Exactly what else is there to say they are missing the mark so much its clear they are too far removed from reality or just refuse to acknowledge the many issues. Someone claims to have been invited to play it earlyOh good... battle royale...
Just what it needs....
TBH,I have given up on a number of these challenges as they look too grindy for me,so I play it very casually and on and off now with mates. I wish this has been a normal Fallout game,with co-op added. The world is genuinely varied and interesting and if it had proper stories and NPCs,etc it would have been really fun,even if based on an ancient engine,with last generation graphics.
I'm gonna try this out whilst it's free but I'd never pay a reasonable amount of money judging by the reviews I've watched of it.
That NPC content is months away but whatever its going to be so limited in scope its totally clear why so many technical issues remain they have been busy developing the new content so cannot easily change the existing as it would then affect the dev path for the new content so they have just ignored many of issues & gone full steam ahead on new content. The new 73 perk cards for instance mean you now have 128 Perk Cards to swap between on the fly whilst trying not to get killed and no hotkeys for them as Bethesda have not put any resource into that![]()
Just fired it up for the first time since the update.
Several mods don't work. Ok, fair enough. They normally need an update.
No updates. Oh...
Looks like they've really broken the useful mods.... JOY!
The most broken for me is Perk Loadout Manager. The cards change, but the actual perks don't. Lovely.
I haven't watched any of E3, but please tell me there was an audible groan and/or laughter whenThe front row (suprise suprise) they announced a BR mode? What the hell happened to Bethesda, I really hope Fallout recovers from this travesty of a game.
Do not watch the e3 of Bethesda, the audience completely ruined it. The front row (surprise surprise) were obnoxiously loud about EVERY single announcement, the mobile phone games they talked about got the exact same reception as DOOM did.
One guy in particular should have been thrown out, but company plants are company plants.
I ended up watching some and had to turn it off as it was so annoying. The audience wooooooo'd and clapped at the end of every single sentence. It must be an American thing, but to me it was just grating to watch. Probably mostly paid or part of the Bethesda team as well. If the audience was legit they would have been booing him and throwing bottles of **** at him, especially when they went full retard and announced a BR for Fallout.
His current passion is $$$$$$$$I really want a documentary into what the **** happened from Morrowind to now, between Zenimax, Bethesda and BGS. I also want to know what the hell Todd is doing in a dev studio, because he's lost any passion for it.