**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Yes please I can swap you any you do not have I have several of most of the others now! Including the Deathclaw one.

I don't have most of them. I didn't bother with Fasnacht last year other than doing it once and I probably sold the mask if I got one. I haven't done Fasnacht devoutly this year, just half a dozen times. I'm not interested in masks I can't wear (power armour user) and wouldn't be able to see if I did wear (1st person player) and while I do go for "collect all the things" to some extent I have a different approach to it than most players - trading doesn't count. I'm mainly doing Fasnacht for the bullion and because I'm more bored with FO76 than I was last year. You can have it for nothing if we're ever on at the same time. I'm not on much nowadays, though. Maybe the seasons thing will pique my interest. We can get more outfits I can't wear and won't be able to see and more camp items nobody can use because camp building is utter crap in FO76 and the building budget is so low that a shed with lighting fills the budget. So yeah, maybe that will pique my interest :)
Turns out father winter helmet can't be dropped.I just tried to drop it for you at Helvetia.

Can't trade it either. I just tried that. Won't let me offer it.

EDIT: I noticed that when I tried to drop it I got the standard "This can't be dropped, it will be destroyed but you know the plan to make another one. Do you want to continue?" message. A quick look online confirms that it's not actually possible to make one, that the option is always greyed out.

So it seems that the Father Winter helmet is treated internally as a normal helmet with a paintjob on it and the paintjob is set to have requirements that are hidden and are impossible to meet. A bit of a slapdash way to implement it and it makes trading it impossible. It also makes it quite easy to accidentally destroy it. Not the best implementation, but very Bethesda.
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Turns out father winter helmet can't be dropped.I just tried to drop it for you at Helvetia.

Can't trade it either. I just tried that. Won't let me offer it.

EDIT: I noticed that when I tried to drop it I got the standard "This can't be dropped, it will be destroyed but you know the plan to make another one. Do you want to continue?" message. A quick look online confirms that it's not actually possible to make one, that the option is always greyed out.

So it seems that the Father Winter helmet is treated internally as a normal helmet with a paintjob on it and the paintjob is set to have requirements that are hidden and are impossible to meet. A bit of a slapdash way to implement it and it makes trading it impossible. It also makes it quite easy to accidentally destroy it. Not the best implementation, but very Bethesda.
Ok thanks for the kind offer. I will grind a bit more but getting fed up with it now as too many griefers either nuking the event & or trying to wreck it once it starts as they obviously did not get a decent RNGesus LOL!
Ok thanks for the kind offer. I will grind a bit more but getting fed up with it now as too many griefers either nuking the event & or trying to wreck it once it starts as they obviously did not get a decent RNGesus LOL!

I haven't yet encountered any griefers on Fasnacht. After half a dozen server hops to try to luck on one where I could place my camp I ended up in an almost empty one. I soloed 2 public events for bullion before Fasnacht started and for the first time I had to run around like a headless chicken doing stuff because there were only 3 of us there and one was a newbie. More people teleported in later, though, so the march was fine and the life expectancy of radtoads and supermutants was the usual half a second. This time I got an amusingly useless legendary - a vampire black powder rifle. A perfectly bad combination of weapon and legendary effect.
I just reached Ally with the raiders...but I realised a few days ago that gauss miniguns are wildly impractical due to ammo usage and the fact that you only craft 27 bullets a time. 10 hours of grinding for 2 minutes of firing. Normal miniguns are unsupportable as it is and they have 180 per crafting.
OK, first Fasnacht griefer. FalloutFist killed all the robots with grenades. Which shouldn't be possible, but is.
I just reached Ally with the raiders...but I realised a few days ago that gauss miniguns are wildly impractical due to ammo usage and the fact that you only craft 27 bullets a time. 10 hours of grinding for 2 minutes of firing. Normal miniguns are unsupportable as it is and they have 180 per crafting.
Gauss Minigun is really good DMG wise but the big issue is ammo you need Fluxes & lots of them which makes me not bother for now to get the Plans :(

Secret Service Armour Plan is excellent though but around 7000 Gold for the complete set & almost PA level DMG resistance.

T65 is still the best Plans to get first as the DMG resistance is really good it hardly ever needs repairing. In fact after almost a month mine is still in more or less the same condition! But 6900 for the plans + 750 for the cal shocks + 2000 for the jetpack so its some grind then you need 10 fluxes to craft the jetpack & another 5 for the cal shocks!

