Once Patch 9 is live, you will be able to find Legendary Exchange Machines at Train Stations around Appalachia. Load up your inventory with the legendary items you no longer want to keep, place them in the machine, and then collect your Scrip. The higher the star-rating of your legendary items, the more Scrip you will receive. The more Legendary Scrip you have when the Purveyor arrives, the more legendary weapons and armor you will be able to buy!
Like most things 76 related its just not very well implemented. More half measures, minimal cost to develop instead of real changes within the game world. The 10% tax is also laughable I mean who benefits from that BethesdaSo...player vending is supposed to be going live this week. One related change is that every camp with a powered vending machine is visible on the main map. That will change things. Also, the items you put in your vending machine stay in your stash until sold, so they still take up stash space. That makes vending machines less useful, but it's a change.
The same patch will start to bring in the idea of trading legendary items. The way it's being done makes sense, but I think it will have unintended consequences. The way it works is that you trade in legendary items for currency that the legendary vendor will accept. That makes sense. However...the transaction is handled by vending machines and there will be one at every train station. I think Whitespring will become even more of an anomaly than it is already. It's by far the best source of legendary items and there's a station right next door. Farm the golf club, cottages/chalets and laundry building, get a dozen or more legendary items, go to station, get a wad of legendary scrip. It's going to be very crowded there, even more so than it already is. If the cost of buying legendaries is balanced for Whitespring, they will be too expensive to buy without farming Whitespring. If it's balanced for ordinary play, farming Whitespring will allow a player to buy the very best legendary kit in a fairly short amount of time.
Like most things 76 related its just not very well implemented. More half measures, minimal cost to develop instead of real changes within the game world. The 10% tax is also laughable I mean who benefits from that Bethesda![]()
Yesterdays daily included a 10 Atom challenge where 2 players must have bought the VTU costume (conveniently reduced to 480 Atoms last nightin a flash sale!) so to earn 10 Atoms you must spend 480 Atoms (or 800 Atoms when it goes back to full price later today!
Seems to be the way the game is heading constant microtransactions for cosmetics & very limited new content. All the new content is so weak & lacking depth. They just amount to events & challenges higher level players can breeze through in a few minutes.
For sure I will not be selling anything in the Player vendor machine as it also drives players to your CAMP so vastly increases the chance of you getting constant you cannot play your camp on this server messages if they like your placement & layout![]()
Bethesda confirmed yesterday that the T60 Sentinel Paintjob reward for turning in Technical Data is not supposed to be ingame (someone stole it from the developer room). The turning in Technical Data rewards are T60 power armour paint jobs BOS1,2,3,4,5 & 6 only.
1: You harvest them by growing them in the ground!Anyway...I have a couple of questions:
1) In order to do the repair and mod challenges, I need about a bazillion units of adhesive. I've been selling it to vendors for a while now, keeping only about 200 in my stash for repairing my equipment. Now I have none. There's no way I can set up a useful adhesive farm - I have neither the space nor the building budget. With the budget I have left, I could possibly make as much as 10 adhesive per hour from the farm I could make. Probably not even that much. So I'm after places where I can forage large quantities of the materials needed. Corn is no problem - there's an old farm in the forest area where a player with green thumb on can forage ~200 units of corn. Mutfruit and tatoes are the issue. Do you know of any locations with lots of mutfruit and tatoes? I want dozens or hundreds at a time because it's an inefficient way to make adhesive. IIRC it's 2 corn, 2 tatoes, 3 mutfruit and 2 water to make 1 starch which makes 2 adhesive.
2) Is it just me or has the rate at which power armour drains fusion cores been increased a lot recently? For the first time ever, I've equipped the power user perk because I was rapidly running down my stock of fusion cores despite gathering more as I played and I could see the cores draining even when walking.
*snip*many other older previously fixed bugs are back like not being able to fast travel after getting killed (no locations on the map except vault 76).
