**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

They were 1/4 to 1/5 the price of every other player vendor who was selling the same mats BTW,and massively cheaper than the robot vendors.

Its not cheaper to farm when it costs me more in time and fast travel caps having to scavenge or buy mats, for the amount of ammo I need to use take down high level SB or try and luck out on being able to join a SBQ takedown since all the ultra high end guys kill the SBQ in 5 seconds,and I usually cannot fast travel instantly since I am always scavenging to sell stuff or for the mats and tend to be quite loaded.

I literally doubled my UC amount for a few caps,and it would have taken multiple SBQ takedowns to be able to get that amount. Some of my mates also don't have time to be grinding for those mats and supplies,so I also have been building stuff for them too so we are all equally armoured and well armed. If not I will be playing this game solo,which makes it worse.

You are making the assumption everyone has been playing this from the beta onwards grinding continuously and getting ultimate legendary weapons,etc. I can't even find a pair of calibrated shocks for my X01 armour FFS even with server hopping. The grinding is start to destroy my enthusiasm for the game now and that is getting to level 60.

Adhesive I have more than enough off,especially since it can be crafted in settlements.

Ultracite scrap doesn't require killing high level scorchbeasts, let alone a scorchbeast queen. At level 60, you should be easily capable of killing scorchbeasts solo without any legendary equipment. I started killing SB at ~L35. Solo. Without legendary equipment. In excavator power armour, which offers less protection than any other PA other than raider.With an unoptimised build (rifle and shotgun), which I use because I like it. I soloed 3 SB simultaneously by L60 and I still didn't have any relevant legendary equipment (a handmade gun that did extra damage to robots and a combat shotgun that did extra damage to ghouls). In addition to that, every fissure site has ultracite ore around it that you can just collect and smelt it at a chemistry bench with just acid (which is extremely common).

Just both you and your buddy need to pipe down with the condescending attitude you are having and stop putting words into my mouth - where have I said you need to kill a SBQ to get UC??

I said I bought the equivalent of killing several SBQ worth of UC for a few caps. Both you and the other guy started ranting against player stores,and yet the moment I said I got tons of mats,you started fibbing.

I killed a level 65 SB at level 40 using LVL25 Excavator armour solo without a legendary. UC veins are variable - some don't have many if any,especially depending on who has been through there before.

I have enough time in Fallout 4 building big settlements through scavenging and using game income and not using cheats.You know that.

Maybe in the middle of rant you might want to read I am scavenging for more than one person too,as most people I know who play with me can't keep grinding this POS game with its crap drops.

But all the mega Fallout 76 fans can't see past that since they spend so much time grinding they can't even realise if someone just plays normally its much worse for them.

You and him have been playing this so much your viewpoints are utterly skewed. I still play far more than anyone else I know playing this game and they find the grind crap. Things like UC scavenging are a pain for normal players as it needs you to take on SB and SBQ with the need for decentish weapons and enough ammo especially.

For black titanium, the most effective way to obtain it without buying it is by killing mole miners. They drop stuff that can be scrapped to yield black titanium in relatively large quantities. Doing the "Breach and Clear" event if you see it will also usually yield a lot of black titanium (from the ore in the containers and from the mole miners you have to kill to defend the mining equipment) and it's a very simple low-level event. The Lode Bearing and Uranium Fever events also yield a lot of black titanium from the mole miners you have to kill to defend the equipment, but those events are much harder than Breach and Clear because you have to defend 3 seperate positions rather than just one.

Already did that. But maybe you need to read what I said first?? I never said BT was hard to find once. I said I just got some on the cheap which saved me a ton of time when helping my mates upgrade their armour. They can't keep scavenging all the time.

It may well be easier for you to buy it, but it is easy to farm and not rare at all, as AWPC said. I sell my surplus to vendors for not many caps, if I bother picking it up at all. You have to farm a bit for it, but you have to farm a bit to get stuff to sell to get caps to buy it too, so there's some farming either way.

So its easier to buy UC at 1 to 2 caps per scrap,instead of ****** around fast travelling to rifts and SB and SBQ battles,using resources when I can literally can get 500 to 1000 caps just scavenging crap in the WS and selling it back to the vendors. LOL.

