I guess I should check if I know them already. On a related note, I finally got my 76 weapons plan challenge done. I'm still in the mid 50s for armour.
I just have to get another 20 pieces of Chest Armour to repair then another 20 Computer Terminals to hack for another easy (but time consuming) 120 Atoms
Bethesda were way too generous on these default challenges I must have earned about 20000 Atoms by now for all those cosmetic items I bought but I only have another small batch left do before I have done all viable Atoms challenges (by viable I mean I am never bothering with the 7600 or kill 1100 robots although the robots are easy just go to a Nuke Silo they respawn forever but even then 1100...!!).
Cheers for that. I was doing Biv every day in the hope of getting one from him.
Biv is tedious I mean really tedious
I cannot stand the way he even talks if I could nuke his p0xy little shop from the map I would do
I found one tonight at a train station when I went to scrap more legendaries for scrip.
That's is where I found mine!
I need to redo my camp. Having that vending shed where it is has the nasty side effect of attracting enemies from different directions. Before I built it, they all attacked from the track side, where my 4 missile turrets are. Now they come round the ridge and attack from that angle and only 2 of those turrets can fire on them. I'm going to have to put my vending machines out in the rain, since Bethesda won't let me put a roof on the side of my shed.
I really need to sell all my stuff then I am closing my 4 shops forever I would rather develop my CAMP more. Had a good day yesterday sold about 15000 Caps worth but still have so much left to sell even though most of it is up to 60% cheaper than the recommended price some players would rather grind forever than pay a few caps to save that time! Someone went around and turned all my neon lights off last night must have taken them ages this is another reason why want to close my shops when most of the stock is gone as some players like to mess with your CAMP & either break things or leave unpleasant stuff
A couple of unsual encounters tonight. I was walking along a road on the way to looking for a coal deposit and I encountered a L80 legendary sheepsquatch just walking along the road. It attacked me, so I killed it. Then I went back to my camp and it was attacked by 3 supermutants and a scorchbeast. Even missile turrets aren't up to dealing with a scorchbeast.