[..]There's no way I can set up a useful adhesive farm - I have neither the space nor the building budget. With the budget I have left, I could possibly make as much as 10 adhesive per hour from the farm I could make. Probably not even that much. So I'm after places where I can forage large quantities of the materials needed. Corn is no problem - there's an old farm in the forest area where a player with green thumb on can forage ~200 units of corn. Mutfruit and tatoes are the issue. Do you know of any locations with lots of mutfruit and tatoes?
1: You harvest them by growing them in the ground!So harvest mutfruit & tatoes cultivate them & pick when they are ready.
2: Its not just you the drain is way higher than beforeEven with Power User 3 I am rapidly running out fast which is a big problem as I am only a Power Armour build
some players say the charge from running is the issue I am not so sure think Bethesda nerfed them without saying or just plain broke them due to yet another failed dev build merge between versions as many other older previously fixed bugs are back like not being able to fast travel after getting killed (no locations on the map except vault 76).
Be very careful around capturing workshops it makes you vulnerable to instant death even in Adventure mode with Pacifist on. Still not patched so you can lose a load of caps & junk which is what happened to me the other day!Had a variation of that the other day. Had captured the ammo plant and was making a bit of 5.56 as well as mining lead (to make more 5.56) and someone tried to take it over and lobbed a mini nuke where I was making some ammo. Killed...
Couldn't respawn anywhere, even Vault 76 was a no go. Had to quit to main menu and connect again.
Also had the no radiation in a nuke zone bug again yesterday. This time at Harpers Ferry.
Leave the item on the ground be logged in with your alt account on another PC installation and be at the same location at the same time I think is how it works! Either that or they buy cheap keys for alt characters so not bothered about getting banned anyway. Some are selling ultra rare items already for 30-40,000 Caps this is just insaneHow can they share items between characters? I didn't think that was possible?
Or did Bethesda add a Shared Stash between all characters? I only have one, so I don't know how it works, but I read that it wasn't possible...
Finally, watch out for friendly female (they are probably not female either!) characters ingame some are just a honey trap to learn your camp location so they can then wreck it or ambush youuntil Bethesda patch the camp DMG in adventure mode best to ignore random friend requests
as no way to know if they are genuine or not!
[..] I've recently maxed out my Enclave under armour, which was the only decent thing I could find to use my stash of flux on.
Its not that silly I have done far worse ingame spending 8 hours photographing all the robots for that photo challengeI doubt if any players are killing other players for caps and junk. That's just not worth doing. A few dozen caps, some assorted junk, why bother? I think that players who are killing other players are more likely doing it because they're...unpleasant people, to put it politely. Its more than a few caps though it scales to your level so if your like me level 282 that means 1 Cap per level number is lost so 282 Caps lost for me AND all my Junk (which was the harder to find adhesives, aluminium & other junk I had spent ages scavving). These players can easily make several 1000 Caps per hour for 1 shot killing higher level players after they have claimed a workshop or anything else which enabled the PVP mode in Adventure mode.
I just sold almost all of my stable flux and almost all of my stabilising materials. I realised that the only flux I might use is violet flux for calibrated power armour legs, so I was just wasting ~15% of my stash limit on stuff I wasn't going to use. I always sell mine its worth a fair bit apart from Violet Flux (for calibrated shocks & jetpacks) but right now I have lost so much Junk when players steal it if I happen to get killed in the SBQ I will not take part anymore.
How's this for silly - last night I spent >5 minutes just waiting outside Vault 76 because there was a L1 character in it and I wanted to take a photo of them to cross off 2 of the 10 photo requirements for a weekly challenge. I had just got to thinking "why am I doing this - it's not fun and a game is supposed to be fun" when my internet connection dropped. My ISP is cheap and nasty...and not particularly cheap, really. I'm only still with them through inertia.
Patch 9 arrives today, bringing a host of new Wild Appalachia content to Fallout 76, including new features, quests, challenges, balance adjustments, and a ton of bug fixes.
Read on to catch the full patch notes for today’s update.