In terms of time,much less time too.

Adhesive can be crafted in settlements, but not in large quantities unless you use most of your camp budget on making an adhesive farm. Also, the quantities of adhesive required are far larger than the quantities of black titanium and ultracite required unless you're making heavy use of ultracite ammunition. The quantity of adhesive required in the context that AWPC was referring to is extremely high. Repairing 532 items and modding 532 items will require at least 4000 units of adhesive, probably more, and it may well be more than 532 items required. I don't recall if energy and plasma weapons are included, or power armour pieces. So it might be as many as 10,000 units of adhesive required, but it's definitely at least 4000 and that's assuming you select the mods with the lowest possible adhesive requirement. Even with green thumb and super duper 3 perks, the largest adhesive farm I can sustain without scrapping my camp provides me with a maximum of 24 adhesive per hour of playtime and that's assuming I meticulously return to camp to craft adhesive precisely once per hour and that Super Duper triggers 50% of the time when I craft vegetable starch and that I use almost 10% of the entire camp building budget solely for an adhesive farm. AWPC is in a worse situation for that - they used their entire building budget on their camp whereas I deliberately left myself a 10% margin to give my scope to try things out.

Never had a real problem,but some of you are obssessed with the challenges.

In comparison...I require zero ultracite and very little black titanium. I have no use for ultracite at all and I only need black titanium to repair my excavator power armour, which lasts dozens of hours of playtime before its condition is below 100% let alone anywhere near broken. I might use perhaps as much as 2 units of black titanium per hour of playtime and that's a generous estimatep.

I made loads of suits for people around me,who unlike you and your mate haven't spent their entire time from the beta playing the game. It saves people time and mats if they see a decent deal.
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AWPC said:
Player shops I have decided are not even worth the fast travel costs (unless you right next to them) as most offer common plans & want huge money for mundane items you can find ingame :( staggering greed!

I got some good deals on black titanium and ultracite scrap from the player vendor shops,and managed to find one of the 90% weight reduction Fat-mans for not much either.

AWPC said:
Those 2 are easy to farm is why so cheap they are not rare at all. Try getting some good deals on Adhesive & let me know where please :)

They were 1/4 to 1/5 the price of every other player vendor who was selling the same mats BTW,and massively cheaper than the robot vendors.

Its not cheaper to farm when it costs me more in time and fast travel caps having to scavenge or buy mats, for the amount of ammo I need to use take down high level SB or try and luck out on being able to join a SBQ takedown since all the ultra high end guys kill the SBQ in 5 seconds,and I usually cannot fast travel instantly since I am always scavenging to sell stuff or for the mats and tend to be quite loaded.

I literally doubled my UC amount for a few caps,and it would have taken multiple SBQ takedowns to be able to get that amount. Some of my mates also don't have time to be grinding for those mats and supplies,so I also have been building stuff for them too so we are all equally armoured and well armed. If not I will be playing this game solo,which makes it worse.

You are making the assumption everyone has been playing this from the beta onwards grinding continuously and getting ultimate legendary weapons,etc. I can't even find a pair of calibrated shocks for my X01 armour FFS even with server hopping. The grinding is start to destroy my enthusiasm for the game now and that is getting to level 60.

Adhesive I have more than enough off,especially since it can be crafted in settlements.

Angilion said:

AWPC said:
Trying to genuinely help someone but ignore list is very useful ;)

You are not being helpful - you determined all shops were greedy,and I pointed out I got some harder to get mats for not much caps from player vendors. Even when I told you I was crafting armour for my mates who don't play as much.

Since that didn't spin the narrative that YOU THINK that player shops are not worth you started shoving down my throat that I was wrong to have got loads of UC and BT for very low cost,instead of having to farm it during SB/SBQ,etc battles.

So lets have a look at this at someone who is not grinding this game day in,day out. So will not have the bestest weapons in the world.

So unless you cheat in a SBQ battle by coming at the end,you still need good weapons,armour,healing stuff,etc. You need to craft ammo,especially if you are not higher level,and haven't got a good legendary weapon. So rep costs,and ammo costs especially for some of the higher fire rate weapons. Then you have to FT to the site. Now multiply by that 4 to 5 times. Now what happens if you use UC ammo that will be eaten through too.

