instead of looking at things a bit more calmly and adjusting their expectations realistically.

Look at how many people were complaining when the Witcher 3 looked nothing as good as the pre-release trailers and people thought it was the next Crysis. It still looked pretty though and is a good game.

Even look at the massive amount of moaning about Crysis when it came out?? Now,looking back,people realise it was truly the last big jump we had in graphics in many ways,and Crysis actually delivered on what PC gamers were asking for....better graphics.
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Are we all playing the same game? Putting my Fallout fanboyism to one side and looking at this objectively, is this really a bad game?

Is it on the same par as Assassin's Creed for bugs? Is it as hollow as Rage? Is it a boring clickfest like Godus? Man alive it's difficult to please some people, no wonder some game makers treat the community with contempt if this is the sort of response they get to something that isn't by the classical definition terrible.
I'm a sucker for good graphics in single player games and I'm far from a fallout fanboy, didn't even complete 3 or NV but this game is excellent in my opinion. The graphics aren't as bad as some people are trying to make out, are you running at 720p or something? :confused: textures are poor in parts but the lighting and colours used create a very good atmosphere in parts.
It's not a bad game at all, it's an average to slightly good game, it's just had lazy development. Same engine tweaked, poor graphics, bad console port chat changes, needs ini modifications from Skyrim & Oblivion (FOV)!, way too expensive for what it is, over 60fps can sometimes break physics/cause bugs (Skyrim). Which I knew was coming just by what was leaked and shown in trailers

I'd rate the game a 6/7 out of 10, down to the lazyness of the developers and also I don't have a fanboy attitude of this game being awesome, looking awesome just because it's Fallout.

The Witcher 3 dominates this game and that actually had a lot of effort put into it, although true it wasn't as good as the E3 videos.
I don't know people are complaining about how it looks when we knew in July it would be Creation based with some tweaks,instead of the id Tech based engine they promised years ago. My expectations were it would not be another Crysis and would probably have the same bugs in the engine,that other Creation based games had...which was bourne out but what we saw.

I just think PC gamers,do at times setup themselves up to be dissapointed at times,instead of looking at things a bit more calmly and adjusting their expectations realistically.

Once I knew that I realised it probably wouldn't be the next Crysis. Look at how many people were complaining when the Witcher 3 looked nothing as good as the pre-release trailers and people thought it was the next Crysis. It still looked pretty though.

See while you had set your expectations based on previous knowledge of the engine, that doesn't excuse releasing a game in 2015 with some massive glaring bugs and some of the visuals that belong in 2011. (character models and animations I'm looking at you)

It doesn't have to look like Crysis.....anyone that expects that is being unrealistic, but then with clunky UI and lack of polish on what is one of the biggest advertised/marketed games I've seen in a long time is just not on in my opinion.

As someone mentioned above, people are just getting fed up of being given unfinished products and paying AAA prices for it....and the excuse that modders can fix it with upgraded textures etc, is an awful cop out that let developers get away with a shoddy product.

As you can see the actual game underneath is great, open world....hopefully a good story and lots of exploring.......just the wrapping that completes the experience is flawed in my opinion.
Apart from the terminal bug that seems to be down to the engine having a fit if you run more than 60hz I've had no other issues.

Yes it's not the best looking game but gameplay wise it feels more like F3 to me than NV and imo that's a good thing.
It's not a bad game at all, it's an average to slightly good game, it's just had lazy development. Same engine tweaked, poor graphics, bad console port chat changes, needs ini modifications from Skyrim & Oblivion (FOV)!, way too expensive for what it is, over 60fps can sometimes break physics/cause bugs (Skyrim). Which I knew was coming just by what was leaked and shown in trailers

I'd rate the game a 6/7 out of 10, down to the lazyness of the developers and also I don't have a fanboy attitude of this game being awesome, looking awesome just because it's Fallout.

The Witcher 3 dominates this game and that actually had a lot of effort put into it, although true it wasn't as good as the E3 videos.

Yet I would give the Witcher 3 a 6/10 because the combat is pretty awful, loot itemisation is terrible, high percentage of the quests are pointless due to awful rewards(see loot itemisation) and non scaling.

Not played this one enough yet.
I agree a fun game to play but somethings to me anyway just make it feel like they havent learned and just been lazy. Skyrim like melee animations, lock picking, shadow render. Also the engine is tied to fps so at times at 144hz feels like im moving too fast. Also quite stuttery aswell even at high fps. The Chat dialog is horrid aswell, the "sarcastic" bit doesnt give any indication about what your about to say...

I also agree the graphics arn't the best ive seen but they are not bad and do not hinder the gameplay. However the bugs do get annoying especially terminals, lip syncing etc.

Just found a sniper rifle and came across a load of ghouls. Managed to pick most of them off with the sniper which was fun as I like to sneak around, then finished the rest of with a pistol and newly aquired machete. So yeah im enjoying it so far.
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My thoughts after playing for 3 and a bit hours, from the point of view of a fallout virgin.

The graphics seem alright, some textures can be a bit muddy and sometimes when I look in the background during a conversation with an NPC it kind of makes me think this game was from the 90's. The atmosphere is pretty good though and when you are walking about or in combat the graphics are more than adequate. Especially considering the scale of the game it is by no means ugly.

My main issues are: The UI seems clunky and consolised, especially the chat dialogues and the inventory system. Oh and the way that sometimes to go back you press tab and other times its esc.
The fact that I have to edit an INI file to disable mouse acceleration is pretty daft for a 2015 game, I know it's not a big deal to anybody with an ounce of experience but it really shouldn't be the case. Same with the POV and ultra-wide resolution (neither of which affect me but I still think they should be addressed)

The game is brilliantly fun though, the crafting system is great, I got suckered into building and re-arranging my first settlement for hours last night without even realising.

I'm sure that this game is going to have a great Price/Playtime ratio, although I doubt it's something I would play-through a second time.

I don't want to pass judgement too soon but I don't see how it deserves negative reviews.

I would also like to add that I haven't encountered any performance issues at all, even whilst running at 4k with a mixture of settings (mostly high/ultra with godrays on low)
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