**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

You were right about adhesive I need loads of it for the remaining repair weapons challenges :eek: I mean 10 Adhesive just to repair 1 weapon what a tiresome grind :rolleyes:

Discover locations is bugged for most players. Some managed to get a few of these by approaching the location from a different direction but I would just give up on those & not waste too much time.

Player shops I have decided are not even worth the fast travel costs (unless you right next to them) as most offer common plans & want huge money for mundane items you can find ingame :( staggering greed! Its a shame its so hard to find USA players some have setup 1 Cap everything stores but unless you have someone on your friend list in the USA your going to keep getting players from the EU mainly :rolleyes: I would set mine up to sell my well over 100lb of Plans but it keeps saying I do not have the CAMP budget to place any items in the machine & no way I am downsizing my CAMP it tooks ages & about 15,000 Atoms to construct :eek: :p
With player shops also beware some players have deliberately setup shops where you die instantly falling over a cliff as that is the fast travel point in certain places :rolleyes:

In the last 5 days managed to get 430 Atoms went from 0 to 430 by doing all the challenges I could managed to finally finish the Weekly challenges yesterday but that is a massive time sink :eek: due to how obscure some of it is & the random drop nature of the game!

Some new stuff was added but not many people know about it yet:

Morgantown Airport interior is totally changed graphically. Also many areas are closed off now its a little different layout.

Whitesprings Bot Vendors are now rearranged but one is also missing!

X01 Plans are now finally available to buy from the Enclave Production Vendor bot in Whitesprings including the new X01 military paint!

Many previously rare plans are now available to buy from the Station Vendors for mainly weapon & armour mods & plans.

Mutation serums have been given normalised prices (previously 23,000 Caps each!) I think they are around 3800 Caps each now with high Charisma & grape mentats. Player vendors are also selling for around 200-300 Caps each.
These new Pioneer badge challenges are really frustrating :rolleyes: To get 1 badge you need to do some much work its just a ridiculous amount of effort. Relies a lot on other players as well especially their English language skills! Was with a group of players earlier it clearly said onscreen rekindle the camp fire before it dies out :eek::rolleyes: so no-one except me is trying to do that & the camp fire dies out after almost 20 minutes of the 28 minutes long challenge so it fails & goes back to the start as no-one was paying attention or reading the clear in English onscreen message :rolleyes::eek::(

Todd "it just works" Howard was clearly taking the major mickey out of the player base when he recently said @ Pax East these new challenges are some of the best mission content Bethesda have ever created :rolleyes: I would hate to see the worse...…:(
I got some good deals on black titanium and ultracite scrap from the player vendor shops,and managed to find one of the 90% weight reduction Fat-mans for not much either.
I got some good deals on black titanium and ultracite scrap from the player vendor shops,and managed to find one of the 90% weight reduction Fat-mans for not much either.
Those 2 are easy to farm is why so cheap they are not rare at all. Try getting some good deals on Adhesive & let me know where please :)
Those 2 are easy to farm is why so cheap they are not rare at all. Try getting some good deals on Adhesive & let me know where please :)

They were 1/4 to 1/5 the price of every other player vendor who was selling the same mats BTW,and massively cheaper than the robot vendors.

Its not cheaper to farm when it costs me more in time and fast travel caps having to scavenge or buy mats, for the amount of ammo I need to use take down high level SB or try and luck out on being able to join a SBQ takedown since all the ultra high end guys kill the SBQ in 5 seconds,and I usually cannot fast travel instantly since I am always scavenging to sell stuff or for the mats and tend to be quite loaded.

I literally doubled my UC amount for a few caps,and it would have taken multiple SBQ takedowns to be able to get that amount. Some of my mates also don't have time to be grinding for those mats and supplies,so I also have been building stuff for them too so we are all equally armoured and well armed. If not I will be playing this game solo,which makes it worse.

You are making the assumption everyone has been playing this from the beta onwards grinding continuously and getting ultimate legendary weapons,etc. I can't even find a pair of calibrated shocks for my X01 armour FFS even with server hopping. The grinding is start to destroy my enthusiasm for the game now and that is getting to level 60.

Adhesive I have more than enough off,especially since it can be crafted in settlements.
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They were 1/4 to 1/5 the price of every other player vendor who was selling the same mats BTW,and massively cheaper than the robot vendors.

Its not cheaper to farm when it costs me more in time and fast travel caps having to scavenge or buy mats, for the amount of ammo I need to use take down high level SB or try and luck out on being able to join a SBQ takedown since all the ultra high end guys kill the SBQ in 5 seconds,and I usually cannot fast travel instantly since I am always scavenging to sell stuff or for the mats and tend to be quite loaded.