So for literally the amount of caps I can scavenge selling stuff I find in the Whitespring in a few minutes,I got the equivalent of 5 SBQ fights.Literally for a few minutes of farming The WS.

You both seem to think that everyone is playing like you since the beta continuously. If UC scrap was so common,then why is only the level 100+ types who seem to be selling it then at any quantity on instances I was on? It is because they have grinded and grinded. The person I bought it off was level 300+ FFS. Everyone else was selling it for 4/5X the cost at a minimum.

Another one of my mates got some weapons from a very high level player vendor for not much too.

It is hilarious you can't seem to get this.

This is why the game servers are rarely full - its a grindy game with no real end purpose. This is why the game dropped hugely in price.

People mocked Fallout 4 for its mats grinding repeatedly and Fallout 76 takes it to another level. So ignore away.

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Picked up a new legendary weapon. May become my weapon of choice for wandering around. Two shot, explosive hunting rifle with a refined .50 receiver. Need to mod it, but should be good enough for now.
Picked up a new legendary weapon. May become my weapon of choice for wandering around. Two shot, explosive hunting rifle with a refined .50 receiver. Need to mod it, but should be good enough for now.

Ohhh love one of those two shot explosive weapons
Ohhh love one of those two shot explosive weapons

Now got 3 of them. A combat shotgun, a Dragon and the hunting rifle. But with the Shotgun it's not great close up as it hurts you, and with the latest patch nerf, it's a bit pants now. I suppose I should mod it back to longer range but... don't use it enough. May stick it in my shop and see what someone will pay for it.
Just both you and your buddy need to pipe down with the condescending attitude you are having

How about you try leading by example?

and stop putting words into my mouth - where have I said you need to kill a SBQ to get UC??

Its not cheaper to farm when it costs me more in time and fast travel caps having to scavenge or buy mats, for the amount of ammo I need to use take down high level SB or try and luck out on being able to join a SBQ takedown [..]

To which I replied:
Ultracite scrap doesn't require killing high level scorchbeasts, let alone a scorchbeast queen.

I did not say "You said that you need to kill a SBQ to get UC"

So how about you stop putting words in my mouth?

You're being a hypocrite.

Incidentally, I haven't been playing since the beta. But don't let reality get in the way of your blathering. I'm slightly curious as to whether or not I've played more than you have, but I've no way of knowing and wouldn't trust your answer if you told me.

I gave the rest of your post a quick skim and found some more drivel:

Both you and the other guy started ranting against player stores,and yet the moment I said I got tons of mats,you started fibbing.

That's a lie. Two lies, to be precise. Is this some sort of secret challenge I don't know about, where you have to grind out 76 lies?
Would not get too excited about gathering scrip someone just datamined the items available from the legendary vendor it seems they are just 2* 3* items only at this stage so for me personally I may as well sell the weapons for caps instead of turning into scrip :(

The screenshots from the "forthcoming stuff" section on Bethesda's website show the following:

EDIT: I see that the legendary vendor is selling random legendaries for 100 scrip each for a 3* legendary. That's a lot of farming Whitespring unless you get very lucky first time. You can choose a broad type (e.g. ranged weapon), but that's still a random selection from over a dozen items each with thousands of possible combinations of legendary effects. I doubt if you'll get a legendary you really want with less than 5000 scrip. But hey ho, it's something new.

The screenshots show 3 choices for item type - armour, melee weapon, ranged weapon - and 3 choices for legendary level for each type - 1,2 or 3*. 100 scrip for 3 star, can't remember the others. 25 for 1*, 60 for 2*, I think. Also a wholly random 3* for 65 scrip.

I'm going to carry on gathering legendary scrip. Even if I don't get lucky with the random legendaries I buy from the purveyor, it is at least something different. I can sell other scav for caps and the max is still 25K so it's not like you can really save up. With hard bargain 3 on, it's not difficult to acquire 1400 caps worth of scav when you're on, especially now that the the vendor cap stash is pooled so you no longer need to hop around different faction vendors for 200 caps a time.

