**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

No thanks I have 2 already dropped out of gifts I made! :D

You are really hardcore to keep those detailed notes of all your plans as well :) Pop by my shop I may have some other things you need you can have them for nothing just let me know I only sell for Caps to get more caps to give other players for their plans anyway! I still have about 10 Serum plans to buy but as they are 18600 Caps each I am not in any hurry :rolleyes: at that price :mad: I have seen several more Dense Armour plans for sale in player vendor shops today those seem to be really rare :eek: There seems to be Dense Raider, Dense Leather & Dense Armour x 6 plans each set to learn so that's 18 Plans alone :eek: as well as several Laser Sights for existing weapons I did not even know existed! Where do all these plans even come from...the xmas gifts event seems to have unearthed a lot of previously hidden or 0.003% drop rate Plans :eek: someone is planning to unwrap 10000 Gifts on PC today & make a video online as they do it to see what drops :eek: :)
Hmm...the laser sights aren't in the datamined lists. Maybe they were added recently. I haven't seen them.

AFAIK, the dense mod only applies to torso armour. I'm still missing marine, metal, robot and trapper ones. I have raider, leather and maybe 1 or 2 more.

EDIT: I just checked your camp. You have 2 plans I don't know - mounted mirelurk claw and raider kinetic dynamo. I'm not bothered with either of them. I'm just not into dead animal bits on my walls and raider PA is meh. Assuming you only have 3 vending machines and there isn't a 4th somewhere I missed.

I have 238 plans for sale in my machines (and another couple of dozen I couldn't fit it), even after dropping loads and selling loads more. It's just outside Flatwoods. Maybe you'll find 1 you don't already have.
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I have played FO76 for like 10 mins in total so sorry if this is a noob question.

If I get plans for something and then give them to another player, do i still get to keep them as well or are they gone for me?

I have played FO76 for like 10 mins in total so sorry if this is a noob question.

If I get plans for something and then give them to another player, do i still get to keep them as well or are they gone for me?


They're gone for you. They're a consumable item.
Cheers guys. I suspected as much however logically..... Has no one ever heard of a pen and paper in the fallout universe? ;)

It's because...err...aha! Plans are Top Secret and, as everyone knows, after reading a Top Secret message you must eat it to prevent it getting into the wrong hands! Makes perfect sense... :)
Picked this up for £5.99, will play tomorrow now I need some sleep!

My advice is if you like the Fallout lore as I do just follow the quest line, read the notes and terminals as there is some great back story in them and ignore the atom shop and CAMP building stuff.

By the time you have finished the quest lines you'll be levelled up enough to know whether its a long term thing for you or not, remember its a looter shooter with a Fallout skin which means some of the post release content was grindy as hell rather than actual lore related content but thats coming with Wastelanders by all accounts.
Wastelanders is rapidly approaching now to try & extend the games commercial lifespan (Bethesda hope!). I decided to ignore joining the Private Server Test which is ongoing right now & let others do all the QA Bethesda should have done themselves :rolleyes: You will need to redownload almost the entire game again if you get invited to the PTS. Wastelanders is going to alter pretty much most locations ingame & add way more to do (which is not hard either as the game is already lacking enough content!). Also lots of new weapons, armour & plans will also arrive at the same time when its released as well as returning characters from earlier Fallout's! Any progress you make in Wastelanders PTS is also not going to carry over so you will have to do it all over again when they release the final version :(

Bethesda have most of the entire dev team for both Starfield & Fallout working on this so they are rushing to get it finished so they can then go back to Starfield development. Wastlanders is due anytime in the next 4-8 weeks it all depends on the private testing & how many bugs are found & squashed!

Vault 94 Raids are getting retired soon as so few players want to grind out for the super weak rewards on offer but the rewards are going to be offered in other ways either Atomic Store or other new ingame quests after they close 94.
This game just needs to die, be forgotten and never talked about again.

Much like Bethesda itself.
For some odd reason, I decided to pop on again yesterday and today after some patches downloaded. It's now become barely adequate, which is a huge improvement. It's only crashed once in two gaming sessions, which is very good by the amazingly low standards set by FO76. Only 2 of the "challenges" are still bugged - kill tough monsters because killing a scorchbeast queen doesn't register (I've killed dozens) and find locations in cranberry bog because finding/visting abandoned bogtown doesn't work. So that's a big improvement over what it was.

I threw some of the useless legendary scrip at the surveyor and for the first time it wasn't entirely useless! I got an anti-armour faster firing minigun which is just the job because faster firing is just what the fastest firing gun in the game needed :) So I chrome plated it because that went nicely with my coal black power armour and went to waste some of the ~20,000 5mm bullets I have by running in and out of the golf club to get a pack of a couple of dozen L62 feral ghouls chasing after me. It was quite amusingly silly overkill. No use as a general weapon because of the spin-up time and the ridiculous rate at which it uses bullets, but amusing and maybe useful against the tiny handful of tougher mobs. It weighs very little with a heavy weapons build and it uses the 5mm bullets my main weapons (3 miniguns with different legendary effects), so why not?