I literally doubled my UC amount for a few caps,and it would have taken multiple SBQ takedowns to be able to get that amount. Some of my mates also don't have time to be grinding for those mats and supplies,so I also have been building stuff for them too so we are all equally armoured and well armed. If not I will be playing this game solo,which makes it worse.

You are making the assumption everyone has been playing this from the beta onwards grinding continuously and getting ultimate legendary weapons,etc. I can't even find a pair of calibrated shocks for my X01 armour FFS even with server hopping. The grinding is start to destroy my enthusiasm for the game now and that is getting to level 60.

Adhesive I have more than enough off,especially since it can be crafted in settlements.
X01 all plans (including calibrated shocks) are now available to buy in the Whitesprings Production Vendor Bot shop! I managed to find 4 xX01 calibrated shocks recently but I am using them all now although if you want to make a silly Caps offer I may sell to you ;)

Finally managed to get my shop working its live now I have 50 Plans for sale I will see how that goes before adding another 130 or so Plans :eek: :p most are way below the recommended cost as well ;)
They were 1/4 to 1/5 the price of every other player vendor who was selling the same mats BTW,and massively cheaper than the robot vendors.

Its not cheaper to farm when it costs me more in time and fast travel caps having to scavenge or buy mats, for the amount of ammo I need to use take down high level SB or try and luck out on being able to join a SBQ takedown since all the ultra high end guys kill the SBQ in 5 seconds,and I usually cannot fast travel instantly since I am always scavenging to sell stuff or for the mats and tend to be quite loaded.

I literally doubled my UC amount for a few caps,and it would have taken multiple SBQ takedowns to be able to get that amount. Some of my mates also don't have time to be grinding for those mats and supplies,so I also have been building stuff for them too so we are all equally armoured and well armed. If not I will be playing this game solo,which makes it worse.

You are making the assumption everyone has been playing this from the beta onwards grinding continuously and getting ultimate legendary weapons,etc. I can't even find a pair of calibrated shocks for my X01 armour FFS even with server hopping. The grinding is start to destroy my enthusiasm for the game now and that is getting to level 60.

Adhesive I have more than enough off,especially since it can be crafted in settlements.

Ultracite scrap doesn't require killing high level scorchbeasts, let alone a scorchbeast queen. At level 60, you should be easily capable of killing scorchbeasts solo without any legendary equipment. I started killing SB at ~L35. Solo. Without legendary equipment. In excavator power armour, which offers less protection than any other PA other than raider. With an unoptimised build (rifle and shotgun), which I use because I like it. I soloed 3 SB simultaneously by L60 and I still didn't have any relevant legendary equipment (a handmade gun that did extra damage to robots and a combat shotgun that did extra damage to ghouls). In addition to that, every fissure site has ultracite ore around it that you can just collect and smelt it at a chemistry bench with just acid (which is extremely common).

For black titanium, the most effective way to obtain it without buying it is by killing mole miners. They drop stuff that can be scrapped to yield black titanium in relatively large quantities. Doing the "Breach and Clear" event if you see it will also usually yield a lot of black titanium (from the ore in the containers and from the mole miners you have to kill to defend the mining equipment) and it's a very simple low-level event. The Lode Bearing and Uranium Fever events also yield a lot of black titanium from the mole miners you have to kill to defend the equipment, but those events are much harder than Breach and Clear because you have to defend 3 seperate positions rather than just one.

It may well be easier for you to buy it, but it is easy to farm and not rare at all, as AWPC said. I sell my surplus to vendors for not many caps, if I bother picking it up at all. You have to farm a bit for it, but you have to farm a bit to get stuff to sell to get caps to buy it too, so there's some farming either way.

Adhesive can be crafted in settlements, but not in large quantities unless you use most of your camp budget on making an adhesive farm. Also, the quantities of adhesive required are far larger than the quantities of black titanium and ultracite required unless you're making heavy use of ultracite ammunition. The quantity of adhesive required in the context that AWPC was referring to is extremely high. Repairing 532 items and modding 532 items will require at least 4000 units of adhesive, probably more, and it may well be more than 532 items required. I don't recall if energy and plasma weapons are included, or power armour pieces. So it might be as many as 10,000 units of adhesive required, but it's definitely at least 4000 and that's assuming you select the mods with the lowest possible adhesive requirement. Even with green thumb and super duper 3 perks, the largest adhesive farm I can sustain without scrapping my camp provides me with a maximum of 24 adhesive per hour of playtime and that's assuming I meticulously return to camp to craft adhesive precisely once per hour and that Super Duper triggers 50% of the time when I craft vegetable starch and that I use almost 10% of the entire camp building budget solely for an adhesive farm. AWPC is in a worse situation for that - they used their entire building budget on their camp whereas I deliberately left myself a 10% margin to give my scope to try things out.

