**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Trying to find your camp now to see if I can buy something from your shop its not appearing even though I am on the same server you taken your shop offline for now?
Thanks for buying those items I returned the favour & bought all your grape mentats ;)

One thing though your player vendor shop does not appear on the map at all you need to run at least 1 live power wire to the vending machine so it lights up green otherwise only people on your friends list can ever visit it when your home in the camp ;)

Ah, that's the problem! I had no idea - it seemed to be working. What a perfectly Bethesda idea to implement it that way. I'll wire them up.

I found that I had about 40 grape mentats taking up too much weight. I've been collecting them but not using them, so I put some up for sale.

Thanks for the info

Which turned out to be wrong in one detail. Sorry about that - I genuinely thought it was working without a direct power connection.

On a different tangent, how do I unlock building the frog habitat? I have the jar and a frog but the frog habitat doesn't appear in the floor decor part of my camp building menu. Do I have to do the Project Paradise quest? I've been putting that off.
Well that was nice. I just tried soloing the Project Paradise event. I managed to get enough food for a L1 friendly animal in one habitat and kill the wave of high level yao guai that attacked it. Wave 2 incoming...nothing. More nothing. So I decided to try to go looking for them in the other habitats. Killed some things, still on wave 2. 3:54 to go with Pinchy the friendly glowing wolf still completely unharmed. Then the game crashed. Of course it did. So...do you need to kill all of each wave or just defend at least one friendly animal? The latter is easily soloed, the former far harder.

I was looking forward to trying to solo a L100 3* legendary grafton monster or suchlike. It would have been interesting. I had ~5000 rounds with me, which should have been enough, and I was using chems for the first time. Load up, drug up, let's go!
Well that was nice. I just tried soloing the Project Paradise event. I managed to get enough food for a L1 friendly animal in one habitat and kill the wave of high level yao guai that attacked it. Wave 2 incoming...nothing. More nothing. So I decided to try to go looking for them in the other habitats. Killed some things, still on wave 2. 3:54 to go with Pinchy the friendly glowing wolf still completely unharmed. Then the game crashed. Of course it did. So...do you need to kill all of each wave or just defend at least one friendly animal? The latter is easily soloed, the former far harder.

I was looking forward to trying to solo a L100 3* legendary grafton monster or suchlike. It would have been interesting. I had ~5000 rounds with me, which should have been enough, and I was using chems for the first time. Load up, drug up, let's go!
Project Paradise is almost impossible solo as you need to keep all 3 friendly creatures alive & kill enough creatures to make the level100 random boss appear. Then you need to down them all whilst still keeping the 3 friendly creatures (all in different zones) alive & avoiding death! The only major reward worth having from this event is the Stimpack Difuser plan but as you can buy a Stimpack made with the diffuser & the Pioneer challenge only needs you to use a stimpack diffuser not create one ;) its simply not worth the effort which is why its almost deserted a mere few days after being launched :rolleyes: You really need at least 12-18 high level high skill players to make it through that and even then its tough & luck plays a big part if the level 100 boss spawns next to your friendly creature now way to save them from instant death :eek::rolleyes:

Bethesda really need to rethink these new events most are not worth the resource or effort right now!
Aye - sympathies dude!

I tried to launch a nuke from all three silos sequentially and was foiled by server resets / crashing.

On the plus point, it's a LOT more stable these days...
Its very stable now I soloed it the other day for the pioneer challenge badge. Make sure you have 30 circuits for repairs & some decent weapons & plenty of stimpacks BEFORE you attempt it. Also level 3 Hack Perk makes it easy as you can disable 75% of the robots you encounter ;)
Project Paradise is almost impossible solo as you need to keep all 3 friendly creatures alive & kill enough creatures to make the level100 random boss appear.

That's not true. The L100 boss will appear with only 1 surviving friendly creature.

See, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8NgWxi9dfI

The only major reward worth having from this event is the Stimpack Difuser plan but as you can buy a Stimpack made with the diffuser & the Pioneer challenge only needs you to use a stimpack diffuser not create one ;)

Where can you buy that from?

its simply not worth the effort which is why its almost deserted a mere few days after being launched :rolleyes: You really need at least 12-18 high level high skill players to make it through that and even then its tough & luck plays a big part if the level 100 boss spawns next to your friendly creature now way to save them from instant death :eek::rolleyes:

Bethesda really need to rethink these new events most are not worth the resource or effort right now!

On top of that, the event doesn't spawn a worldwide message. So, unlike the scorchbeast queen and fake sheepsquatch events, you won't get random people teleporting in when the event starts.