Patch Highlights
Patch Version
- Ever Upwards: Join the Pioneer Scouts to complete new Quests, Challenges, an Event, and receive your first Backpack.
- Backpacks: Equip a Backpack to increase your carry weight, then apply mods to customize its appearance and add utility options.
- Personal Vending Machines: Sell your wares to your fellow Dwellers by building a Vending Machine. Advertise your location on the map by powering it up.
- Legendary Exchange Machines: Head to Train Stations to turn your unwanted Legendary items into Legendary Scrip, which can be traded to The Purveyor, a new vendor who will arrive in Appalachia on May 16.
- C.A.M.P. and Workshop Changes: We’ve implemented new Workshop PVP rules, player-damage protections for C.A.M.P.s in Adventure Mode, and loosened restrictions on building C.A.M.P. Foundations.
Download sizes for today’s patch will be approximately 8 GB for consoles and 3.5 GB for PC.
New Wild Appalachia Content
- PC:
- PS4:
- Xbox:
Join the Pioneer Scouts!
- Read Pioneer Scouts posters at Train Stations around Appalachia to begin your journey as the newest member of the Order of the Tadpole.
- You can also unlock a Pioneer Scouts poster for your C.A.M.P. for free in the Atomic Shop through June 9.
- As a Tadpole, you can take part in a variety of activities and mini-quests to show off your Pioneering spirit.
- Complete new Pioneer Scouts Challenges to earn badges that will help you rank-up and can be turned in to claim themed loot.
- Join the new “Terrors of the Dark” event to listen to spooky stories around the campfire with your fellow Pioneer Scouts.
- Read our recent article on Fallout.com to learn more about the Pioneer Scouts.
Personal Vending Machines
- Backpacks are new functional items that you can equip to increase your Carry Weight.
- You can receive your first Backpack by being promoted to the Pioneer Scouts rank of Possum.
- Craft higher-level Backpacks to receive larger carry weight bonuses.
- Backpacks can be modded to change their appearance to match your personal tastes.
- You can also add functional mods to give your Backpack more utility, like increased damage reduction or food refrigeration, often in exchange for reduced storage capacity.
- Backpacks will remain visible over outfits and armor but will be unequipped when you step into a set of Power Armor.
- Outfits that already have a cosmetic backpack built in will not display your functional backpack. However, you will still receive the benefits that your backpack provides.
- Note: Our previous article on Backpacks stated they would remain functional while wearing Power Armor. This was incorrect and we apologize for the miscommunication.
- Read our recent article on Fallout.com to learn more about Backpacks.
Legendary Exchange Machines
- Start a new business venture by building a Vending Machine in your C.A.M.P., which you can use to sell items to other Dwellers for Caps.
- You can build up to four Vending Machines in your C.A.M.P. using the Vendors tab in the Build Menu.
- Power it to advertise your C.A.M.P. to other players on the Map. Players can also Fast Travel to C.A.M.P.s that offer vending and appear on the Map.
- Up to 30 individual or stacks of items can be assigned to the Vending Machine at any given time.
- Assign items from your Inventory or Stash to your Vending Machine and set the Cap prices that you’d like to sell them for.
- Items you’ve assigned to Vending will not be removed from your Stash. Instead, they will display an icon next to their names so that it’s easy to tell what you’ve placed on sale at a glance.
- You will receive a notification whenever a player buys one of your items. 90% of the sale price will be added to your Cap balance. This 10% fee has been designed to help maintain the health of the game’s economy and mitigate inflation.
- Items can still be sold after you’ve reached the current maximum Cap balance of 25,000, but you will not receive any Caps beyond that limit.
- Alternatively, you can use the Map to seek out other traders who have set up shop when you’re looking to purchase new gear for your collection.
C.A.M.P., Crafting, and Workshops
- Legendary Exchange Machines have been added at Train Stations around Appalachia. You can use them to turn your unwanted legendary items into a new currency, called Legendary Scrip.