Up to Ally with Raiders weeks ago & over halfway towards that with Foundation now. PSA check the different vendors in Crater & Foundation as you progress rep wise you unlock new weapon plans some are caps only purchases you need a lot of caps for that with both factions!
OK, first Fasnacht griefer. FalloutFist killed all the robots with grenades. Which shouldn't be possible, but is.

yep if you cancel the event in quest log then you can kill the bots. I've not had it happen yet but only taken part maybe 15 times on the lvl 30~ gunslinger char
The main annoyance is the Sloth quick kills. Getting a tag on the sloth is really handy for a lower level char for legendaries and scrip. It's happened the last 4 runs, probably as the high levels are just getting bored and burnt out from multiple days or running it every hour
Secret Service Armour Plan is excellent though but around 7000 Gold for the complete set & almost PA level DMG resistance.

Does it beat BoS combat armour? The posts I've seen from people who have both says it doesn't, but I haven't bothered checking. A lot of people don't know how much better BoS combat armour is when compared to normal combat armour. It adds a lot to DR and ER.

T65 is still the best Plans to get first as the DMG resistance is really good it hardly ever needs repairing. In fact after almost a month mine is still in more or less the same condition! But 6900 for the plans + 750 for the cal shocks + 2000 for the jetpack so its some grind then you need 10 fluxes to craft the jetpack & another 5 for the cal shocks!

I've already bought most of the T-65 plans purely to avoid wasting gold by hitting the gold limit. And I probably won't use T-65 because of the low carry weight. And I won't use a jetpack. And I have so much flux I just sell it to vendors. So none of that is a problem.

Up to Ally with Raiders weeks ago & over halfway towards that with Foundation now. PSA check the different vendors in Crater & Foundation as you progress rep wise you unlock new weapon plans some are caps only purchases you need a lot of caps for that with both factions!

Only for bows, which are crap anyway. Whoopie. I'd only buy those plans if I'm hitting the cap limit and have nothing else to spend caps on. I've been doing both factions simultaneously and I'm at ally with raiders and almost at ally with foundation. I'm most likely to buy the gauss shotgun plans and mod plans for it. I'm toying with the idea of going back to shotgun/rifle build and moving to unpowered armour as that's clearly favoured over power armour by Bethesda. I might even bow to min/max fashion and do a bloodied build, although I've been collecting Vanguard combat armour pieces and converting them into BoS combat armour. With those, I'd have higher DR and ER than in power armour and more carry weight than in PA and far more convenience than PA and far smoother gameplay than in PA and not have to use fusion cores.

yep if you cancel the event in quest log then you can kill the bots. I've not had it happen yet but only taken part maybe 15 times on the lvl 30~ gunslinger char
The main annoyance is the Sloth quick kills. Getting a tag on the sloth is really handy for a lower level char for legendaries and scrip. It's happened the last 4 runs, probably as the high levels are just getting bored and burnt out from multiple days or running it every hour

There's an easy fix for that. Stop caring about not getting the trivial crap reward when you're getting the far superior reward anyway. The sloth thing is a non-issue blown out of all proportion. It's like being given a bag of sweets and complaining that you didn't get the fluffy old mint humbug pulled out of the gap between the cushions on the sofa. I'd laugh and laugh if Bethesda replaced the sloth with a rabbit that dropped nothing but a worthless nugget of rabbit poop.
Off on a tangent...radiation rumble gets on my ****. It's a rock hard event with no better rewards than far easier events, so few people do it. I usually teleport in when it starts, wait for a couple of minutes and teleport out again when nobody turns up to do it. I could solo it solely to slaughter glowing ferals in the hope of getting a few legendaries, but I'd feel bad about the NPCs dying because I roleplay in games.

Yesterday I did that but while I was in a shop selling some stuff for my daily 1400 caps I noticed that someone else had teleported in to the event afterwards and I teleported back in to see if anyone else was going to join. We ended up doing the event as a duo. Successfully, with 1 NPC dying and rank 2 reward. That was fun and worth the ~2000 rounds of .50 I used (I was protecting all the NPCs while the other gathered irradiated ore). It's the first time I wanted voice chat in this game. Or any game. It would have been nice to thank the other player more clearly than with a thumbs up emote.

Aaahh, beer. Today is my weekly beer day and I am drunk. Beer and wholemeal bread and cheese. Lovely.
Well that was a bit embarrassing. Two of us doing radiation rumble again. The other player had the charming name "myfingersmells". So I ran around getting all the rads to collect ore for the silly scavengers who could make plenty of profit scavving somewhere less insanely dangerous, then settled down to protect the scavvers when I'd got as much ore as I could. Of course I didn't deposit the ore straight away because that wound summon the glowing irradiated deathclaws.

