**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Server hopping has not worked properly for months now if it works for you then you got lucky as Bethesda pretty much disabled it or made the cooldown counter about 3-4 mins before you get a new server (unless the one you tried to join was full!). This is why friends list is important right now as its a fast way to hop to another server & unless you do that you will never get a server based in US or outside EU most of the servers you hop to are UK based players.

I haven't noticed any change. The last patch broke friends list for many players, too.

As Wastelanders requires high Charisma its a good idea to power level & stockpile Character points incase you need to respec.

Does it? The highest charisma check I've seen from actual footage is 2. How do you know it requires high charisma? On the videos I've seen about it, people from Bethesda have talked about multiple stat checks for the same dialogue, e.g. a charisma check and an intelligence check. They referred to a pre-release version in which testers encountered a situation in which one dialogue box had options for all 7 stats. It seems that when Bethesda's people were so pleased to finally be allowed to make an RPG at long last, they went a bit OTT :)

In any case, it's always been easy to gain levels. I'm about level 250 now and I have never "power levelled". I have never sought XP at all, except maybe at under L10 when I found a L10 weapon I couldn't use. I don't know how many spare points I have. 100? something like that. I might even start from scratch, from L1 again, just to go everywhere and see all the new content.

As For Wastelanders itself I am personally not excited about it at all as from speaking to players on the current PTS I understand most of the changes are very minor locations wise with only a few new locations at all the rest is reuse the existing game locations. The only big difference is the NPCs & Solo quests crowbarred into the game in a desperate attempt to save it from fading away as player numbers are dropping constantly due to hackers ruining the game & Bethesda mega greed :( How Bethesda are putting so much effort in (most of the developers are rumoured to be working on it! delaying other games like Starfield) shows how hard it is with this ancient game engine to get anything working properly :(

I think the same as I have thought from day 1 - the fundamental problem isn't the engine, it's the game design and the use of that engine for that game design. The engine is a factor because it's utterly unsuited to a multiplayer game, but the underlying problem is the game design and that's why I am optimistic about Wastelanders. Not because of the content per se but because it's a change in the basic design of the game. It's an attempt to make 76 into a real Fallout game with MP, as opposed to a badly made mess of an MP game with Fallout badly fitted onto it. It might not succeed, but it at least has a chance of being the foundation for something better.

Grahm is currently disabled ingame (but still present) due to hackers using an exploit to turn Scrip @ the Purveyor into you can buy any Legendary weapon from Purveyor for Caps if you have them!
There is also another hack where they can shoot into the air & it auto kills any players nearby in Nuclear Winter!
Another hack lets them steal any items in your currently loaded area so you can never even get a chance to pick any item up as they are all gone as soon as the hacker spawns!

All of these hacks are not patched either & have been around for a while now with no sign of Bethesda doing anything about them :rolleyes:

The flaw that allows players to kill other players even with pacifist mode on hasn't been fixed either. The issue isn't with the game engine per se, it's because it's a SP game engine and fundamentally unsuited to MP. The engine is fine, it's just wrong for this application. It's just not a good decision to take a game engine that's designed for SP, very well understood and very well designed for modding and slap some MP code onto it as an extra.

EDIT: The bug that causes crashes when you eat or drink more than 1 thing at a time hasn't been fixed either. That just crashed me out of campfire tales event, leaving one poor sod to do it by themself.
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I just popped on to sell some scav and get a few atom points from daily challenges and stumbled into a rare display of MP in FO76, which I joined. Half a dozen people attended the inaugural weirdoes and naturists convention in Artisan's Corner in the Whitespring:

2560x1440 screenshots, so I'll put spoiler tags on them.


I just popped on to sell some scav and get a few atom points from daily challenges and stumbled into a rare display of MP in FO76, which I joined. Half a dozen people attended the inaugural weirdoes and naturists convention in Artisan's Corner in the Whitespring:

2560x1440 screenshots, so I'll put spoiler tags on them.

I bey your eggs are a bargain where you live ;):p
I've just stumbled across the most impressive player camp I've ever seen. It's surprising what some people can do with the ludicrously limited camp building in FO76.

The camp is that of venom1071, just north of the Whitespring Station. There are only 3 visible things - a pair of water purifiers and a cupola on top of the embankment and this on the side of it:

Bah, imgur is broken again. Stuck forever on uploading an image. "Waiting for imgur.com" forever.