- Legendary Scrip can be used to buy legendary items from the Purveyor, a new “Legendary Vendor” who will be arriving in Appalachia on May 16. Prepare for her arrival by exchanging your items for Scrip.
- The higher the star-rating of your legendary items, the more Scrip you will receive from Exchange Machines.
- Legendary Scrip cannot be traded and is not shared across characters on your account.
Design and Balance
- C.A.M.P. Damage Protections: C.A.M.P. objects and Structures no longer take damage from other players as long as the defending player, and their C.A.M.P. defenses, are not hostile against their attackers.
- Foundations: The requirement that all Foundation pieces in a block of Foundations need to be built on the terrain has been removed.
- Now, only the first Foundation will need to be built on the terrain and subsequent foundations snapped to that original piece will then ignore this rule.
- This change only applies to C.A.M.P.s and doesn’t affect Workshops.
- Personal Terminal: Players can now build and power a Personal Terminal in their CAMPs which can give information about new discoveries in Appalachia and provides a reminder about visiting some of your “daily” friends.
- You can claim a free Personal Terminal for your humble abode by visiting the Atomic Shop.
- The Personal Terminal can be found on the Misc. Structures tab in the Build Menu.
- Punch Bowls: Can no longer be activated and beverages can no longer be placed within.
- Dev Note: Who’s been spiking the punch?! We’ve had to disable the functionality of Punch Bowls for the time being, but you can still build and place them in your C.A.M.P.
- The Whitespring: C.A.M.P.s can no longer be built or placed near the Whitespring Golf Club.
- Dev Note: We’ve seen many requests from the Fallout 76 community to remove the ability to build C.A.M.P.s near the Whitespring Golf Club, as they can tend to trivialize enemies in the area. We agree with this feedback, and have decided to place a no-build zone in this location.
- Workshop PVP: The following Adjustments have been made to the rules of Workshop PVP:
- Workshop owners must now enter the bounds of the Workshop before they are placed in PVP with the contesting players.
- Workshop Turrets no longer attack a Wanted player unless that player is contesting the owner’s Workshop.
- Players that are not actively contesting an owned Workshop cannot damage the objects built there.
Quests and Events
- Ammo: Flamer Fuel created via crafting increased from 5 to 20.
- Ammo: Cryo Cells created via crafting increased from 15 to 25.
- Fast Travel: A 15-second timer will now appear when attempting to Fast Travel while enemies are nearby. The player will now automatically Fast Travel to the selected location when the timer expires, as long as they are not hit by an enemy during the countdown.
- Hunting Rifle: Increased the damage bonuses provided by the Prime and .50 Caliber Receiver mods. These mods now respectively grant the highest and second-highest damage increases of any Hunting Rifle receiver mods.
- Plasma Guns: Damage increased by 30%.
- Enclave Plasma Guns: Damage increased by 10% to 30%.
- Dev Note: These Plasma Gun changes do not apply to the Gatling Plasma. The damage increase is intended to address drawbacks to Plasma weapons that split damage evenly between ballistic and energy damage types. The Gatling Plasma only deals energy damage and is already one of the higher DPS heavy auto weapons.
- Legendary Armor Effects: Sentinel, Cavalier, and Assassin legendary effects now have a 75% chance to apply during combat.
- Also fixed an issue that could cause these legendary effects to double when using certain equipment combinations.
- Dev Note: Prior to this re-balance and bugfix, combinations of these legendary armors could make players effectively invulnerable from damage, particularly in combat with other players.
- Loot: The legendary drop rates for the Gatling Gun and Cryolater have been adjusted to better match all other weapons.
- Nukashine: Several new “Wake-Up” locations have been added to Nukashine.
- Radstorms: Now occur a little more frequently than before in the Ash Heap, Cranberry Bog, The Mire, and the Savage Divide.
- Dev Note: We’ve read your feedback that Radstorms were too rare, especially when it comes to completing Radstorm-based challenges. They will occur a bit more often than they did prior to this change, but they will still be somewhat rare. Additionally, as of Patch 8.5, Nuke Zones count toward Radstorm Challenge progress.
