**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Fasnact (non!!) event was a really massive failure!

Due to lack of any QA testing by Bethesda when the event went live yesterday 5PM UK time with lots of players starting the event to get the rare masks it became obvious 20 mins into the event it was broken due to a bug which has been around for around a month whereby no foxes, chickens or rabbits spawn as someone @ Bethesda forgot to re-enable them as spawnable in Wastelanders :rolleyes: that is really embarrassing considering they emailed everyone today that the event was live & were planning to add some content to the atomic shop!

Its disabled until further notice & or they fix the spawns not working. Major disaster PR wise Bethesda really need to either put more resource into 76 QA wise or make it offline & mods friendly & move onto something newer & less broken :rolleyes::(
Well its a server side load bug apparently as it doesnt happen in private worlds and why the PTS didnt find it but its also ridiculous that this is even a thing at this point.
Apparently based upon certain conditions the server culls the spawning of smaller critters and this put the event right in the firing line.

With the player vending still disabled, Treasure hunt being such total waste of time and the grind bullion being totally stupid I'm pretty much out at this point. They haven't even taken any additional measures to ease players frustration like increase daily scrip or cap limit, reduced purveyor cost or increase 3* loot drop rates on events, nothing just turn things off that impact the experience.

Not shocked though as Bethesda gonna be Bethesda right?
Starting to struggle as well with things to do. Yesterday was just playing around with basic base building and doing the occasional event
Current base is very basic, floating design on the lake at site alpha. For some reason the bear will just run over and stand underneath not even attacking the water purifiers, it just can't seem to path up the stairs

The gold bullion grind looks a pointless for a stealth char, will never use the armour sets with the Chinese stealth suit being so good.

Think I need to make a non-stealth char up. At lvl 90 I can now sneak in to and push around almost every enemy type without getting found
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was playing with some potential builds, any comments

non-stealth pistol (not meant to be OP)

non-stealth 2h melee
https://nukesdragons.com/fallout76/perks?v=1&s=f37758b&d=s41sm1sn1c72ss2se2eo2i44la2lt2a72ah0sg2cm2a40au2ee2pe2l71l12&m=ch&n=2h melee

Not sure about doing a 1h or 2h build. It looks like 1h flavors vats and 2h non-vats use. The rifleman/commando and pistol builds are both vats so a non vats build would be nice
I'm thinking about going to a shotgunner in unpowered armour next. The ammo situation makes a gauss minigun wildly impractical, even more so than an ordinary minigun. With an ordinary minigun you make 180 bullets per batch. With a gauss minigun it's 27. And the bullets are far heavier despite being far smaller and made of the same material. It's something you either have to use duping and exploits for or spend hours scavving and crafting for seconds of firing. So I'm thinking maybe I'll use a gauss shotgun instead. It's new and uses ammo at a far more sustainable rate.

Then I found out that Bethesda hasn't fixed a bug that's been around since release - weapons have a far higher rate of fire in 3rd person than they do in 1st person. I dislike playing 3rd person, so that irritates me.
the broken shotguns are pretty fun to use atm if you don't mind using a semi exploit. I'm currently running rifleman with the .50 cal for SBQ etc and use a shotgun for just mucking around really. Saves a lot of ammo than trying to run commando and using handmade + fixer.

low health char using stealth suit. Run in to group of mobs and vats kill up to 8 at a time when Grim Reapers activates. Otherwise you take a lot of damage so pretty fun risk vs reward

Without the exploit the normal shotguns will struggle with well armoured enemy. Guess the gauss will have enough damage to be ok here though

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the broken shotguns are pretty fun to use atm if you don't mind using a semi exploit. I'm currently running rifleman with the .50 cal for SBQ etc and use a shotgun for just mucking around really. Saves a lot of ammo than trying to run commando and using handmade + fixer.

low health char using stealth suit. Run in to group of mobs and vats kill up to 8 at a time when Grim Reapers activates. Otherwise you take a lot of damage so pretty fun risk vs reward

Without the exploit the normal shotguns will struggle with well armoured enemy. Guess the gauss will have enough damage to be ok here though


Which is why I'm considering it. I'm not interested in using bugged weapons except maybe once for a bit of a laugh, maybe. Instakilling everything because the game is bugged and the devs can't or won't fix it isn't a fun playstyle for me.