I had no expectation of the event being worth the resources or effort. I'm only interested in trying it because I haven't. If I use 5000 rounds and 100 stimpaks, well, why care? It's a lot of resources, but I'll just make some more. The cost/reward ratio doesn't really matter at the stage we're at. It's all about the novelty for me. It makes a change from farming Whitespring for legendaries to scrap for scrip to buy legendaries that are useless to me so I scrap them for scrip...

The only resources I'm genuinely short of are adhesive and steel and that's only because I'm grinding through the "repair 76 x" and "mod 76 x" challenges. I've used enough steel to build a skyscraper doing those :)
My first question got swamped in response to my comment about stability. My mistake, I should have seperated them more. So I'll ask it again, but itself:

[..] On a different tangent, how do I unlock building the frog habitat? I have the jar and a frog but the frog habitat doesn't appear in the floor decor part of my camp building menu.

It's the only objective left for me to get the herpetologist possum badge, so I want it.
That's not true. The L100 boss will appear with only 1 surviving friendly creature.
But you need all 3 creatures to survive otherwise the drops are very poor & not worth all the effort!
See, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8NgWxi9dfI

Where can you buy that from?

Look for someone who is selling it who has farmed the event many times but they do not sell them cheap! As you can just buy diffusers in player shops when they have them its easier to do it that way!
As for Frog Habitat its bugged for some but if you have all the requirements & caught the frog in the jar (go to Whitesprings swimming pool near the clubhouse entrance) then aim at a frog in the pool & it will give you message to capture one into the prepared jar you built. Then you can go back to your CAMP & build one on the floor to get the badge.
As for Frog Habitat its bugged for some but if you have all the requirements & caught the frog in the jar (go to Whitesprings swimming pool near the clubhouse entrance) then aim at a frog in the pool & it will give you message to capture one into the prepared jar you built. Then you can go back to your CAMP & build one on the floor to get the badge.

I caught a frog (in the whitespring swimming pool as they're guaranteed to be there) and made a jar. That should have worked. It makes no sense that you can put a frog in a jar but you can't put a frog in a jar. If you have to complete the objectives in a specific order to unlock a craftable item, why doesn't it say so? Because Bethesda. It reminds me of text adventure games and escape the room games, where something only works if you do it in exactly the way the author did it.

OK, so now I'm off to make a jar and catch a frog and put the frog in the jar, as opposed to the completely different thing of catching a frog, making a jar and putting the frog in the jar.

Go to Whitespring, Angilion, you're drunk! :)
Couple more badges done, lots of the simple but grindy badge objectives done...so I decided to have a couple of goes on the legendary lottery after swinging through Whitespring.

A Furious 50 cal machinegun dropped at Whitespring. Exactly what I was looking for as I'm considering respeccing into heavy weapons for a change! Oh wait, it's L35. Rather meh damage.
First lottery ticket was a 3* LMG. Heavy weapons again, does more damage per shot than the 50 cal (eh? that can't be realistic, surely?). But all 3 effects are pointless. VATS blah blah, extra damage to animals or something.
Second legendary lottery ticket gave me a two shot explosive weapon! Yay! No. Not yay. It's a black powder pistol.

RNG is having a laugh tonight. Almost what you want...but not really, hahahaha!

I did get some amusement seeing L8 feral ghouls attacking a settlement (EDIT: workshop, not settlement) I'd defended with 8 missile turrets because reasons. I'd only taken it because I went there to get some hot dogs and decided to get one of the miner possum badge objectives (build an <x> extractor) while I was there, then some of the "build stuff" badge objectives because I have too little camp budget left to do any of those at home. Missile turrets are hilariously effective. 1 is usually enough for a L60+ mob.

Now I have to look for rabbits again and not just 1 this time. 10. What a chore. I'm on the verge of buying Rage 2 and playing that instead. But I must do all the things! :)
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Deathclaw Hide is the new unobtainium :eek: I have 1 of 5 for the badge need 4 more the odds are 1 in 500 junk piles or RNG containers :(

This is all that stands between me & 8 Possum badges to buy the 120 Carry Weight High Capacity backpack (even though I am a Power Armour user its very useful having the 120 Carry Weight out of the PA frame).
Deathclaw Hide is the new unobtainium :eek: I have 1 of 5 for the badge need 4 more the odds are 1 in 500 junk piles or RNG containers :( [..]