Survival Beta
- Bureau of Tourism: This has been promoted to a full Main Quest. When players are pointed to begin Bureau of Tourism, it will now display a full quest banner on-screen.
- Dev Note: For new players, exploring the Toxic Valley is an important step in progressing through the game. We wanted to make sure that players have clear pointers to this level-appropriate content.
- Miscellaneous: It is now possible for high-level Unruly Golfer Feral Ghouls to spawn at the Whitespring. This should help higher-level players more easily complete the “Kill unruly golfer feral ghouls at Whitespring” objective.
Bug Fixes
- Death Mechanics: Cap losses on death in the Survival Beta are now based on the player’s current level will not exceed 50 Caps.
- Scoreboards: Added a new “Survival Score” category that will be used as the primary stat for ranking player performance in Survival Beta worlds.
- Players receive one Survival Point for every Experience Point earned while playing in the Survival Beta.
- The total number of Survival Points you currently have will determine your placement on the Scoreboards. The three players with the highest Survival Scores will be highlighted on the Map.
- On death, your Survival Score will be reset to zero.
- When you kill another player, 75% of the Survival Points they had prior to death will be added to your Survival Score.
- For example: If your Survival Score is 500 and you kill a player whose Score is 1,000, they will lose all their Points and you will receive 750, for a new Survival Score of 1,250.
Art and Graphics
C.A.M.P., Crafting, and Workshops
- Characters: Female Dweller shoulders no longer clip through the Vintage Linen Coat.
- Characters: Biv's treads no longer appear to jitter when he stops near the entrance of the Nukashine’s basement.
- Enemies: The Sheepsquatch now has a proper animation for crawling and standing up after its legs have been crippled.
- Enemies: Mirelurks are no longer missing gore when dismembered.
- Enemies: Fixed a visual issue that could cause Feral Ghouls to spawn wearing too many clothing items.
- Items: Scout’s Life #10 now displays the correct cover art.
- Outfits: Reworked the Nukagirl Rocketsuit models that appear while inspecting the body piece and helmet.
- Power Armor: Jetpack visual effects no longer persist upon landing after firing a weapon while using a Jetpack.
- Power Armor: Duplicate decals have been removed from Camo Power Armor Paints.
- Weapons: Crossbow Bolts have been made easier to see.
- Weapons: Fixed several issues affecting how weapon lights appear to players.
- Weapons: Plasma Gun projectile visual effects now correctly appear to start from the barrel of the weapon when viewed by another player.
- Weapons: Plasma Gatling and Plasma Gun projectile visual effects have been restored.
- Weather: Rain no longer falls through Camping Canopies.
- Blueprints: Fixed a rare issue that could cause game controls to lock up when attempting to create a Blueprint.
- Blueprints: Fixed an issue that could prevent Blueprints with vases on shelves from being placed.
- Blueprints: Fixed multiple issues that could prevent Blueprint placement if a blueprinted object, such as a Tent, contained another object.
- Blueprints: The player’s C.A.M.P. will now correctly be automatically blueprinted if the client crashed while building.
- Blueprints: A Blueprint that includes a Tent will no longer appear placeable if the selected location is invalid.
- Blueprints: Fixed an issue that prevented Blueprints from being placed if the player’s Stored items have reached the maximum object count.
- C.A.M.P.: Improved the way terrain and supporting objects are detected, which allows for more natural object placement.
- C.A.M.P.: Fixed an issue that could result in loss of stored items under specific conditions.
- C.A.M.P.: Players can now correctly activate the build menu by selecting a teammate's C.A.M.P., even if that teammate is far from the area.
- Fermenter: Items assignments to the Fermenter from the Stash are now preserved if the player’s C.A.M.P. cannot be placed upon joining a world.
- Fermenter: All Items assigned to the Fermenter that have Condition now correctly display their Condition bars.