In comparison...I require zero ultracite and very little black titanium. I have no use for ultracite at all and I only need black titanium to repair my excavator power armour, which lasts dozens of hours of playtime before its condition is below 100% let alone anywhere near broken. I might use perhaps as much as 2 units of black titanium per hour of playtime and that's a generous estimate.

The perceived value of things varies a lot depending on what you're doing. Before I started doing the remaining challenges, I had too much adhesive just from scavving and sold some to vendors for a few caps. Now I've been buying adhesive from vendors at 169 caps for 10 units.

I bought a couple of plans and recipes from player shops, but what I was really doing was looking at the camps they'd made. I like to see how different people have squeezed a camp into the tiny building budget. I won't be opening my own shop until I have ground out the challenges I am doing - I need that building budget for those first, not for a vending machine or two. I have dozens of spare plans to sell. I'm not sure about the pricing. I don't care about the money, but I don't want someone buying the whole lot just to sell them at a profit. I want it to be a shop for people to get plans they don't have at a cheap price.
The player shop works I just sold about 800 Caps worth of plans & maps :D now to list some more I did not realise I had about 300 spare plans 9over the last 6 months kept almost everything) no wonder it was taking up well over 100lb stash space :eek::p
Anyone able to help me with "revive an ally whilst in water" ? I'm on most nights Nick: Prasman
Sure I need that as well so please return the favour my name ingame is: pc-gamer send me a friend request lets get this done! Can we also do the take a camera photo of a player holding a camera @ scenic overlook daily for 10 Atoms please!
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Sold an incredible 3000 Caps worth of plans now. Most are cheap but so many & one player spent over 2000 Caps alone!! I still have 293 for sale at this time ;) and another 50 or so to advertise :p
Added u pc gamer , I can do this now
Ok lets try I will fast travel to you but it does not work I think in PVP has to be Adventure mode. Just tried we could not get it to work either! Can we also do the take a camera photo of a player holding a camera @ scenic overlook daily for 10 Atoms please!
Christ that was difficult. Yes can do the camera now

Thanks AWPC
Yeah thanks for your help buddy I know that is a right nightmare to do!

I do not even have the stamina to do anymore of the Pioneer challenges today :eek: even though I only need the swimming test & exam its drained my motivation as I discovered earlier once you complete the initial batch of Pioneer challenges there are about another 27 to go & each has between 9 & 14 parts to them so basically 100s more to get the full 500 x 2 = 1000 for both badge types to buy all items ingame :eek: even for an MMO lite that is just pure Bethesda grind :rolleyes: You do not even see the other types of Challenge until you finish the first batch then they will appear in the updated list...some are so time consuming it will take many months :eek::( and some are also not even possible right now due to Bethesda forgetting to include the items in the actual game :rolleyes:

Having way more fun with my Vendor shop sold an incredible 6500 Caps worth of Plans & Maps now shame its all going on more Plans I do not have! ;)

Found a player vendor earlier selling adhesive for only 2 Caps each so I bought all 70 which went in a few seconds on the repairs challenge :eek:
I was idly chipping away at pioneer challenges until the game crashed. It's nice that Bethesda built that "take a break" mechanism into the game :)

Amusingly, one of the problems is that I am too good at crafting weapons. I made a crossbow that's so robust that it's still well over 100% condition after shooting about 80 bolts, so it's going to take a lot of time and adhesive to repair it 3 times. Also, note to self, do not try to kill a L62 glowing legendary ghoul with an unmodified crossbow :)

I don't really have the motivation for it. Server hopping to find a bazillion animals to photograph? Challenges that can't be done solo? Challenges that can't be done at all? Why bother? As far as I know the only rewards are backpacks and clothes that you can't use with power armour anyway.

EDIT: I see that the legendary vendor is selling random legendaries for 100 scrip each for a 3* legendary. That's a lot of farming Whitespring unless you get very lucky first time. You can choose a broad type (e.g. ranged weapon), but that's still a random selection from over a dozen items each with thousands of possible combinations of legendary effects. I doubt if you'll get a legendary you really want with less than 5000 scrip. But hey ho, it's something new.
Had a great day in the Player Vending shop sold an incredible 12000 Caps worth of Plans & other Items like rare costumes & masks ;) tomorrow I hope to sell even more but its hard work this virtual retail shopkeeper life just keeping the stocks fully replenished :p at least my prices are low some of the other player vendors want silly money for items you can get ingame anytime! My prices are typically about 40-50% below the recommend prices with some great bargain to be had!
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