I've sold loads of legendary items to the vending machine but my pip boy "Collections" tab shows ZERO scrips?!

Anyone else seeing this?

No, but I had it showing "NaN" scrips at one point. I tracked that down to the "Save Everything" mod, which I installed a while ago to prevent accidentally selling or dropping equipped and favourited items. Which I notice has now been implemented in the game itself. Maybe I missed the patch notes for that. Do you have any mods installed?

Now got 3 of them. A combat shotgun, a Dragon and the hunting rifle. But with the Shotgun it's not great close up as it hurts you, and with the latest patch nerf, it's a bit pants now. I suppose I should mod it back to longer range but... don't use it enough. May stick it in my shop and see what someone will pay for it.

I haven't found any two shot explosive weapons yet. A couple of explosive and a couple of 2 shot, but never together. I'm not sure if modding the shotgun back to longer range would do you much good. I make heavy use of shotguns and I've found that the damage drops off a lot with range. Even with a longer barrel, I think they're still a pretty short range weapon. My main wandering around weapon is a 3* combat shotgun that has faster reloading, 25% faster rate of fire and the Furious effect that causes consecutive hits on the same target to do more damage. I don't know exactly how much of an effect the Furious thing has, but it's most definitely noticeable on mobs with a lot of hp. Shotguns still deteriorate quite quickly even with Gunsmith 5 permanently in play, but some of the patches have made them less flimsy. Earlier on, they seemed to be made out of papier mache and blu-tac. With the extra damage and staggering perks for shotguns, I think they're a viable option for people who fancy using them. Stagger is very useful and shotguns do it best. I have a handmade gun for range, but the best I've found is a 1* instigating and that's better suited to a sniper. I don't fancy that playstyle, which is why I've not gone for the rifles with a slower rate of fire and more frequent reloading.

One thing that FO76 has done at least fairly well is to allow for different viable styles of play.

An unusual combination I've been playing around with is a 1* quad capacity double barrelled shotgun. Surprisingly useful. The double barrelled shotguns do more damage, but they're greatly hindered by having to reload every 2 shots. A quad capacity one only needs to be reloading every 8 shots and that makes it much more useful.
AWPC said:
Player shops I have decided are not even worth the fast travel costs (unless you right next to them) as most offer common plans & want huge money for mundane items you can find ingame :( staggering greed!

CAT-THE-FIFTH post right after AWPC said:
I got some good deals on black titanium and ultracite scrap from the player vendor shops,and managed to find one of the 90% weight reduction Fat-mans for not much either.

Those 2 are easy to farm is why so cheap they are not rare at all. Try getting some good deals on Adhesive & let me know where please :)

They were 1/4 to 1/5 the price of every other player vendor who was selling the same mats BTW,and massively cheaper than the robot vendors.

Its not cheaper to farm when it costs me more in time and fast travel caps having to scavenge or buy mats, for the amount of ammo I need to use take down high level SB or try and luck out on being able to join a SBQ takedown since all the ultra high end guys kill the SBQ in 5 seconds,and I usually cannot fast travel instantly since I am always scavenging to sell stuff or for the mats and tend to be quite loaded.

I literally doubled my UC amount for a few caps,and it would have taken multiple SBQ takedowns to be able to get that amount. Some of my mates also don't have time to be grinding for those mats and supplies,so I also have been building stuff for them too so we are all equally armoured and well armed. If not I will be playing this game solo,which makes it worse.

You are making the assumption everyone has been playing this from the beta onwards grinding continuously and getting ultimate legendary weapons,etc. I can't even find a pair of calibrated shocks for my X01 armour FFS even with server hopping. The grinding is start to destroy my enthusiasm for the game now and that is getting to level 60.

Adhesive I have more than enough off,especially since it can be crafted in settlements.

