"everyone else"
Damn you're such a hardcore fan of this game. "everyone else"
Yeah.. PS4 and One got the same issues at the same locations, and if you google (I even posted 2 Google Links for ya'll) you'll realise im not the only one.
And the guy "proving me wrong" wasnt even looking at the loaded town that he is in, instead hes looking at the capital miles away thats in low poly models.
Clock has nothing to do with it, MSI afterburner has its issues with some games where coreclock is reported wrong meanwhile GPUZ is showing the correct clock. (restarting MSI Afterburner after launching Fallout reports correct clocks anyway, 1391Mhz) So stop blaming it on anything but Bethesda. Get on with REALITY. Skyrim had similar Performance problems during release since it was HEAVILY CPU bound. And still is.