Does deathclaw hide spawn on dead deathclaws? I haven't been paying attention since I've never looked for it, but I'm fairly sure it does. If so, Deathclaw Island would be worth a visit. Of course, you could play FO76 the way it's apparently intended to be played and server hop an average of 76 times to grind what you need.
Does deathclaw hide spawn on dead deathclaws? I haven't been paying attention since I've never looked for it, but I'm fairly sure it does. If so, Deathclaw Island would be worth a visit. Of course, you could play FO76 the way it's apparently intended to be played and server hop an average of 76 times to grind what you need.
Nope its just not that simple :( it ONLY spawns in random containers like junk containers or the green locker containers. There are approx 3000 random spawn locations so its only going to come by accident or with a lot of server hopping. Wish I had spent my other Possum points wisely :( now I am 1 short & I only have 1 other option until Bethesda patch the broken Possum challenges which is find 2 more unstoppables magazines for the other doable final Possum challenge I can complete. Once again these are random spawns so per server you have about a 1 in 500 chance of getting one & if someone gets it before you then you need to jump to another server :( The only other option is kill Gulpers & hope for them to drop 1 every few 100 kills or so. Some players are selling these as well but @ 4000 Caps each hide (you need 5 for the badge) its going to cost too much. I have spotted 1 player selling the high Capacity Plan for 10076 Caps no way I am going to pay that so will wait or just RNC into it sometime I hope!

For the chemistry possum badge you also need to buy a Serum Plan @ 19000 Caps minimum :eek: or 23,000 Caps without perks to lower the price :eek:

On the upside I just managed to buy the last X01 Plan I needed so now I have bought ALL X01 plans :p which took a lot of caps & time but I have the entire set. Next up I need to buy all Excavator then T45 & T60 Plans for the complete set (I already have about 90% of all the buyable PA plans but the final ones I need are going to cost another 100,000 Caps or so :eek: ).

But there is always more... Buildable T51b Plans are all ingame apparently but they only drop as a reward from certain events so will take a very long time to get (I have about 3 of these now). I have about 40% of the Ultracite PA plans as well (these come from the SBQ event ONLY or player vendor shops).
Is there a list of the scout badges or badge objectives that are bugged and can't be completed? So far I've found musician (playing an instrument in The Nukashine doesn't work) and miner (photographing a silver deposit doesn't work) but I'm sure there are others because Bethesda.
Is there a list of the scout badges or badge objectives that are bugged and can't be completed? So far I've found musician (playing an instrument in The Nukashine doesn't work) and miner (photographing a silver deposit doesn't work) but I'm sure there are others because Bethesda.
Chemist is bugged & impossible right now.
Musician is bugged & impossible right now.

Collector is very time consuming as you must pickup ingame 5 x Untouchables magazines (I have 3 of the 5 now but still need 2 more). Buying them does not count you must be the 1st player to pick them up on your server. You have a 1 in 500 chance of getting the 1 you need on every server before another player takes it so its virtually impossible or a massive time grind. There are 3000 random spawn points per server as well & many of these will display magazines making it even more time consuming :eek:

Leatherworker is very time consuming due to 5 Deathclaw Hides which are ultra ultra ultra x 1000 rare! getting 1 is not that hard. 2 will take a long time. 3 will take even longer & 4 or 5 will take you so much effort when you see someone selling the plan for 10076 Caps (I did not have the caps at the time when I went back it had been sold!) you will buy it to save your sanity!! ;)

Metalworker you need a Plasma grenade Plan those are ultra rare so its virtually impossible.

Roboticist works I have that but you need a full set of 5 x Robot Armour Plans which is ultra rare (I have many for sale in my player vending shop though ;) )

Photographer does work you must be standing in the right place until it says Silver in the lens before taking the picture. Try different deposits but it does 100% work.

I am stuck on 7 Possum badges I only need 1 more for the +120 carry weight high capacity mod guess I will need to wait for Bethesda to patch & fix the 2 broken badges & maybe increase the drop rates for Deathclaw hide, Robot Armour Plans & Plasma Grenade Plans :(

Someone is selling the Plan online for about £28 think I will wait until Bethesda patch it as not an essential item right now as I am still Power Armour only.
Chemist is bugged & impossible right now.
Musician is bugged & impossible right now.

Do you know exactly which objectives are bugged? I'll probably do the others in case Bethesda ever fixes those bugs. They do fix some bugs sometimes.