Ultracite scrap doesn't require killing high level scorchbeasts, let alone a scorchbeast queen. At level 60, you should be easily capable of killing scorchbeasts solo without any legendary equipment. I started killing SB at ~L35. Solo. Without legendary equipment. In excavator power armour, which offers less protection than any other PA other than raider. With an unoptimised build (rifle and shotgun), which I use because I like it. I soloed 3 SB simultaneously by L60 and I still didn't have any relevant legendary equipment (a handmade gun that did extra damage to robots and a combat shotgun that did extra damage to ghouls). In addition to that, every fissure site has ultracite ore around it that you can just collect and smelt it at a chemistry bench with just acid (which is extremely common).

For black titanium, the most effective way to obtain it without buying it is by killing mole miners. They drop stuff that can be scrapped to yield black titanium in relatively large quantities. Doing the "Breach and Clear" event if you see it will also usually yield a lot of black titanium (from the ore in the containers and from the mole miners you have to kill to defend the mining equipment) and it's a very simple low-level event. The Lode Bearing and Uranium Fever events also yield a lot of black titanium from the mole miners you have to kill to defend the equipment, but those events are much harder than Breach and Clear because you have to defend 3 seperate positions rather than just one.

It may well be easier for you to buy it, but it is easy to farm and not rare at all, as AWPC said. I sell my surplus to vendors for not many caps, if I bother picking it up at all. You have to farm a bit for it, but you have to farm a bit to get stuff to sell to get caps to buy it too, so there's some farming either way.

Adhesive can be crafted in settlements, but not in large quantities unless you use most of your camp budget on making an adhesive farm. Also, the quantities of adhesive required are far larger than the quantities of black titanium and ultracite required unless you're making heavy use of ultracite ammunition. The quantity of adhesive required in the context that AWPC was referring to is extremely high. Repairing 532 items and modding 532 items will require at least 4000 units of adhesive, probably more, and it may well be more than 532 items required. I don't recall if energy and plasma weapons are included, or power armour pieces. So it might be as many as 10,000 units of adhesive required, but it's definitely at least 4000 and that's assuming you select the mods with the lowest possible adhesive requirement. Even with green thumb and super duper 3 perks, the largest adhesive farm I can sustain without scrapping my camp provides me with a maximum of 24 adhesive per hour of playtime and that's assuming I meticulously return to camp to craft adhesive precisely once per hour and that Super Duper triggers 50% of the time when I craft vegetable starch and that I use almost 10% of the entire camp building budget solely for an adhesive farm. AWPC is in a worse situation for that - they used their entire building budget on their camp whereas I deliberately left myself a 10% margin to give my scope to try things out.

In comparison...I require zero ultracite and very little black titanium. I have no use for ultracite at all and I only need black titanium to repair my excavator power armour, which lasts dozens of hours of playtime before its condition is below 100% let alone anywhere near broken. I might use perhaps as much as 2 units of black titanium per hour of playtime and that's a generous estimate.

The perceived value of things varies a lot depending on what you're doing. Before I started doing the remaining challenges, I had too much adhesive just from scavving and sold some to vendors for a few caps. Now I've been buying adhesive from vendors at 169 caps for 10 units.

I bought a couple of plans and recipes from player shops, but what I was really doing was looking at the camps they'd made. I like to see how different people have squeezed a camp into the tiny building budget. I won't be opening my own shop until I have ground out the challenges I am doing - I need that building budget for those first, not for a vending machine or two. I have dozens of spare plans to sell. I'm not sure about the pricing. I don't care about the money, but I don't want someone buying the whole lot just to sell them at a profit. I want it to be a shop for people to get plans they don't have at a cheap price.

Just both you and your buddy need to pipe down with the condescending attitude you are having and stop putting words into my mouth - where have I said you need to kill a SBQ to get UC??

I said I bought the equivalent of killing several SBQ worth of UC for a few caps. Both you and the other guy started ranting against player stores,and yet the moment I said I got tons of mats,you started fibbing.

I killed a level 65 SB at level 40 using LVL25 Excavator armour solo without a legendary. UC veins are variable - some don't have many if any,especially depending on who has been through there before.

I have enough time in Fallout 4 building big settlements through scavenging and using game income and not using cheats.You know that.

Maybe in the middle of rant you might want to read I am scavenging for more than one person too,as most people I know who play with me can't keep grinding this POS game with its crap drops.

