**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

18 Oct 2002
I've started a new game on survival mode and finding it good so far. I've found that the armour does not really protect you that much unless you are in power armour. Typically two shots and i'm dead but the enemy seems easier to kill also.

The throwables like molotov and grenades are also now deadly. One molotov and i'm dead. Anyone else getting the same ?

Yeah, the explosives are lethal! I'm enjoying it as well, although I made a big mistake of not prioritising local leader, I didn't realise how much time I would spend hauling to Sanctuary due to lower carry weight, I should have got local leader ASAP, setup some provisioners and used other settlements as drop off for all the junk.
8 Sep 2003
150 yds from OcUK
EDIT - removed previous post.

I have fallout 4 working now, using 21:9 using Flawless Widescreen software and a couple of minor ini file edits.

What are the go-to mods.

I want one for inventory management and a new pip boy map mod and any new high res textures - what is good for ?
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27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
EDIT - removed previous post.

I have fallout 4 working now, using 21:9 using Flawless Widescreen software and a couple of minor ini file edits.

What are the go-to mods.

I want one for inventory management and a new pip boy map mod and any new high res textures - what is good for ?

Not sure why you using Flawless Widescreen though, I have it working fine in 21:9 without it. But I will give it a go, maybe it resolve a slight issue with the below two mods I having.

These two together is the best UI and Inventory management you can have, in my opinion and a bunch of other mod users. :D

Valdacil's Item Sorting by Valdacil
This Sorting mod gives you more categories, more options to weight and such, if you scavanging for certain items, can see what a item contains if you breaking it down etc.

DEF_UI by Neanka and Valdacil
With DEF_UI you can customize exactly what you want showing and place it where you want it on the screen, very usable incase there is some info you don't want shoing, like stealth meter, enemy information and so on and forth.

I am using 21:9 as well, and these two mods I find superb working together. Only problem is the Shadow is not aligned in the menus (but you can live with it) and once you get long names on your modefied weapons the symbol for Favourite and the Legendary Star overlaps, it is relatively easy to fix though if you get that problem with the icons. But it is liveable as well, unless you are a total perfectionist in all regards. :p

Edit: Ok, just tried Flawless Widescreen and it helps resolve the problem with the shadow alignment I had, so thank you for mention you were using it ! One thing to note though, incase you not aware of it. Uncheck Weapon FOV and HUD Fix to have it look better. For me, using the above mods the Weapon FOV made the cross hair huge compared to not having it ticked. And with HUD Fix, if you want the UI information at the edges, I had to untick it. otherwise it was like 16:9 for the HUD. Don't untick the Constrain HUD to 16:9 though, that made the game crash for me when I tried to start it. :confused:

Hope that helps. :)
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27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
DEF_UI just will not work for me. It's as if the mod is not even installed when I launch.

I'm hvaing many issues, here is the issue I have with the True Storms: Wasteland Edition mod.

Ouch, that was some bad rain you got at the end. As for the grey out shadowed 16:9 box, untick the HUD Fix in Flawless Widescreen and you should get ride of that, I did see it was rather prominent when you went into WATS there.

As for texture mod, I am using this on:

Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Textures in HD - ORIGINAL SIZE - LOWER RESOLUTION by Hein84

And this to get a bit more color to the game, compared to standard game. It also gives darker nights if you find normal to bright.

Fallout 4 Enhanced Color Correction by ChaosWWW

Regards to DEF_UI, did you go into the Steam folder, Fallout 4 / Data / Interface and then update HUDMenuSet.swf and settings.swf in the flashplayer_20_sa.exe file and saved it to DEF_CONF folder ?
27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
Regards to DEF_UI, did you go into the Steam folder, Fallout 4 / Data / Interface and then update HUDMenuSet.swf and settings.swf in the flashplayer_20_sa.exe file and saved it to DEF_CONF folder ?

These two files are just not there? the swf files!