Collector is very time consuming as you must pickup ingame 5 x Untouchables magazines (I have 3 of the 5 now but still need 2 more). Buying them does not count you must be the 1st player to pick them up on your server. You have a 1 in 500 chance of getting the 1 you need on every server before another player takes it so its virtually impossible or a massive time grind. There are 3000 random spawn points per server as well & many of these will display magazines making it even more time consuming :eek:

That's not bugged, though. I've filed it under "don't bother trying, just keep picking stuff up if you find it while playing". I have 2 of the 5 so far, but a look in my world challenges tab tells me that I've only found 3 of the 5 issues since I started playing the game. So I don't expect to complete that one. Oh, and I haven't found a pristine teddy bear or most of the Nuka-Cola flavours. But no worries, since I'm so unlikely to find the magazines anyway.

Leatherworker is very time consuming due to 5 Deathclaw Hides which are ultra ultra ultra x 1000 rare! getting 1 is not that hard. 2 will take a long time. 3 will take even longer & 4 or 5 will take you so much effort when you see someone selling the plan for 10076 Caps (I did not have the caps at the time when I went back it had been sold!) you will buy it to save your sanity!! ;)

I was down to <2000 caps today. So many plans to buy and I must have spent a fortune on buying adhesive for the multitude of repairing and modding challenges. So I hope I don't see that plan for sale any time soon :)

Metalworker you need a Plasma grenade Plan those are ultra rare so its virtually impossible.

Which objective requires that? I only have smelting ore and melting robots with a flamer left to do on metalworker. Crafting a plasma grenade is in Chemist, which I haven't paid much attention to because I have hardly any grenade plans.

Roboticist works I have that but you need a full set of 5 x Robot Armour Plans which is ultra rare (I have many for sale in my player vending shop though ;) )

I don't know how many I have. Some, but probably not all 5.

Photographer does work you must be standing in the right place until it says Silver in the lens before taking the picture. Try different deposits but it does 100% work.

I've tried 2 so far and I checked that the objective was showing as identified in the lens. I'd found that part out photographing a vertibot a dozen times for an earlier challenge and wondering why it didn't work :)

I am stuck on 7 Possum badges I only need 1 more for the +120 carry weight high capacity mod guess I will need to wait for Bethesda to patch & fix the 2 broken badges & maybe increase the drop rates for Deathclaw hide, Robot Armour Plans & Plasma Grenade Plans :(

Someone is selling the Plan online for about £28 think I will wait until Bethesda patch it as not an essential item right now as I am still Power Armour only.

Hopefully Bethesda will fix them. We're still waiting for them to fix the "discover locations" challenges that have been bugged since release.
Chemist: All 3 x syringer shots are broken.
Chemist: Crafting Plasma grenades requires the Plan which does not appear to be ingame right now or very rare.
Chemist: Craft any Serum requires a 24000 Caps Serum (you can reduce to around 19000 Caps with buffs & perks). Not bugged but a very long grind.

Musician: All Play an instrument challenges are broken & do not register.
Metalworker: Craft 5 x Metal armour pieces. For many this is bugged as the plans are either ultra rare or no longer ingame right now. (I have all 5 plans in my player vendor shop but they are selling out fast!). Earlier on these plans dropped all the time as event rewards but not anymore!

Roboticist: Craft 5 x Robot armour pieces. For many this is bugged as the plans are either ultra rare or no longer ingame right now. (I have all 5 plans in my player vendor shop but they are selling out fast!). Earlier on these plans dropped all the time as event rewards but not anymore!

Nuka Colour flavours you can buy for cheap in the 2nd Whitesprings bar if your missing a few.
Pristine teddy bear appears all the time either in stations or look around the 2 amusement parks its not hard to get.

Collector is not impossible though I got all 5 Unstoppables magazines but must recollect them for the challenge as it appeared after I got them :( as its 3000 random spawn points AND how lucky you get if no-one else grabs on your server I have given up on it for now as unobtainium!
Thanks for the details. I finally got the miner badge after my 14th photo of a silver deposit. For some reason one at Tyler racetrack worked - the 5th one I tried.

Chemist: All 3 x syringer shots are broken.
Chemist: Crafting Plasma grenades requires the Plan which does not appear to be ingame right now or very rare.
Chemist: Craft any Serum requires a 24000 Caps Serum (you can reduce to around 19000 Caps with buffs & perks). Not bugged but a very long grind.

Musician: All Play an instrument challenges are broken & do not register.

Bah! I played several and didn't think to check.

