**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

What do people do with atoms?
I'm playing it single player as much as possible, I have no interest in base building and nothing in the shop seems worth bothering with. Any suggestions?

If you don't like base building then not much.

I spent them on the greenhouse kit, trailor park caravan thing, actually thinking about it, you can buy the skills preset thing you can switch at the postcard stand (sorry been a while since I played) those are pretty handy, so you can quick switch your skills, I found I needed several of them I think the game only gives you two as default.

They are pretty generous with atoms I found I had loads and I didn't have premium.
Buy a shelter and have the workbenches in it. That's not open to the public and is your own instance so complete privacy. Worth it for the functions.
I'd never thought of the shelters, again my camp is really basic and functional unlike a lot I see in the wasteland!

Might just buy repair kits, my stealth armour is dead and I've not got the junk to repair it right now.
I've done the bare minimum with my camps. One is even just a few workbenches and stash box in the middle of nowhere.

My main one is near whitesprings and actually has walls and a roof. :eek: Also has some things like a fusion core recharger, water boiler, nuka cola collectron.
I only have the one camp but most of it is pre made, I use the forge and the big house, the forge is used for my "SPECIAL" stuff so all of my boosts basically, in the house I have my benches in and some other stuff but I only really use the first floor. My mate is doing a hobo camp under a bridge lol, he took ages doing his last camp then accidentally deleted his house and lost it all so is going minimalist now.

I have most of the boost stuff like the weight bench, speedbag and the bike etc. etc. etc. but I only really ever use the derby (2 int) the scent machine (2 chr), the wood chopper guy slot machine (+2 LCK I think) and then I read the mothman book on the pedestal which gives +5% XP buff, I sometimes use the mini bowling game too. If I use the derby and then the fortune teller too quickly I get a bug where about a quarter of my screen has my derby winnings on it, full game restart for that one to go away.

One of the best buys for me was the power supply that radiates power, saves a load of wiring for things that dont need a direct wire anyway.

Depending on when this season finishes I'm not sure If I'll make 150 on the scoreboard, some are saying June 6th and some saying June 25th, I should make it for the 25th but if it is the 6th then no chance, I've missed too many days. I wouldn't mind some of those Perk points, mainly because I CBA scrapping cards any more, also at 150 the rewards on the last page are repeatable. Tuesday is the weekly refresh so I'll be dropping a bottle and trying to do most of them tonight.
Ok so I now need the mothman book and whatever boost gives strength for my current shotgun build.

So much I do not know about the game lol
Ok so I now need the mothman book and whatever boost gives strength for my current shotgun build.

So much I do not know about the game lol
The weight bench give +2 strength I think matey. Pretty sure it is often on the atom shop or sometimes for gold maybe.....can't honestly remember.

Just googled, can be bought from Mortimer at the Crater core....1250 gold though, ouchies.

Why does that build need strength? never had a SG build.
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The weight bench give +2 strength I think matey. Pretty sure it is often on the atom shop or sometimes for gold maybe.....can't honestly remember.

Just googled, can be bought from Mortimer at the Crater core....1250 gold though, ouchies.

Why does that build need strength? never had a SG build.
Strength for the shotgun perks with perception and luck, scattershot and shotgunner are 2 of them. It's builds into a strength and cats crit build later on. I'm only level 70 so missing a few legendary perk card boosts to get the full utility. It is a fun build but can be hard to work with where the 10mm silenced build was easier and chameleon armour was a lot of fun.
Well not had that happen for a while.

76 crashed. To the point I had to verify the install to get it working again. :eek:

Came across someone who has sussed the Primal Cuts event. Build a square of walls about 8x8 around the drum and put some platforms around the top edge and ladders going up to them. All the creatures spawn inside it. 2 minutes and done.
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I've not had crashes but if I go AFK for more than about 5 mins (even just in the menu) I lose sound completely and have to restart the game.
I've not had crashes but if I go AFK for more than about 5 mins (even just in the menu) I lose sound completely and have to restart the game.
Do you use a dedicated sound card?

If I am steam linking to my tablet and switch my monitor on it cuts the sound to the tablet. Other than that the streaming is spot on.
Not had that. Have had some crackling and clicking when using onboard. But switched to an old external Soundblaster X-fi HD and it all went away immediately.
Kind of fed up with meat week....

Many flamer plans, 6x nuka shank knife plans , 4x chally the moomoo mask... Lots of crap plushies...

Not one of the plans that I want.
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Kind of fed up with meat week....

Many flamer plans, 6x nuka shank knife plans , 4x chally the moomoo mask... Lots of crap plushies...

Not one of the plans that I want.
They let events go on for too long, that mothman one was dire and it seemed to never end.

I'm trying to get the Casual Shielded Under-armour plan, for no real reason other than I dont have it and it boosts INT, it's only available after you have all of the other casual linings and do the "Queen of the hunt" event, I've done it loads of times and still not got it.
And that's 2 more wasteland hunter plans sold... Still no weenie wagon or megalonyx bits....

Seriously, I'm making so many caps. I've been all the plans and mods from Modus and still keep hitting the cap limit.
I got the wagon, don’t have a clue what the other thing is.
The wagon makes canned dog food which can be handy for daily/weeklies I guess
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