- Statues: The bottom of the Mothman Statue no longer disappears when it is placed or while previewing it in the build menu.
- Wall Décor: Implemented an improvement affecting how objects Wall Décor items are attached to Walls or other objects.
- Wall Décor: Can now be properly placed around Hanging Chandeliers.
- Wires: Editing or removing a Wire or placing a Blueprint containing a Wire no longer prevents players from continuing to build.
- General: Corrected typos in number of Challenges.
- Combat: The “Destroy Robots While Unarmed” Challenge now correctly specifies that the player must use gauntlets or martial gloves, rather than bare fists.
- Holiday: All Halloween costumes now correctly count toward Halloween costume Challenge progress.
- Hunter/Hunted: Corrected Weekly and Daily Hunter/Hunted Challenges to specify that the player must “win” rather than “complete” Hunter/Hunted.
- Hunter/Hunted: The Silver Shroud costume option in Weekly Hunter/Hunted Challenges no longer displays description text for the Manta Man costume.
- Hunter/Hunted: Corrected the "Win Hunter/Hunted While Wearing a Mr. Fuzzy Mask" Weekly Challenge to state “Mask”, instead of “Hat”.
- Weekly: Fixed an issue where sometimes picking flowers, killing huge creatures, and killing Mothman as part of a Weekly Challenge would not count as expected.
- Weekly: Corrected a Weekly Challenge timer that would have outlasted the inevitable heat death of our universe.
- Weekly: The Flatwoods Monster once again correctly counts as an Alien for the “Take Pictures of Cryptids” Weekly Challenge.
- Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow players to leave the game’s playable area near Sugar Grove.
- Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow a Vertibird to be farmed for XP.
- General: Deathclaws, Mirelurks, Mirelurk variants, and Radscorpions are no longer considered animals.
- Dev Note: These creatures were incorrectly added to the Animals category, and already belonged to other creature categories, like Insects or Reptiles. This change should prevent inconsistencies and double dipping that could occur with Perk effects that target certain types of creatures.
- Imposter Sheepsquatch: if the Imposter Sheepsquatch is visible when it is killed, its corpse will no longer become invisible.
- Legendary Robots: Now consistently detonate 10 seconds after being destroyed, rather than exploding immediately.
- Scorchbeast Queen: Can no longer be turned into an Ash Pile or a Goo Pile. This should help limit cases where players were unable to loot the Queen’s corpse in certain situations.
Performance and Stability
- Exploit: Addressed an exploit that could allow players to gain the benefits of an Aid item without consuming it.
- Exploit: Fixed an issue that could allow players to skip reload animations for certain weapons.
- Explosive Shotguns: Fixed an issue causing Shotguns with the Explosive legendary effect to deal double damage, rather than the intended +20%.
- Gatling Gun: Gatling Guns that have the Sight Ring mod now fire more accurately down the sights.
- Gatling Laser: Fixed an issue that cause the Gatling Laser to fire only fire one round when holding the fire button after reloading a Fusion Core.
- Grognak's Axe: Can now correctly be repaired beyond 100% Condition using the Weapon Artisan perk.
- Legendary Items: All legendary effects, rather than just the first, are now correctly listed in the notification that appears when receiving a legendary item.
- Legendary Items: Legendary stars are now correctly displayed in the item’s name on the Inspect and Modify screens, as well as in the notification that appears when receiving a legendary item.
- Lever Action Rifle: The Wooden Inlay Lever Action Rifle Paint can now be correctly applied to The Sole Survivor and will remain applied between play sessions.
- Loot: Fixed an issue that could prevent a player from receiving a legendary item after killing a legendary creature on busy servers.
- Minigun: Crafting Chrome Minigun Paint now correctly consumes the required materials.
- Mods: Fixed an issue the prevented the Electrified mod from dealing its bonus damage to the Sheepsquatch.
- Nuke Code Pieces: Removed the second item preview that appeared upon picking up a Nuke Code.
