**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I haven't watched any of E3, but please tell me there was an audible groan and/or laughter when they announced a BR mode? What the hell happened to Bethesda :(, I really hope Fallout recovers from this travesty of a game.
Oh good... battle royale...

Just what it needs....
Exactly what else is there to say they are missing the mark so much its clear they are too far removed from reality or just refuse to acknowledge the many issues. Someone claims to have been invited to play it early :rolleyes: I think this is just a sneaky PR move to try & gain some community approval :( 76 really now needs to be dumped on Steam with offline mode & mods but I think Bethesda are still trying to get a bit more commercial life out of it before dumping it. All they had to do was concentrate on fixing the many bugs & issues then create some NPC's & a lot more SP content quests & whatnot. All this forced to play stuff to get the new perk cards & battle royale, co-op & MP focused content is the exact opposite of what direction they should be going in :(:rolleyes:

When I can get Metro Exodus £1 months trial to work on PC I would not be coming back to 76 for quite some time now as MS are giving us a lot of content for £3.99 a month ;) Bethesda are focused on things no-one really wants they are so desperate to make 76 into the next Fortnite but its never going to happen players are just not interested & most BR games vanish after a few months.
BR? They truly have lost the plot. The only Battle Royale we need is a remake of the original film with Japanese high schoolers replaced by Todd & Co. I'm sure Takeshi Kitano will be up for that:/
TBH,I have given up on a number of these challenges as they look too grindy for me,so I play it very casually and on and off now with mates. I wish this has been a normal Fallout game,with co-op added. The world is genuinely varied and interesting and if it had proper stories and NPCs,etc it would have been really fun,even if based on an ancient engine,with last generation graphics.

Much the same here.

My camp is right up against the budget limit and can't be blueprinted (like so many things in FO76, the blueprinting doesn't work properly). It took me hours to build and has to be built in a precise order due to the extremely bad way building is implemented in FO76. Yesterday I found myself seriously considering demolishing it and building a new one despite not really having any ideas for a new camp, solely for something different to do. I was considering opening up a camp near the start of the game and stocking its vending machines with loads of high quality low level kit I'd crafted. Fully modded L1, L5 and maybe L10 weapons and armour, crafted with high int and the relevant perks to increase condition and durability. All for sale for a few caps each. Then I realised that the game won't allow me to do that because vending machine stock takes up stash space and stash space is too limited for that.

So I played a different game instead.

I'll pop in, grind at a challenge and gather caps and legendary scrip for a bit, then pop out. I like the gameworld a lot more than I like the game.

I'll probably pop in and do the new quests and talk with the new NPCs, but it's no big deal whether they're added or not. I'm not concerned about how buggy the new content will be (it will be buggy, it's just a question of how much) because I'm not concerned about the game. I'm not even concerned how badly and greedily Bethesda will implement it, for the same reason.

Bit of a shame Bethesda didn't do a better job, but it is how it is.

I'm gonna try this out whilst it's free but I'd never pay a reasonable amount of money judging by the reviews I've watched of it.

You can get it on PC for a tenner from key sites. It's worth that much IMO. It's deeply flawed, but the gameworld is very good. Treat it as a failed experiment rather than a proper Fallout game and you'll probably have some fun with it.
Just fired it up for the first time since the update.
Several mods don't work. Ok, fair enough. They normally need an update.
No updates. Oh...
Looks like they've really broken the useful mods.... JOY!

The most broken for me is Perk Loadout Manager. The cards change, but the actual perks don't. Lovely.
That NPC content is months away but whatever its going to be so limited in scope its totally clear why so many technical issues remain they have been busy developing the new content so cannot easily change the existing as it would then affect the dev path for the new content so they have just ignored many of issues & gone full steam ahead on new content. The new 73 perk cards for instance mean you now have 128 Perk Cards to swap between on the fly whilst trying not to get killed and no hotkeys for them as Bethesda have not put any resource into that :rolleyes:

I bit the bullet and played the battle royale mode. It was tedious, but I played 6 matches and got to battle royale level 3 and did a few BR challenges. I can confirm that BR perks do not cross over to normal mode. The 73 BR perks are solely for BR mode. The only things I've seen that cross over are an icon and an outfit (vault 51 suit). There are probably other cosmetics that cross over, but I'm not willing to endure the tedium of BR mode to find them.

Just fired it up for the first time since the update.
Several mods don't work. Ok, fair enough. They normally need an update.
No updates. Oh...
Looks like they've really broken the useful mods.... JOY!

The most broken for me is Perk Loadout Manager. The cards change, but the actual perks don't. Lovely.