It worked at long last:

The camp is built inside the embankment. To get in, you point at either of the two edges of the sofa marked with 'X' on the wall and hold to sit on it. When you get up, you're inside the camp. To leave, you go up some stairs and come out through the cupola on top of the embankment. It's brilliantly implemented.
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I was idly doing daily quests for some atom points for some reason tonight and I finally got the rarest of rare things, a thing so rare I built a display case outside my camp to show it off...a perfectly preserved pie! :) I sometimes click on pie machines if I happen across one while playing and one worked properly.

And people say there isn't any endgame content in FO76. Well, I just proved them wrong :)
I was idly doing daily quests for some atom points for some reason tonight and I finally got the rarest of rare things, a thing so rare I built a display case outside my camp to show it off...a perfectly preserved pie! :) I sometimes click on pie machines if I happen across one while playing and one worked properly.

And people say there isn't any endgame content in FO76. Well, I just proved them wrong :)

I actually got 2 of those in the space of 24 hours a while back! Put on of them on sale in my Atom shop for 25k caps and someone bought it!! :D
I also got a Bloodied Explosive The Fixer from The Purveyor which is apparently mega rare but I dont run a Sniper / Sneak build so its wasted me.....guess I'll just drop it in my shop for another 25k caps.
I actually got 2 of those in the space of 24 hours a while back! Put on of them on sale in my Atom shop for 25k caps and someone bought it!! :D
I also got a Bloodied Explosive The Fixer from The Purveyor which is apparently mega rare but I dont run a Sniper / Sneak build so its wasted me.....guess I'll just drop it in my shop for another 25k caps.

I put weapons that might be useful to other players in my shop for 250-500 caps, except for some shotguns and rifles that I've kept because they were very effective when I was running a rifle and shotgun build and I might want them again and a Tenderizer because they're only available from an event and I might want it some time in the future. Bloodied weapons seem to sell well. Junkie weapons sell pretty well too. Apparently a junkie build is a viable compromise build - less DPS than bloodied, but more robust. Bloodied is a bit of a glass cannon build. But yeah, nothing over 500 caps at my shop. Plans are 10-50 caps, legendaries with particularly useful effects are 250-500 caps. I'm not after the money. Why bother when there's a 30K cap anyway? Although I did once see the last dense armour mod plan I haven't learned for sale in a player shop for 10K when I only had 3K, which was a bit annoying. If I was chasing caps like most players, I'd probably have had the 10K. But on the whole, I'm having more fun running a shop as a service.

Apart from perfectly preserved pie, of course. If I were ever to sell such a precious thing, a cartful of caps wouldn't be enough :)

On the topic of builds, I'm still running a heavy gunner build. Power armour, heavy weapons, using Excavator armour for the carry weight bonus because I'm a scavver at heart. A good trade-off of defence, damage and convenience. I think it's a good middle of the road build. I have too many guns, though. I routinely run around with 6 heavy guns and 4 melee weapons (despite never using melee). Also 15-20,000 bullets. I think there might be a slight lack of realism in this game :) Granted, 2 of those melee weapons are actually tools (shovel and shepherd's staff), but 3 gatling guns, 2 miniguns and a 50 cal heavy machinegun is probably not strictly necessary :) Especially since I use my faster firing anti-armour gatling gun almost exclusively because it's effective against everything, it's accurate enough as a single shot rifle (to the extent that I'd like a scope for it) and even on full auto it doesn't use an inconvenient amount of bullets. Unlike my faster firing minigun, which is utterly silly in that respect. But quite amusing in the Whitespring golf club.

3 dedicated 76 players created a massive database which you can download which contains pretty much all game info on plans & weapons so you can tick the ones you still need etc etc. Handy tool as it also gives the odds on drop rates!

That might be just the job for me, as my chosen endgame content is to learn every learnable craftable thing. The spreadsheet I used months ago contained every mod and whether it could be learned or required a plan, but it was a lot of work to cross-reference it with what I already knew in order to manually make a list of what I still needed and I've found that either the spreadsheet was wrong or I made some mistakes or Bethesda changed some details of what mods are on what items and which ones need a plan (which is my guess). Whatever the cause, I'm finding some errors on the remaining few things I don't know. Hopefully that database will be up to date. It will certainly be less work for me to make a new list, since there's much less I don't know now.