- Paper Bags: Fixed an issue that could occur when dropping items on the ground inside Vault 76.
- Power Armor: The Targeting HUD helmet mod’s “Detect Life” effect is no longer applied to other nearby players.
- Power Armor: Bone Raider Excavator Paint can no longer be applied to the left arm piece of X-01 Power Armor.
- Power Armor: Fusion Cores no longer continue to drain while the player is dead.
- ProSnap Deluxe: Using a Photomode Pose or an Emote while the ProSnap Deluxe is equipped no longer results in sudden teleportation.
- ProSnap Deluxe: Mods are no longer removed from the player’s ProSnap Deluxe if they have not yet completed the “Bucket List” quest.
- ProSnap Deluxe: Old target data no longer persists on-screen when attempting to take a photo of something new.
- Stealthboy Mark III: Can now be correctly used from the Pip-Boy inventory.
- Loading: Addressed an issue that could cause players to encounter an infinite loading screen when fast traveling to Top of the World.
- Stability: Addressed an issue that could cause the client to crash while in the Whitespring Bunker.
- Stability: Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred while loading new areas.
Quests and Events
- Adrenaline: Fixed a visual issue that could cause weapon damage to update incorrectly in the Pip-Boy.
- Animal Friend: Deathclaws, Mega Sloths, Mirelurks, and Scorchbeasts can no longer be pacified by Animal Friend.
- Animal Friend: Mutant Hounds can now be pacified by Animal Friend.
- Class Freak: Now correctly suppresses the Grounded Mutation’s negative effects.
- Marathoner: Updated the description text to indicate that Marathoner has no effect while wearing Power Armor.
- Strange in Numbers: Now behaves more consistently when players and their mutated teammates are far away from each other.
- Weight Reduction Perks: Item weight displays now refresh correctly when equipping and unequipping weight perks, like Pack Rat.
- Wasteland Whisperer: Grahm can no longer be pacified by Wasteland Whisperer.
- Wasteland Whisperer: Mega Sloths, Snallygasters, and Wendigos can no longer be pacified by Wasteland Whisperer.
- Wasteland Whisperer: Mirelurks and Mirelurk Hunters can now be pacified by Wasteland Whisperer.
- AWOL Armaments: Now awards 350 XP when completed successfully.
- Back on the Beat: Steelheart no longer sometimes stops moving after combat.
- Back on the Beat: Now has a random chance to start, instead of starting automatically when players enter Morgantown.
- Census Violence: Now awards 350 XP when completed successfully.
- Cold Case: Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from crafting the KidSecure ID despite having the required materials.
- Daily Quests: No longer replay their fanfares after logging out and back in.
- Encryptid: Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause the Imposter Sheepsquatch to sometimes stop attacking.
- Free Range: Fixed an issue that could cause Brahmin names to display placeholder text under certain circumstances.
- Free Range: Addressed an issue that could cause Brahmin spawned by Free Range to remain in the world, even if no players engaged with the event.
- Grafton Day: Adjusted the Grafton Day Event area to prevent starting and exiting the Event at the same time.
- Heart of the Enemy: Fixed an issue that prevented players from repeating the Heart of the Enemy Daily Quest. Cranberry Bog now offers the repeatable version of the quest every other day.
- Heart of the Enemy: Quest markers that point players to quest locations inside Vault-Tec University now correctly lead them to the best door to get to the objective.
- Holotapes: Corrected several issues in which Holotape subtitles did not completely match the audio during “Unsolved” quests.
- Into the Fire: No longer sometimes displays as a misc. quest instead of a full quest.
- Key to the Past: Fixed an issue that could prevent the objective from appearing in the quest tracker if the player disconnected from the world after finding Roselynn's note.
- Lode Baring: Players who are still inside the mine when the escape timer expires will now be correctly killed when the mine collapses.
- Miscellaneous: The “Kill a Wendigo While Wearing a Clown Costume” objective no longer reappears on login after it has been completed.