Lovely indeed. I removed my mods (thankfully moving the custom ini file is enough, with the mod files left in place) to play BR mode and didn't put them back afterwards as I was just testing what crossed over. I hope the 4 mods I use (clean PA hud, int raw, better inventory and a recent PA light mod) still work. I still haven't got around to using perk loadout manager, despite how obviously useful it is. I manually swap when trading and crafting and hacking and gathering plants.

Then I got disconnected from the server as usual...and I didn't care. I can't even be bothered to go back in and take the megastop workshop to get 30 atom points. I did finally get around to crafting mini nukes and nuking 20 enemies to get another couple of steps towards another scout badge, but I'm unlikely to grind 700 points to get a skin for a fatman so I can mod a fatman to get the last step to get that badge.

What I particularly like about BR mode is that you can't explore Vault 51 and read terminal entries when you want because you're repeatedly forced to play BR matches. Just what FO players want!
"I bit the bullet and played the battle royale mode. It was tedious, but I played 6 matches and got to battle royale level 3 and did a few BR challenges. I can confirm that BR perks do not cross over to normal mode. The 73 BR perks are solely for BR mode. The only things I've seen that cross over are an icon and an outfit (vault 51 suit). There are probably other cosmetics that cross over, but I'm not willing to endure the tedium of BR mode to find them."

I tried it as well got to level 6 reached last 4 teams a few times. Hate it for the tedium and the resource diversion from fixing the main game. :( Its so far removed from a Fallout experience & just feels so wrong & forced. T45 PA frames for instance give no real advantage & only let you take 1-2 shots more than usual :rolleyes:Found there are a lot of level 0 invincible players with infinite ammo & resource as well so not a level playing field far from it the hacking is well out of control :rolleyes: the messages about levelling up are wrong also you cannot level up in adventure mode when it says you can!
Where can I get this for a tenner as stated above? The well known key site is showing a few different copies. Assuming it's the EMEA copy of the game I need? Its £15 not £10.

I should know this but normally buy steam games which are easier to understand the region.
Played for a few hours last night since it's free. The first time I left the vault, game crashed to desktop. :D

It felt weird with no NPCs but with other players running around, with us all more or less solo. It was the same idea that bugged me about Elder Scrolls Online where you were the chosen one, yet so was everyone else around you. The lore and stories I've found so far do a good job at painting a bleak picture of how the world was, however, that immersion is broken with other players jumping around the place. I also managed to mutate myself from collecting water so I can now jump super high.

As expected, it's a jumble of ideas and themes and I wish they'd put the time into a solid new game.
I haven't watched any of E3, but please tell me there was an audible groan and/or laughter whenThe front row (suprise suprise) they announced a BR mode? What the hell happened to Bethesda :(, I really hope Fallout recovers from this travesty of a game.

Do not watch the e3 of Bethesda, the audience completely ruined it. The front row (surprise surprise) were obnoxiously loud about EVERY single announcement, the mobile phone games they talked about got the exact same reception as DOOM did.

One guy in particular should have been thrown out, but company plants are company plants.
Do not watch the e3 of Bethesda, the audience completely ruined it. The front row (surprise surprise) were obnoxiously loud about EVERY single announcement, the mobile phone games they talked about got the exact same reception as DOOM did.

One guy in particular should have been thrown out, but company plants are company plants.

I ended up watching some and had to turn it off as it was so annoying. The audience wooooooo'd and clapped at the end of every single sentence. It must be an American thing, but to me it was just grating to watch. Probably mostly paid or part of the Bethesda team as well. If the audience was legit they would have been booing him and throwing bottles of **** at him, especially when they went full retard and announced a BR for Fallout :rolleyes:.
I ended up watching some and had to turn it off as it was so annoying. The audience wooooooo'd and clapped at the end of every single sentence. It must be an American thing, but to me it was just grating to watch. Probably mostly paid or part of the Bethesda team as well. If the audience was legit they would have been booing him and throwing bottles of **** at him, especially when they went full retard and announced a BR for Fallout :rolleyes:.

Crazy that they would pay them go that overboard with it, I get trying to buy hype, not much different to having an actor in an advert seem optimistic about the product... But that front row genuinely interfered with the viewing audience, I'm shocked nobody in the 'cheap seats' didn't tell them to shut their holes.

As for Fallout BR... That is a dream come true to me, but not for obvious reasons. Me and my friends have been joking about a Skyrim BR ever since the BR genre got really big and everybody wanted to make a BR, and this is the next funniest thing. We won't touch it, but it's pretty hype for all the wrong reasons, a Fallout BR? That's so sick hahahahaha
I really want a documentary into what the **** happened from Morrowind to now, between Zenimax, Bethesda and BGS. I also want to know what the hell Todd is doing in a dev studio, because he's lost any passion for it.
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