Metalworker: Craft 5 x Metal armour pieces. For many this is bugged as the plans are either ultra rare or no longer ingame right now. (I have all 5 plans in my player vendor shop but they are selling out fast!). Earlier on these plans dropped all the time as event rewards but not anymore!

Roboticist: Craft 5 x Robot armour pieces. For many this is bugged as the plans are either ultra rare or no longer ingame right now. (I have all 5 plans in my player vendor shop but they are selling out fast!). Earlier on these plans dropped all the time as event rewards but not anymore!

I guess I should check if I know them already. On a related note, I finally got my 76 weapons plan challenge done. I'm still in the mid 50s for armour.

Nuka Colour flavours you can buy for cheap in the 2nd Whitesprings bar if your missing a few.

Cheers for that. I was doing Biv every day in the hope of getting one from him.

Pristine teddy bear appears all the time either in stations or look around the 2 amusement parks its not hard to get.

I found one tonight at a train station when I went to scrap more legendaries for scrip.

Collector is not impossible though I got all 5 Unstoppables magazines but must recollect them for the challenge as it appeared after I got them :( as its 3000 random spawn points AND how lucky you get if no-one else grabs on your server I have given up on it for now as unobtainium!

Yeah, I've already decided not to bother. If by some freak of chance it happens, it happens. I haven't done any of the magazine challenges since the beginning of the game, despite picking them up when I see them.

I need to redo my camp. Having that vending shed where it is has the nasty side effect of attracting enemies from different directions. Before I built it, they all attacked from the track side, where my 4 missile turrets are. Now they come round the ridge and attack from that angle and only 2 of those turrets can fire on them. I'm going to have to put my vending machines out in the rain, since Bethesda won't let me put a roof on the side of my shed.

A couple of unsual encounters tonight. I was walking along a road on the way to looking for a coal deposit and I encountered a L80 legendary sheepsquatch just walking along the road. It attacked me, so I killed it. Then I went back to my camp and it was attacked by 3 supermutants and a scorchbeast. Even missile turrets aren't up to dealing with a scorchbeast.
I guess I should check if I know them already. On a related note, I finally got my 76 weapons plan challenge done. I'm still in the mid 50s for armour. I just have to get another 20 pieces of Chest Armour to repair then another 20 Computer Terminals to hack for another easy (but time consuming) 120 Atoms ;) Bethesda were way too generous on these default challenges I must have earned about 20000 Atoms by now for all those cosmetic items I bought but I only have another small batch left do before I have done all viable Atoms challenges (by viable I mean I am never bothering with the 7600 or kill 1100 robots although the robots are easy just go to a Nuke Silo they respawn forever but even then 1100...!!).

Cheers for that. I was doing Biv every day in the hope of getting one from him. Biv is tedious I mean really tedious :mad: I cannot stand the way he even talks if I could nuke his p0xy little shop from the map I would do ;)

I found one tonight at a train station when I went to scrap more legendaries for scrip. That's is where I found mine!

I need to redo my camp. Having that vending shed where it is has the nasty side effect of attracting enemies from different directions. Before I built it, they all attacked from the track side, where my 4 missile turrets are. Now they come round the ridge and attack from that angle and only 2 of those turrets can fire on them. I'm going to have to put my vending machines out in the rain, since Bethesda won't let me put a roof on the side of my shed. I really need to sell all my stuff then I am closing my 4 shops forever I would rather develop my CAMP more. Had a good day yesterday sold about 15000 Caps worth but still have so much left to sell even though most of it is up to 60% cheaper than the recommended price some players would rather grind forever than pay a few caps to save that time! Someone went around and turned all my neon lights off last night must have taken them ages this is another reason why want to close my shops when most of the stock is gone as some players like to mess with your CAMP & either break things or leave unpleasant stuff :eek:

A couple of unsual encounters tonight. I was walking along a road on the way to looking for a coal deposit and I encountered a L80 legendary sheepsquatch just walking along the road. It attacked me, so I killed it. Then I went back to my camp and it was attacked by 3 supermutants and a scorchbeast. Even missile turrets aren't up to dealing with a scorchbeast.
I had a really unusual evening spotted & killed the Level 1 Wise Mothman (sorry Mr Mothman please do not hurt me ;)) to complete the Tadpole challenge for the badge then saw the Flatwoods monster so killed him as well just because he is so annoying then ran into the Megasloth for the daily 20 Atoms challenge all in the space of a few 100 yards in cranberry bog :eek: the cynic in me thinks Bethesda scripting just does not work properly for events but after server maintenance, RNG, or both you just get lucky & get everything at once :eek::rolleyes:
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