Hmm..there's a vampire outfit in the atomic shop. Maybe I'll buy it, respec for unpowered armour so I can use the outfit and use a vampire weapon. I have a couple of those in my stash. Just for jollies, not caring how well it works.
I've been doing Fasnacht this year, mainly for the treasury notes. I'm finding it quite funny to see a dozen players with firepower that would make the scorchbeast queen quail there to defend some robots from toads :)
The Legendary Perks are so meh....most of them are more damage or more tankiness which is far from what Lvl 200 players need.

Im doing 500 dmg per shot and only ever die to Stingwings and Radscorpions so whats the point. And there a sneak damage buff too seriously? The Bloodied Fixer I have does 2k+ critical damage with full sneak attack multi why does it need another buff?

Oh and another ******* currency? Perk Coins? Seriously, another grind. I'm already ignoring Bullion, I guess I'll be ignoring this too.
Yeah the stealth and armour ones are all pointless, we're already walking gods pretty much
The explosive enemies ones will be fun for a bit, gorefest
As far as I can tell, legendary perks can only be changed when you unlock a new legendary perk slot. If so, that means they lock you into a build. Wasn't the stated intent the opposite of that?

Right now, for example, if I want to swap builds from my current general purpose heavy weapons scavver power armour build to a stealth sniper unpowered armour build I can do so just by swapping perks and maybe using a few levelling points to change my special stats. Complete change of build. But if the legendary perks for my current build are unchangeable that will permanently prevent me having legendary perks for any other build.

There's no way I am going to start a new character and level it to 300 in order to try a new build. That's just silly.

As for the "legendary" perks themselves, my opinion is:

Power armour is already underpowered compared with unpowered armours so making the legendary perks favour unpowered armour is the wrong way round.

More damage when wearing a full set of light/sturdy/heavy unpowered armour in a game in which armour is not labelled that way...how does that make sense?
More damage when wearing a full set of light/sturdy/heavy unpowered armour in a game where the legendary effects on an armour are more important than the type of armour...how does that make sense?
Explosions have no effect on stealth...how does that make sense?
Why would anyone using melee want their enemies to explode in their face?
Most of the "legendary" perks seem to be trivial perks anyway, either inherently or because they add to something a player already has plenty of anyway. Your sneak attack build now does 2200 damage per shot instead of 2000 damage per shot! Now you can one-shot everything you could one-shot before...oh, never mind.
Just need 3 rare masks below now for the complete set! All have a 1% drop rate chance!!:rolleyes::p

-Fasnacht Raven Mask
-Fasnacht Winter Man Mask
-Father Winter Helmet 0% 0% 1% A T-45 based Power Armor helmet.
really enjoying levelling the pistol build char. I'm using a normal single action which is pretty fun as you need to think about the slow reloads when there's groups of enemies
I've just watched a captainnoob video that was interesting to me. Blood Eagles sometimes use laser weapons. I sometimes loot them to sell to vendors, sometimes loot them to scrap, sometimes ignore them. I don't use energy weapons at all, so I wasn't paying any attention to them. Apparently some of them are significantly different to normal laser weapons. They come with a special reflex sight that does three things: decreases their rate of fire, increases their damage and hugely increases their range. None of which a sight should do, but that's how the difference is implemented. So you can mod the other parts as you please but modding the sight removes the difference between it and a normal laser weapon.

The range makes them interesting because it is extreme. They're still a bit rubbish because they're still laser rifles, but I'll be on the lookout for one to play with.

EDIT: Apparently they're not actually labelled as "suspicious" in the game - captainnoob renamed his to make it easier to see which laser rifle was which. And blood eagles apparently sometimes drop similarly boosted assault rifles.
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