**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Yo guys I'm playing it now and I need your help. I'm looking for cheat or something to give me unlimited carry capacity. In last 5h of gaming I spend 3h going back to drop staff off and is a big time west when you just want to enjoy this game. I will still collect all that I can as it is my nature:D

You may well find that cheating reduces your enjoyment.

If you get all ranks of the Strong Back perk, you can run and fast travel while encumbered. That's a de facto unlimited carrying capacity. I've been jogging around carrying >5000 units of weight at times. It made a huge difference to me, since I prefer to collect everything. You use action points running when encumbered, but it's entirely practical especially after you've increased your agility and the AP recovery perk.
11 Jun 2003
Sheffield, UK
I'd kind of agree with Angilion here. While, yes it's kind of irritating, just throw perks into strong back and GG... you don't need to max strength to get it, it's just a quality of life thing for all of 8-10 points needed.
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Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Grilled RadStag and armour items with STR bonuses really help carry weight.

Grognak costume boosts it a lot too.

In my experience, max carry weight matters far less to a dedicated scavenger than the last rank of the strong back perk. If you're picking up everything, you will exceed your max carry weight. Even a single location will often contain enough stuff to exceed even a very high max carry weight. Mine is 500 and my standard equipment load is only 103, leaving me 397 for stuff and that is nowhere near enough. You will often find >1000 weight units of stuff in one area.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Well I've finally decided to play the main quest line, largely to finish it before starting the DLC.

It's irritating me because it's too limited. None of the factions are evil or insane. There should be scope for negotiation. Maybe we could hash out something we could all live with. But no, we have to leap straight to total destruction without even considering talking. Worse still, I favour the minutemen. The game forces me to simply murder someone decent simply to get banished from the Institute so I can nuke them. Nuke people. In the Fallout world. As a first option and only option. It's nonsense.

I think I'm going to just use the console to force completion of the main quest line just so I can get it out of the way. It's that crap. I'm fine with the dated game engine with the laughable animations. I can mod away the worst of the over-simplified game mechanics. I can live with the crude, badly implemented settlement building (and improve it a lot with mods). I can live with the performance issues, even though they seem excessive for what certainly isn't cutting edge graphics. But the crappy story is a gamebreaker for me. I want rid of it.
26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Probably nothing major to worry about but I can't seem to get my health to 100%... I'm currently 460/461. I've cured all my rads and I've just had a good nights sleep. Is this a bug possibly or am I under some kinds of potions spell - I've been doing quite a few recently :D
8 Sep 2012
Got this two days ago and quite enjoying it but is there a fix for the fps drops that sometimes happen indoors and outdoors? Inside Corvega, it dips from 60 to 35 with lots of lights or fire:confused:

Godrays on low, shadow distance on high, draw distance on high, 1440p.

I'm running custom ground, water and sky textures but they don't seem to cause any noticeable fps drops from vanilla (especially that I get the worst frames indoors).

It baffles me that there are any drops with those graphics on a 970 at 1500mhz, 16gb RAM and a 4790k. Also, the game's instaled on an SSD. It looks quite pretty with high res textures installed but nowhere near the level which would justify such terrible framerate.
8 Nov 2008
Try dropping your shadow distance down to medium, it should make a difference. I'm playing at 1200p with a 980Ti, but I still have to lower godrays and shadow distance to medium to avoid noticeable drops in frame rate (in my case I've only seen a reduction in frame rate when outside - and almost always in a heavily built up area). I really should push my cpu more, but I tend to leave it at a more modest frequency for other tasks.

If it helps, here are my settings - which rarely drop below 60fps; for 1440p / 970 you might need to tweak one or two others.

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29 Mar 2007
Swindon UK
Just got the DLC, think I'm going to like this and have diverted away from the main quest and all the usual side quests for the time being.

One piece of advice though, it seems that to do the missions "Ada" replaces your current companion so if you're working up to their side mission or max affinity best to leave the DLC to one side. In my case it was Hancock, who isn't the best either in terms of witty dialogue or combat ability, so off to Covenant he goes...
8 Sep 2012
Try dropping your shadow distance down to medium, it should make a difference. I'm playing at 1200p with a 980Ti, but I still have to lower godrays and shadow distance to medium to avoid noticeable drops in frame rate (in my case I've only seen a reduction in frame rate when outside - and almost always in a heavily built up area). I really should push my cpu more, but I tend to leave it at a more modest frequency for other tasks.

If it helps, here are my settings - which rarely drop below 60fps; for 1440p / 970 you might need to tweak one or two others.


Thanks for the help:)

Shadow distance on medium makes stuff look really ugly, I think I'll have to tweak the .ini file to set it somewhere between medium and high. My settings look similar but I have godrays on low (practically no difference) and Distant Object Detail/Detail Fade set to high instead of ultra.

Running windowed borderless has helped with the drops at Corvega. I still have some drops outside in certain places but there's not as much stuttering as before.

I'm quite surprised you still have to lower settings at 1200p with such a beast card. This game has ridiculous requirements. Your card would tear through GTA V, The Division and The Witcher 3 without any problems, which probably means Bethesda has screwed something up.

BTW, You should definitely try the below if you haven't already:



Virtually no performance hit, and some of those textures are pretty amazing.


29 Dec 2003
Kinda slipped into the DLC without realizing it was DLC yesterday. Thought it was just a new companion at first. Enjoying it so far. I was nearing the end of the main game so a nice little change. 162 hours played so far. Proper value for money! :)
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8 Nov 2008
Thanks for the help:)

Shadow distance on medium makes stuff look really ugly

Really? I'll have to check that out and see what changes there are.

I'm quite surprised you still have to lower settings at 1200p with such a beast card. This game has ridiculous requirements. Your card would tear through GTA V, The Division and The Witcher 3 without any problems, which probably means Bethesda has screwed something up.

I think it's just the game, as I've seen other 980Ti owners mention the same thing. It doesn't matter anyway, as I can't really notice the difference. :)

Thanks for the suggestion of those mods. However, I'm reluctant to tinker with it too much and cause instability especially this far down the line. My next playthrough will be much more heavily modded. :)
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