So thanks for the link. I didn't now that database existed.
I found out if you do the kill 1100 x Robots Challenge with an Energy Weapon it then adds another challenge for Complete 30 different Events (out of the 40 or so ingame). These 2 challenges alone are worth 120 Atoms (80 for the Events & 40 for the Robots). This also then unlocks a further 5-6 Complete Events while wearing challenges worth a further 400 Atoms or so for the lot! Handy if you want to stockpile the Atoms for the forthcoming 2 x new faction bundles coming 7th April as those are usually 1800 Atoms each!!

To farm the robot kills in Whitesprings main entrance go up the stairs then walk across until you reach 2 x staircases with a piano in the distance (just before you turn right to go to the main bar area turn around here. This spawn point has infinite robot respawns without any loading ;) so you can kill as many as you have ammo for (while avoiding getting killed). Takes about 2-3 hours per each weapon type challenge to kill robots here way faster than Watoga or elsewhere ;) easy (but tedious) 600-700 Atoms within about 10 hours or so gameplay time. The blackpowder challenge also counts for 1 of the other weapon challenges if you use a pistol or rifle I think so you get both at once for 160 Atoms.
I found out if you do the kill 1100 x Robots Challenge with an Energy Weapon it then adds another challenge for Complete 30 different Events (out of the 40 or so ingame). These 2 challenges alone are worth 120 Atoms (80 for the Events & 40 for the Robots). This also then unlocks a further 5-6 Complete Events while wearing challenges worth a further 400 Atoms or so for the lot! Handy if you want to stockpile the Atoms for the forthcoming 2 x new faction bundles coming 7th April as those are usually 1800 Atoms each!!

To farm the robot kills in Whitesprings main entrance go up the stairs then walk across until you reach 2 x staircases with a piano in the distance (just before you turn right to go to the main bar area turn around here. This spawn point has infinite robot respawns without any loading ;) so you can kill as many as you have ammo for (while avoiding getting killed). Takes about 2-3 hours per each weapon type challenge to kill robots here way faster than Watoga or elsewhere ;) easy (but tedious) 600-700 Atoms within about 10 hours or so gameplay time. The blackpowder challenge also counts for 1 of the other weapon challenges if you use a pistol or rifle I think so you get both at once for 160 Atoms.

Useful information, but I doubt if I will ever want anything in the atom shop enough to stand around grinding respawns for 10 hours when even that is only enough to get 1/6th the cost of the bundles. Bundles of outfits that can't be used with power armour and camp items that can't be used because of the miniscule camp budget.

However...now I know that the extreme grind of the kill 1000+ robots with a specific type of weapon patience challenges can unlock different types of challenge, I might do them. Maybe. I've done 2 or 3 and they just unlocked more of the same but with different types of weapons (e.g. kill 1000+ robots with a melee weapon unlocks kill 1000+ robots with a blunt weapon and kill 1000+ weapons with a bladed weapon, IIRC).
Gallows humour time with toilet rolls. Also spoiler tags for 2560x1440 screenshots.

They're mine! I have a nuclear powered wearable personal tank and a very big gun and they both say these are mine:


But you can buy these ones at a suitable price:


Heh, somebody just bought one. There's some roleplaying in FO76.
Wastelanders is still 2 weeks away surprised they do not just release it now as so many people not in work & almost 3 months of QA with a few 100 players is just ridiculous when the only way to truly get some proper QA is let the masses at it!
Wastelanders is still 2 weeks away surprised they do not just release it now as so many people not in work & almost 3 months of QA with a few 100 players is just ridiculous when the only way to truly get some proper QA is let the masses at it!

Doing QA by releasing the game in an unfinished and undertested state to "let the masses at it!", i.e. using players as unpaid beta testers, is one of the many things that have been rightly criticised about FO76. Including by you.

Wastelanders is more likely to be delayed than brought forward.
Doing QA by releasing the game in an unfinished and undertested state to "let the masses at it!", i.e. using players as unpaid beta testers, is one of the many things that have been rightly criticised about FO76. Including by you.

Wastelanders is more likely to be delayed than brought forward.

I agree and with so many people remote working any issues / bug fixes / hack remedies for this release will be even further delayed.
I am expecting a delay as well with the current working arrangements in place.
Doing QA by releasing the game in an unfinished and undertested state to "let the masses at it!", i.e. using players as unpaid beta testers, is one of the many things that have been rightly criticised about FO76. Including by you.