But all the mega Fallout 76 fans can't see past that since they spend so much time grinding they can't even realise if someone just plays normally its much worse for them.

You and him have been playing this so much your viewpoints are utterly skewed. I still play far more than anyone else I know playing this game and they find the grind crap. Things like UC scavenging are a pain for normal players as it needs you to take on SB and SBQ with the need for decentish weapons and enough ammo especially.

Already did that. But maybe you need to read what I said first?? I never said BT was hard to find once. I said I just got some on the cheap which saved me a ton of time when helping my mates upgrade their armour. They can't keep scavenging all the time.

So its easier to buy UC at 1 to 2 caps per scrap,instead of ****** around fast travelling to rifts and SB and SBQ battles,using resources when I can literally can get 500 to 1000 caps just scavenging crap in the WS and selling it back to the vendors. LOL.

In terms of time,much less time too.

Never had a real problem,but some of you are obssessed with the challenges.

I made loads of suits for people around me,who unlike you and your mate haven't spent their entire time from the beta playing the game. It saves people time and mats if they see a decent deal.

How about you try leading by example?

To which I replied:

I did not say "You said that you need to kill a SBQ to get UC"

So how about you stop putting words in my mouth?

You're being a hypocrite.

Incidentally, I haven't been playing since the beta. But don't let reality get in the way of your blathering. I'm slightly curious as to whether or not I've played more than you have, but I've no way of knowing and wouldn't trust your answer if you told me.

I gave the rest of your post a quick skim and found some more drivel:

That's a lie. Two lies, to be precise. Is this some sort of secret challenge I don't know about, where you have to grind out 76 lies?
No your the one who is deflecting now trying to selectively quote posts,to remove context.

How about you lead by example. Your the one is blathering and poked your nose into a conversation I was having with AWPC.

I like how both of you are on purpose trying to misconstrue "several SBQ battles worth of UC" when you very well know you get a ton drop during the battle as reward,have several OTHER normal SB attack,their bones and bits have UC,and the rift it appears on also has UC. I also love how you also have forgotten the larger rifts which also have more UC deposits will have higher level SBs over them.

So multiple that by nearly 5 times,and see how much I got for a few caps from a level 200+ player who probably has been grinding this game for ages.

But since AWPC gave the order player shops are useless,you came into back him up.

All over me saying I got several "SBQ battles worth of UC" for a few caps(and a ton of BT) for a few minutes of farming. ONE line.

YOU BOTH are the ones who started this argument,not me. Because a few 100 caps which you can easily get inside The Whitespring collecting some crap in a few minutes,is obviously more time and effort in resources than fighting multiple SB/SBQ battles over Fissure site Alpha. That is also not included the tedious missile solo battle,which you also need to do if you want to nuke a fissure site yourself to start the battle,which takes time too. Also the time,it takes to get all the missile site codes,unless you cheat and go on the website which publishes the codes.

Why is this so hard for you to understand?

Both you and him have made nearly 700 of the posts here which again only active players would be doing(I stopped posting in the thread in November),and now both are playing the victim by making sure that someone saying they got a few deals harder to get mats,should be shamed into shutting up. I even explained how I was helping out some mates who have less time to scavenge,but no you can't fathom that. You are both hardcore players,and some of us are not,so you cannot even get that,time is a consideration here,and how player shops can be useful.

But lets not get selective quoting get in the way of you two trying to tell people what to post in a thread and they are not playing the game to your standards.
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Starting to find some of the player vendor shops are actually working as intended now the sheer greed has died down a little (a lot of that around still though players selling rarer items for thousands of caps I am selling for a few hundred!) . You can actually buy loads of materials & aids for very little money some players are selling for 2-5 caps per items which is reasonable. I bought 1000 Screws & 50 Stimpacks from someone. Also finding some players are mispricing by a big margin selling 2* legendary for less than the price you get from selling to the vendor bots :eek:

Some new player I noticed last night appears near whiteprings station overlooking the golf course selling all Serums (not the plans just the serums) for only 500 Caps each which is a very good price as with the right perks they can last for a long time & provide massive gameplay benefits (if you have the right perk cards that is!).
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