I also got what initially looked promising - a harpoon gun with legendary effects I don't recall. 322 damage per shot. Mod a harpoon gun with flechettes and you have infinite ammo because you can shoot corpses with it to magically create more harpoons in the corpse than you fired into the corpse. So I did, for testing. Single shot, bolt action reload between shots, has a scope...it's a sniper rifle! Aaaannd...it's useless as a sniper rifle because it's only accurate at short to medium range. Maybe that's a shortcoming of my build. So I put it in my shop for 500 caps, my usual price for 3* legendaries that someone might want.

Hardly anyone was on throughout both sessions. Despite being in what used to be a popular location, I had no trouble placing my camp when popping in and out of the game in between doing RL things. On several occasions I encountered a pristine Whitesprings. Doors closed, nothing touched. I've never seen that before. Maybe Bethesda has increased the number of servers, but I doubt it. Some people are paying for private servers (why?), but there can't be many people doing that.

Wastelanders is due out on the 7th of April, along with release on Steam. With seperate atom points for each version, so you can't really swap from one to the other. With dozens of patches so far and with Wastelanders, it looks like it might become something like the game it should have been to begin with. If Wastelanders is as good and as big as they're making it out to be.
Double XP weekend until 2nd March means many players are in NW (despite it being full of hackers trying to power level up) so Adventure is pretty deserted & you can plunder & power level up in there instead!

If you have anyone on your friends list who has Fallout 1st then you can join them for an even more solo experience as now Bethesda for quite some time have removed the server hopping functionality so joining a friends world in 1st or public is the new server hopping mechanism :rolleyes:
Double XP weekend until 2nd March means many players are in NW (despite it being full of hackers trying to power level up) so Adventure is pretty deserted & you can plunder & power level up in there instead!

Why bother? It's not like levelling up to more than enough is difficult. I don't even notice if it's double XP or not.

If you have anyone on your friends list who has Fallout 1st then you can join them for an even more solo experience as now Bethesda for quite some time have removed the server hopping functionality so joining a friends world in 1st or public is the new server hopping mechanism :rolleyes:

The server hopping thing is an integral part of the game and some things can't be done without it. I switched servers a number of times (not deliberately server hopping, just logging back in after crashes and after doing RL stuff for a bit) and ended up in a different server each time.

I don't have a friends list. I wanted a solo game, so I'm playing it like it was one as much as possible. I get "friends" requests from random strangers for some reason, which I ignore. You might be on the list from when you helped me out with the revive challenge for some atom points, but that's it.
I think that one of the people summed it up starting at ~9:50:

My hope is that people coming in fresh will have no idea [..] when we were talking about 76 launch, imagine none of that.

They're really, really hoping for a complete reboot :) It's even designed from scratch for new players because they've gone back and added stuff to a lot of existing areas and named robots, stuff that existing players probably won't see since they've already explored it. How often do you go back to the Grafton Mayor's office, for example?

It was nice to hear about the people who actually make the games being happy at finally being allowed to make the game properly, as an actual Fallout game, and that it's intended to be how the game is developed in the future. It's a complete change of game design, trying to head back to what players want and Bethesda is good at rather than the...thing...that was FO76 at launch. Maybe the people pulling the strings from Zenimax have finally realised that throwing a festering, stinking turd on a previously well liked game series and developer in order to try to gouge maximum profit from fans (up to and including outright fraud) isn't a good business strategy and results in less profit now and far less profit in the future. A shame it took so long to get started on what the game should have been from launch.
Server hopping has not worked properly for months now if it works for you then you got lucky as Bethesda pretty much disabled it or made the cooldown counter about 3-4 mins before you get a new server (unless the one you tried to join was full!). This is why friends list is important right now as its a fast way to hop to another server & unless you do that you will never get a server based in US or outside EU most of the servers you hop to are UK based players.

As Wastelanders requires high Charisma its a good idea to power level & stockpile Character points incase you need to respec.

As For Wastelanders itself I am personally not excited about it at all as from speaking to players on the current PTS I understand most of the changes are very minor locations wise with only a few new locations at all the rest is reuse the existing game locations. The only big difference is the NPCs & Solo quests crowbarred into the game in a desperate attempt to save it from fading away as player numbers are dropping constantly due to hackers ruining the game & Bethesda mega greed :( How Bethesda are putting so much effort in (most of the developers are rumoured to be working on it! delaying other games like Starfield) shows how hard it is with this ancient game engine to get anything working properly :(

Grahm is currently disabled ingame (but still present) due to hackers using an exploit to turn Scrip @ the Purveyor into you can buy any Legendary weapon from Purveyor for Caps if you have them!
There is also another hack where they can shoot into the air & it auto kills any players nearby in Nuclear Winter!
Another hack lets them steal any items in your currently loaded area so you can never even get a chance to pick any item up as they are all gone as soon as the hacker spawns!

All of these hacks are not patched either & have been around for a while now with no sign of Bethesda doing anything about them :rolleyes:
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