Wastelanders is more likely to be delayed than brought forward.
Disagree with you there buddy :) Most of the QA is being done by US based players Bethesda seem to think that is their core audience few players outside US are QAing it :rolleyes: by releasing now to the general public it will reach a much larger global audience and they are never ever going to fix the bugs totally as their game engine is too ancient & creaking to even allow 76 as it stands to run smoothly just day to day so many issues with server hopping getting stuck, server disconnects still, severe bugs for weapons, armour stats, ammo, inventory items going missing forever, atomic shop content you bought not working after a few days due to yet another failed dev build merge etc etc

Limiting QA to a small sample of players in 1 region is just minimal effort QA :( You have around 20,000 regular daily players & only 500 or so doing QA with no more planned testers. 2.5% mainly US based PC only players are handling all the QA and out of those I should imagine once they have played it through once few will keep playing as no progress is carried over so you do not get any advantage to playing the unfinished Wastelanders build. Once you complete Wastelanders in QA your only motivation to keep putting the hours in is to provide QA data to Bethesda as none of this game progress is being retained on your main character.
Wastelanders is delayed to the 14th of April and more details of 2 new events have been released. Both are multiplayer only in practice, though one of them can be partially completed solo if you're powerful enough and you don't mind getting inferior rewards for it. Yay. It's an escort mission so it will be tedious and frustrating.
I found out if you do the kill 1100 x Robots Challenge with an Energy Weapon it then adds another challenge for Complete 30 different Events (out of the 40 or so ingame). These 2 challenges alone are worth 120 Atoms (80 for the Events & 40 for the Robots). This also then unlocks a further 5-6 Complete Events while wearing challenges worth a further 400 Atoms or so for the lot! Handy if you want to stockpile the Atoms for the forthcoming 2 x new faction bundles coming 7th April as those are usually 1800 Atoms each!!

To farm the robot kills in Whitesprings main entrance go up the stairs then walk across until you reach 2 x staircases with a piano in the distance (just before you turn right to go to the main bar area turn around here. This spawn point has infinite robot respawns without any loading ;) so you can kill as many as you have ammo for (while avoiding getting killed). Takes about 2-3 hours per each weapon type challenge to kill robots here way faster than Watoga or elsewhere ;) easy (but tedious) 600-700 Atoms within about 10 hours or so gameplay time. The blackpowder challenge also counts for 1 of the other weapon challenges if you use a pistol or rifle I think so you get both at once for 160 Atoms.

I finally ground out the 1101 detroyed robots with an energy weapon. Even more of a grind because my build is geared away from energy weapons even to the extent of a mutation, so I wasn't powerful enough with energy weapons to do the endless max level robot slog you suggested. Particularly since I was using an energy pistol for almost all of it so I could complete the destroy 1001 robots with a pistol challenge too.

And...nothing. The only challenges unlocked were destroy 1101 robots with a laser weapon and destroy 1101 robots with a revolver. I vaguely remember doing that complete 30 events challenge ages ago, shortly after release. Perhaps it's unlocked by completing any kill lots of robots challenge.

I switched to a laser rifle for the last ~150 robots, after finishing the pistol challenge with a gamma gun because that did more damage than a laser or plasma pistol. It reminded me how much I miss having a scope and a very accurate gun. A gatling gun is accurate, but not as much as a well modded rifle. On the other hand, I was attacked by a pack of 3 L65 legendary scorchbeasts and it was trivial with my heavy weapon build. Probably wouldn't have been with a rifle.

Now I want a laser revolver assault rifle so I can grind 3 of those tedious challenges at once :)

News is leaking from Wastelanders testers that there are fundamental problems with it that were encountered during testing. Whether that's true or not, delaying it another 7 days doesn't seem likely to be enough to fix, well, anything. It's already been delayed by 8 months.
If you go to that spot in Whitesprings on the staircase the robots spawn infinitely it takes about 2-3 hours per challenge;) The hardest one is the kill with unarmed!

Bought the Responders PA Skin (for all PA suits) its actually quite neat as it has 2 shoulder lights which flash but they are surprise surprise buggy :rolleyes: so 1 stops working then alternates with the other 1 stops working & or 1 flashes on-off like an emergency siren! At least it was free as I got all the Atoms ingame by not buying anything for many weeks & just doing the daily-weekly challenges!

As for Wastelanders I do not expect much at all! A tiny handful of new locations, some of the existing locations are altered, few Fallout4 style NPC's & fetch or kill quests. For all the time they have spent on it (ignoring the base game in the process!) for a less game time than Fallout 4 Nuka World DLC is pretty pointless & shows how badly they mis-manage the franchise(s) as its delayed Starfield & whatever else they are working on as all the devs were moved to Wastelanders to get it out the door.
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