- Tracking Terror: Fixed an issue that could cause Son of Fluffy to spawn as a legendary.
- Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy: Clue items are now correctly marked as quest items in the player’s inventory.
- Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy: Fixed an issue that could cause the “Invoice” to duplicate.
- Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy: Fixed an issue that could cause some quest items to disappear from the player’s inventory after completing the quest and logging out.
- Unsolved: Picnic Panic: Increased the font size on Mary’s Diary Page so that it’s easier to read.
- Wasted on Nukashine: Fixed an issue that could prevent the Wasted on Nukashine quest from appearing in the quest tracker.
- Power Armor: Nukashine Power Armor’s landing sound effects no longer apply to Power Armor that does not have the Nukashine paint.
User Interface
- Addictions: Are no longer cured by death.
- Chems: The “Detect Life” effect applied by Berry Mentats is now only applied to the player who consumes them.
- Food: Canned Meat Stew awarded by the “Feed the People” quest can no longer spoil.
- Mutations: The Empath Mutation now interacts correctly with both the Strange in Numbers and Class Freak perks.
- Buttons: The “Change Profile” button on Xbox One has been changed to “X” to avoid conflicts with other button assignments.
- C.A.M.P.: The Cap price displayed when attempting to move C.A.M.P. locations now matches the actual cost.
- Combat: Directional hit indicators now correctly appear when hit while in several menus, including: the Map, V.A.T.S., Workbenches, and C.A.M.P./Workshop menus.
- Combat: Directional hit indicators once again appear when hit by a Plasma weapon fired by another player.
- Controls: Opening the Pip-Boy immediately after exiting a loading screen or switching between first- and third-person view no longer causes the game controls to become unresponsive.
- News Screen: Fixed an issue that could allow the News Screen to appear while performing a streaming install of Fallout 76.
- Notifications: Radio Station discovery messages no longer always appear all at once after logging in.
- Photomode: Equipping Binoculars no longer causes Photomode Pose names and descriptions to become mixed up.
- Pip-Boy: Explosive Shotgun damage displayed in the Pip-Boy now matches the weapon’s actual damage.
- Pip-Boy: In the Pipboy's Component View, all components are now shown in the list, not just components that are in the player’s inventory. This should allow for easier tracking of hard-to-find crafting ingredients.
- Player Icons: Fixed multiple issues that could cause Player Icons to be reset to the default icon.
- Quest Markers: Now correctly appear on the Map, in the Compass, and above Paper Bags when items are dropped on death in the Survival Mode Beta.
- Shop: Fixed an issue that prevented Limited Time Offers from refreshing correctly in the Atomic Shop without a client restart.
- Shop: Preview images for the Red Rocket Door now correctly include the door’s metal side walls.
- Tutorials: The ProSnap Deluxe tutorial for camera zoom now appears correctly when the player looks through the viewfinder.
- Vendors: Now reliably trade in Armor Mod Plans that were previously randomized, including Brotherhood of Steel Combat Armor mods and Deep Pocketed Mods.
- Vendors: Known Plans and Recipes once again correctly sort to the top of Vendor inventory lists.
- Vendors: Items in Vendor inventories can once again be inspected.
- Workbenches: Pressing the Repair Kit button immediately after entering the inspect menu no longer places the player in a Workbench menu showing Atomic Shop items.
You can have 4 shops open at once I am still worried about advertising my CAMP location as I have a really good spot if I start to sell Plans then someone could build their CAMP in my area. I only really need caps to buy all the ingame plans now in 5-6 weeks @ 1400 Caps per day I will have bought all possible Plans ingame anyway so no big deal to me unless they add new Plans & stuff to buy ingame.Backpacks fine.
Pioneer scouts.. ok... more content is good.
Plasma weapon rebalance good.
Fixing the unruly golfers... really... taken you this long?
Not sure about the legendary scrip and the 30 slot limited player sales. Will need to build several to flog all the plans I have. Fully understand it being from the stash though.