I’m pretty sure they know the market. A lot
Of gamers like dipping in and out of multi due to time.
That’s why PUBG is popular can pick it up and put it down.
I reckon 76 will be like this and time investing in other ways
This is not PUBG. How can you compare a Battle Royale game with a survival game where you need to scavenge materials and build stuff.
Have you even played ARK? Fallout 76 is an online survival PvP game. If you want a taste of Fallout themed survival with build mechanics,play Fallout 4 in survival mode,and see how much of a time sink is.
It uses the same build system - so you need to go around scavenging everything from cups,to paint cans just to get basic materials. You will need to then scavenge even more to build power,water pumps,etc so you can grow food,and to make thinks like adhesive so you can actually do anything.
ARK is not a game you can dip in and out off on a public server unless you have some big tribe with someone doing the dirty work. That games is a time sink more or less like many similar games. Then you have the other issue of tribes hopping servers ganking lower level tribes and players since they can,and this is again not uncommon in such games.
The reason people are not happy there with only Bethesda hosting servers,is that there is no clear indication you can have maps just with your mates,and play against the environment or even your own mates. ARK,Conan:Exiles,etc all enable you to do,so people can play at the own pace,ie,since they LACK time to be at it 24/7.
Why the negativity?
Wait until the game drops to make an opinion.
Why is the idea of playing online coop in a Fallout game so bad when you say compare it to the Division for example?
Because you are doing exactly what all the fans did when Fallout 4 details were leaked by Bethesda. Everything hinted at it being more exploration based and about settlements. Then all the fans instead of seeing the reality,started living in hope and saying it would not be that, then bought the game at launch and then started moaning when it wasn't FO:NV2 for the next two years.
The same thing is happening here,Bethesda like with FO4 are basically telling us what the game is,and people are still in denial about it.
People said I was wrong when I said Todd Howard said SOLO play specifically to mean,playing alone on a server with randoms. Yet he basically said that is what is happening.
This isn't a co-op PvE game,its a co-op PvP game like ARK,but ARK allows private PvE servers and also has a PvE single player mode. So this is basically going to be an ARK public server,where you need to scavenge and then build stuff,grow food and hope you don't get ganked in 5 minutes.
That is a realistic expectation of what we can expect looking at what Bethesda has shown and talked about.
If you even have played FO4,it has survival mode and it was a test for the build system in this game. You can tell by looking at the footage and it seems the destruction is even worse. Look at what happened when the wind turbine is attacked?? Instead of it being damaged like in FO4 which can be repaired with less resources,it looks like total destruction meaning you need to probably rebuild from scratch,so I can see it being a resource sink,which means further scavenging.
However,with dozens of players expect scavenging to be even more of an issue,especially since it pay to gank people with scavenged gear too.
Go and play FO4 in survival mode,and then see how much of your time is spent scavenging stuff.
Then it pays for you to invest in growing lots of food,so you can have enough oil and adhesive which is required for lots of stuff,otherwise you will hit issues.
At the very least if people call out Bethesda on certain aspects there is at least a chance with 5 months to go,they might introduce different modes.
If not all the people defending the game living in hope,will buy the game,than find its not what they quite expected and for the next few years it will be the same as FO4,which people seem to talk with baited breath about.