**** Official Fallout 4 Thread ****

Actually I still have a couple of bobbleheads to find but I'm not really one for treasure hunts so I'll usually just look up the locations on a game wiki. Only noticed that when I looked at my display unit! :)

I'm a bit of a completionist so I do like just wandering from location to location picking things up, watching the random events in the distance and seeing the light change from day to night, the wasteland can be quite calming at times!

I'll have a look at the collection mod later and see how it is.

Did you see that it includes quests that haven't been started yet (I think), should be good.

On a different note, I'm seeing a lot of mods requiring F4SE. Has anyone used it? I'm a bit confused, I use mods via Nexusmods launcher but from what I've read you have to start the game using F4SE...how does that load all the Nexus mods in that case? Anyone know?
I generally do the southern Bobbleheads at around Level 15 - 20, a couple of the locations have somewhat tough enemies (Spectacle Island!) and if you're doing a melee build probably need to go higher still. Good for XP though.

Just bought the Nuka World DLC, not sure at what point it kicks in and also paid a brief initial visit to Far Harbor but again best enjoyed at a slightly higher level to avoid frustration.
On a different note, I'm seeing a lot of mods requiring F4SE. Has anyone used it? I'm a bit confused, I use mods via Nexusmods launcher but from what I've read you have to start the game using F4SE...how does that load all the Nexus mods in that case? Anyone know?

The Script Extender has been an important mod tool for games running on the Gamebryo engine for a long time, it allows mods to do things that can't be done with the default game itself. When you install it, the Nexus Mod Manager should automatically detect it, select "Launch F4SE" in the top left of the Mod Manager window to load the game with the script.
The Script Extender has been an important mod tool for games running on the Gamebryo engine for a long time, it allows mods to do things that can't be done with the default game itself. When you install it, the Nexus Mod Manager should automatically detect it, select "Launch F4SE" in the top left of the Mod Manager window to load the game with the script.

Oooooh I see!!! Thanks very much indeed for that brilliant reply, I've been shying away from it because of not being sure how it worked with NMM. I'll give it go over the weekend. Thanks again! :)
So I tried the high res textures, but performance tanked with the enhanced wasteland reshade and ENB installed. So I am going to try them without the reshade and ENB. What visual enhancements are you guys using? I am a little out of touch with mods.

One of my favourites at the moment is being able to recycle almost anything in the settlements. I know that earlier versions were a little problematic, but the latest mod seems better.
ok, im not the best shooter, but my guns take ages to kill people and I run out of ammo quite a lot. Is this normal, or am I just rubbish?
ok, im not the best shooter, but my guns take ages to kill people and I run out of ammo quite a lot. Is this normal, or am I just rubbish?

Use VATS, shooting from the hip unless you can aim (e.g. with a scope equipped rifle) is very inaccurate.

Even if running a melee character (as I am) you still need to level up some gun skills and also get perception up to at least 5 which improves your VATS accuracy. There are some enemies where melee is unsuitable (Mutant Suiciders or Fat Man toting Raiders, also overhead turrets) and you absolutely need to be able to nail these.

Save your caps/spare ammo then go to Vault 88 and buy Overseers Guardian. Quite an OP combat rifle particularly once you get some upgrades on it. Also visit Salem and do Barney's turret mission to get access to Reba II, another relatively OP sniper rifle. With sufficient Gun Nut rating you can upgrade this to take .50 calibre ammo and it becomes a one shotter for many targets. Forget pistols or pipe guns as these simply don't pack the required punch, other than killing radroaches or molerats.

If you have the Automatron add-on, look out for the Tesla rifle. This is an OP energy weapon which uses standard fusion cells. It "jumps" a charge to any secondary target in range which means it is excellent for crowd control. Also light on the AP too. Disadvantage is that it can jump to friendlies so you need to watch where you use it.
If the HD pack is hurting your performance try:
Turning Godrays down. Put Shadow distance on medium. Turn Object and Item fade down to the middle.
This will help with performance (although not totally solve it) and have little to no visual impact.

The HD pack is big but what it does nicely I think it does very nicely and better than any of the mods I've tried (I think it may pay off more with higher resolutions). I use it with some choice visual mods that affect just a few things like tyres and bloopacks and suchlike. Also Vertibird US Army Retexture is a great mod. The HD pack along with that made the first appearance of the Prydwen truly breathtaking.

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Doh, realised I've messed up my perk tree. I thought you had to max out level 1 before going onto level 2. Turns out you dont, so I've wasted loads of points I could have used better. All those safes I couldn't pick, but turns out I could have if I used the perk tree properly. Oops.
Yes I've got the next 15 or so perks sketched out already, need to get above L50 before heading off to Nuka World,

On a related note it's still annoying when 5x Idiot Savant proc's on 2XP when cooking a Mutant Hound steak, not the 400 XP mission you just completed...
If it annoys you that much, quicksave just before turning in a mission and reload if you don't get the proc :)

I try not to save scum if I can help it... though it is nice when you do get the proc on the big kills or mission completes!

On the subject of Nuka World, what's the general view about the best level to start this? I'm currently on L42 and looking to go there about L50 but have read it can be quite tough? Also any thoughts about the best companion to take? I'm currently dragging Cait around but wondered if I need to take someone more gun orientated.

And a further aside re Far Harbor, if anyone has a view:

On my second playthrough I decided to eliminate the COA on my first encounter, given how opposed the other two factions were. This culminated in nuking the base once I got the launch code. So instead of being congratulated, DiMA kind of went into liberalista shake of head mode and Avery tells me to go away. Uhh?
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