Yes. I did. I forgot to deposit the ore at all. So we failed the event.
Off on a tangent...radiation rumble gets on my ****. It's a rock hard event with no better rewards than far easier events, so few people do it. I usually teleport in when it starts, wait for a couple of minutes and teleport out again when nobody turns up to do it. I could solo it solely to slaughter glowing ferals in the hope of getting a few legendaries, but I'd feel bad about the NPCs dying because I roleplay in games.
Did RR a few weeks ago with a very high level heavily armed team of about 10 players & its not worth the effort for the rewards & no matter what it keeps throwing all those tough enemies at you constantly for the entire duration of the event :rolleyes:

Waste of resource playing it for no special rewards IMO :(
Does it beat BoS combat armour? The posts I've seen from people who have both says it doesn't, but I haven't bothered checking. A lot of people don't know how much better BoS combat armour is when compared to normal combat armour. It adds a lot to DR and ER.
Not sure if it beats BOS but do you get random 3* LEG effects when you craft each SS piece as it uses 1 LEG module you have to buy from the Purveyor. SS just seems really good to me so far I am now working on all the pieces buts its going to take me another 5 weeks to get enough Gold :( so hopefully by then Season 1 is released :)
2PM today they take offline to hotfix the vending machine issues & server maintenance. So expect it back online around 4-5PM GMT. When the vending machines are back I have a lot of items to add back into my shops! and will also pop by yours @Angilion perhaps see if you can add the Winter helmet mask to your shop for me if your around same time as me please.

I asked around. It can't be done. As I suspected, it's not an item per se. It's a reskin for a PA helmet. So it works the same was as something you bought a reksin from the atomic shop for - once applied, it can't be dropped, scrapped, traded or sold. I could probably remove the reskin job, but then you'd be buying a standard T-45 PA helmet :)

I'm not going to rebuild my vending machines unless the more serious bug has been fixed, the one that takes items from your stash and puts them in your vending machines at default prices (and your punchbowl for free if you have one). I don't care if other people dupe items. I do care if I lose my carefully selected legendaries I scavved for over a year for.

Did RR a few weeks ago with a very high level heavily armed team of about 10 players & its not worth the effort for the rewards & no matter what it keeps throwing all those tough enemies at you constantly for the entire duration of the event :rolleyes:

Waste of resource playing it for no special rewards IMO :(

I did it because I hadn't done it, mainly. But 2 of us successfully did it this week. If I hadn't forgotten to deposit the ore before the timer ran out two of us would have succeeded tonight. It's hard going with only one person protecting the scavvers (the other is collecting ore), but it's possible if they've got a suitable ranged weapon. I can do it with my anti-armour faster fire rate 50 cal. I didn't try the explosive one because I didn't know if the explosive damage would harm the scavvers. You need to put the ferals down hard and fast at one side then run to the other side and repeat. Repairing the machinegun turrets whenever they're broken is pretty much essential because if they're working the ferals will target them instead, which gives you enough time to clear the other side and run over.

To make things less hard for the defenders, don't deposit the ore until the last few seconds. The more ore that's deposited the harder the mobs get. A horde of high level glowing deathclaws is a problem and you will get that if there's enough ore deposited.

For a creative way of doing the event, use a shotgun with the enforcer perk maxxed. A legendary shotgun with extra limb damage if possible. If you cripple the ferals they can't get to the scavvers and the spawn rate goes right down because the first lot aren't dead.

For another creative way of doing the event, bring some spare PA frames and use them to block the little corridors at each end of the main area where the named scavvers are. Ferals are too dumb to get past the PA frames and pointlessly flail at them instead.

But I like the opportunity to let rip with many, many bullets just for jollies. Bring on the ferals! I've got 5000 50 cal bullets here and let's go! You're right that the reward isn't worth the resources, but I do it for fun. I miss the old ferals at Whitespring, the ones that would swarm you in response to any noise louder than a footstep. I'd stand at the entrance to the carpark and blow up a car so every feral in earshot would come swarming at me and the golf club was even better. A couple of explosive rounds for noise-making, stand in the doorway and a couple of dozen of them would come swarming at you. Now the ferals often don't even wake up if you're shooting right next to them.

I run out of steel. Often. More often than lead since I learned about the lucky hole mine. But it entertains me.
I just got the Winter Effigy helmet Plan from Fasnact but it says I already own it & yet I cannot create the T45 Helmet as I already learned that Plan from the xmas gift event! Yet another bugged item in a very long list now :rolleyes::(
Well that's all the faction rep done. I bought all the gauss shotguns mods, even the ones I'll never use, and backpacks and gauss minigun and farmable tiles and the ammo-making machine.

Had a marvellous Fasnacht. Several players with high rate of fire laser weapons put on a light show during the effect. That's a new one on me and a very good show. I joined in by juggling a critter corpse with my explosive 50 cal. Macabre but novel. I wasn't sure it could be done, but it can.
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