Ahh, that would explain why it not showing up then. Hopefully there be there once you redownloading it though ! :cool:

This is what you should have in the Interface folder. 15 swf files, 1 exe, 1 xml, 1 txt and 1 Folder. The folder should have 5 files, 1 txt file named *all config xml should placed here* and blank inside. 4 xml files; DEF_HUD. DEF_INV, DEF_INV_TABS and DEF_INV_TAGS


The ContainerMenu, dialoguemenu, multiactivatemenu, Pipboy_InvPage and ScopeMenu swf files and the lyrConf.xml is files belonging to other mods, the 10 other swf is for DEF_UI and in the folder it is the DEF_HUD and DEF_INV that belongs to the mod.

Hope this make any sense and that you can get it to work. If not, I can upload what files you missing and my own preset DEF_HUD and DEF_INV for you to use, just let me know. :)
8 Sep 2003
150 yds from OcUK
Well I finally fixed my mod issues... seems that you must have the mod data set in NMM as the same drive as your FO4 game install.

I swapped it all over and now its flawless all mods reinstalled and working grand.
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27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
Not sure if anyone else that is using 21:9 resolution and both DEF_UI and Valdacil's Item Sorting mod have had the same problem but thought I post incase there is. Or anyone else for that matter that had similar problem and looking for a solution.

If you experienced this in your container and barter menu:
As can be seen, there is a slight clutter at the end of a couple of my modified weapons and the DPS information for the weapons. Also the shadowed area in the menus (That's all menu's though, nut just Container and Barter) is not aligned properly.

Then there is a solution to both the problems. For the shadowed misalignments, use the Flawless Widescreen tool that HaYDeN has made, BUT untick Weapon FOV and HUD Fix to still keep it in 21:9 ratio. I was scratching my head as to how to fix it for a long time until I saw a post from Ace Modder that he was using it for his 21:9 set up. (Never occured to me to try FW since I been using the FalloutConfigTool by Bilago since the start) But after seeing Ace Modders post I decided to try it out anyway and viola, the shadow alignment problem I had was gone ! Thanks Ace Modder for that ! :cool:

As to the slight messed up info at the end after modified weapons, especially if they are Legendary and Favourite, the mod author, Neanka, did provide a solution for one to fix it yourself, which was relatively easy.

First you have to download the JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler, then just do as explained in the spoiler, which being used due to the pictures.
Go to your Steam Folder, then Fallout 4 / Data / Interface and then open the ContainerMenu.swf in JPWXS, find the below:


Once you follwed the picture instructions, copy and paste this after Line 98 callsupervoid Multiname("SetEntryText"...
getlex Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"textField")
getlex Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"textField")
getproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"width")
pushbyte 10
setproperty Qname(PackageNamespace(""),"width")

After that should look like this then save it:


Then do the exact same with your BarterMenu.swf and that's it !

All credit for this fix goes to the mod author of DEF_UI, Neanka himself !
As I said, not sure if anyone else been having these small problems but thought I post it incase someone had, but been finding it bearable anyway and not asked for a solution.
5 Jan 2009
I took a break from Fallout 4 to play some other games. I've come back with the intention of finally playing the end. Loaded it up, and since the latest patch, my saves are whining that all the mods they depend on are missing. I've checked the plugins.txt and it's fine, as are the mods themselves. Has the new official mod support messed it all up?
27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
I took a break from Fallout 4 to play some other games. I've come back with the intention of finally playing the end. Loaded it up, and since the latest patch, my saves are whining that all the mods they depend on are missing. I've checked the plugins.txt and it's fine, as are the mods themselves. Has the new official mod support messed it all up?

Are you using the latest NMM version 0.61.22 ? And Bethesda changed how the mods work with the latest patch 1.15. There now has to be a * in front of each mod that you want to use. In NMM check the plugin tab and make sure the mods are ticked there, the plugins.txt file will still show all mods you have even if they not ticked in the NMM.
5 Jan 2009
Are you using the latest NMM version 0.61.22 ? And Bethesda changed how the mods work with the latest patch 1.15. There now has to be a * in front of each mod that you want to use. In NMM check the plugin tab and make sure the mods are ticked there, the plugins.txt file will still show all mods you have even if they not ticked in the NMM.

Cheers, got it sorted via the asterisk method. I'm not using any mod manager. I didn't see the point at first as I didn't think I'd be using many mods. Now that the game is maturing and the GECK is soon to follow I'll start modding it properly like Skyrim.
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