**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

Yes but it's a bit.. painful to do it.

You need charisma 6, level 14, and 2 points in the load leader perk (in the chrisma tree).

You can then link settlements, by selecting a settler, and using the link button. This now pools resources between those two settlements.

I tell you one thing, and I was going to leave this until the end when I put other thoughts down - I absolutely hate the new settlement system, for some unknown reason they didn't think it was worth showing you when a settler was assigned to something or not, impossible to tell!

You only need the first level of the perk to link your materials.
Brotherhood member just said to the main character 'we need your help'. I chose the reply 'my help?' and he said "I don't know a thing about robot repair"... 10 intelligence with the robotics expert an hacker perk maxed out. So poor!
they didn't think it was worth showing you when a settler was assigned to something or not, impossible to tell!

Far from ideal and needs to be clearer, e.g if they're wandering about, but if you mouse over a settler in build mode then whatever they're working on is highlighted too.
I absolutely hate the new settlement system, for some unknown reason they didn't think it was worth showing you when a settler was assigned to something or not, impossible to tell!

It's not impossible but it is a pain at the moment. If you are in build mode and you either hover or click on a survivor (can't remember which) their area assignment will glow. So food vines or a store for example. It's not ideal though for the larger settlements.
Yeah works to a point, but also not if you don't have LOS to whatever they are meant to be working on! :D

Oh a conversation I had yesterday was good too, in spoiler tags in case anyone doesn't want any.

So being a kleptomaniac, I stole one of the BOS Knight power armor suits, entirely.

I then went on board the flying ship, and upon disembarking I met the captain. I asked him, seriously, when I would get a suit of power armor. He said only knights could get one.

The whole time we had this conversation I was fully kitted out in a BOS power armor suit that I shouldn't be wearing.
I didn't know I could use T to drop all my junk in the workbench :o.

Of course I use Dogmeat as a pack mule I always used companions as pack mules, especially in New Vegas :D ( Loved being able to have 2). But also in Skyrim.

How do I get more people in my settlement btw ? I have a powered radio beacon, enough food, beds, water, power, defence... What can I do to make them shag each other and make babies :) ?

Just takes a little time. So long as nothing is red in the status bar at the top (when you're in build view) and you have a radio beacon up, some good defence (I think mines around 50) they just slowly start appearing. I've got 10 people in sanctuary and haven't really worked on the others yet.
I've been wearing a piece of armour for ages that has +1 int because I am an int based character, but it had just occurred to me... Is there any point in having an extra point in int? What does it do? I know it doesn't affect what perks you can assign as that is only based on permanent points. Anyone know?
Hey guys I've been messing with the settings and now seem to have that terminal bug where you get stuck...

I've got the frame limiting in the game disabled (iPresentInterval=0) and have locked the frames to 75 in Nvidia Inspector (as I heard it had to be <100)... anyone know why I might still be getting the bug?
Hey guys I've been messing with the settings and now seem to have that terminal bug where you get stuck...

I've got the frame limiting in the game disabled (iPresentInterval=0) and have locked the frames to 75 in Nvidia Inspector (as I heard it had to be <100)... anyone know why I might still be getting the bug?

What are you running, a 60 or 120 / 144hz monitor?
yes thats normal lower res below for long range draw distance as you get closer it will draw better textures. but in the distance it will show that there is something there even if it's not drawn.
I've been wearing a piece of armour for ages that has +1 int because I am an int based character, but it had just occurred to me... Is there any point in having an extra point in int? What does it do? I know it doesn't affect what perks you can assign as that is only based on permanent points. Anyone know?

More exp per action I think is the major benefit of high int builds, especially with an infinite levelling system with no cap.
I've been wearing a piece of armour for ages that has +1 int because I am an int based character, but it had just occurred to me... Is there any point in having an extra point in int? What does it do? I know it doesn't affect what perks you can assign as that is only based on permanent points. Anyone know?

INTELLIGENCE is a measure of your overall mental acuity, and affects the number of Experience Points earned.

as a test how much XP do you get for finding a location? And whats your intelligence? mine is 9 and i get 25

I always go luck and intelligence it's a force of habit the rest you can build through the game but int is usually very useful early on.

in the early fallouts apparently if your intelligence was too low your dialogue was very limited.

3% xp is 1 int level

Spoiler regarding xp farming taken from a wiki (it's not a cheat but it will influence how people build so if you don't want to know don't click)

so if you're after XP you're better off having lowest int you can get away with and the idiot savant perk

For Intelligence of 1, this perk has a 10% of being triggered. This percentage decreases by 1% per point of Intelligence for a minimum chance of 1% when Intelligence is at 10. At 6 Intelligence, the chance of triggering the perk is 5%.

so int 6 + level 2 idiot perk will give you better xp gains than level 10 int
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INTELLIGENCE is a measure of your overall mental acuity, and affects the number of Experience Points earned.

as a test how much XP do you get for finding a location? And whats your intelligence? mine is 9 and i get 25

I always go luck and intelligence it's a force of habit the rest you can build through the game but int is usually very useful early on.

in the early fallouts apparently if your intelligence was too low your dialogue was very limited.

Apparently 1 Int and the Idiot Savant perk is the way to go for maximum experience in this one. Not sure if it affects speech at all though. Might give that a try in my next game actually.
So this guy was just hanging out, some might say legless.

I What I was actually asking(not very well) was whether the temporary point given by the armour made any difference at all, as I know points given by armour do not affect what perks you get.

I wasn't thinking about xp at all when I made the character tbh. The perks are wjat interested me as I want ed to play as a hacker.

I'm going to test how much difference the armour makes to xp gain by discovering a new location and then loading again without it on.

Edit- it makes a difference, though discovering a new location wax probably too small an amount to really gauge how much tbh. Normally I got 51xp, with a +1 int hat I got 52!

I'll stop wearing it then... And I've passed up much better armour because of that extra int point!... In New Vegas you would kill for an extra point in intelligence!
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