**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Been using Fo1st it for a couple of weeks now. It's very useful. Don't use the tents much. Think I'm currently using the christmas one. This new one though with all the toys, yes please.

The scrap and ammo boxes are superb. Not having to worry about scrap and ammo is fantastic. I really can't go back to only having 1200 stash weight again now. Having 22k .45, 17k fuel, 9k plasma cells, 15k shotgun shells just waiting for me is nice. Wish it took plasma cores as well, but I just sell them off instead. Same with fusion cores. Charge to 100 and sell for 100 caps.

Private worlds are useful as well. Especially with some of the quests where everyone is hunting mirelurks or some such creature at the same time. Just hop into a private world and they're all yours. :D
The Gazebo has all of that, it has an armour bench rather than a Tinker but otherwise it's great, it's also pretty high so you can stick it at an even like the SBQ and jump on that which gives a safer place to sit.
Been holding off re-installing this for a while as been playing ESO, and wanting to stay away from the fallout universe until Fallout London gets released, but seeing as thats has got no firm release date I am thinking of dipping my toe back into 76, was always a solo player and feel i have only seen half of what the game has to offer.
I change how I play most nights, if I can be bothered I do events like crazy but sometimes I just want to wander around on my own, you can play either way.
Just got to level 140 on the score. Looking more likely that I'll hit 150. Whoop! :D Helps that I had 2 epic challenges today.

Did get all today's challenges done in about 30 minutes too. Had to cripple 2 super mutant arms, cripple 2 super mutant heads and take a photo of a super mutant. Well that's easy. Grafton Dam gets those 3 done in under 2 minutes.
Very nice, I’ve not been in yet today but I will be later.

For mutants I usually go to west tec.

I’m around 144/145 now so a few days more and I’ll be there, I plan on buying some perk points and a lot of lunch boxes, I only have one legendary card to rank up so I’ll use points for that….i have about 100 level ups to use but can’t be bothered scrapping cards any more, it’s way too clunky.
Hit level 75, Didn't realise legendary perks were a thing until level 60.. I've kinda done the big stuff now, can't seem to get past the biometric key card thingy to launch a nuke but I know what sort of happens anyway.

Think I'm getting bored, I'll need to see how many hours I've put in.
Awwww crap....

No chance of me getting to level 150 then. Time to spend all your score tickets as they won't roll over to the next season. Just checked and I've got nearly 2000 to spend.

Weekly challenges will also reset on Wednesday as well.

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Awwww crap....

No chance of me getting to level 150 then. Time to spend all your score tickets as they won't roll over to the next season. Just checked and I've got nearly 2000 to spend.

Weekly challenges will also reset on Wednesday as well.

Nooooo, I'll miss it by 2-3.

Ah well, new content it always welcome, it would have been more welcome with 50 lunch-boxes though.
Is it bad I've no idea what the leader board and score tickets are?!
It's in the main menu in game or at the start, seasons or scoreboard it's called, you basically get free stuff a lot of which is useless but some is ok. In game you can see what level you are with the blue bar in the top right of your map screen.

You can see in the seasons page how many tickets you have and each item has a cost, different levels have different items and each can only be bought one time until the very last page, it's that last page myself & Flibster were trying to get to because you can buy the items on that page multiple times.

I never made it on all weekend so I could have made it, too many missed days for me. I know a German guy I play online with sometimes is around lvl 200 but they do casino runs all day, one day he said they did 64 runs of boardwalk which just seems insane to me, how is that fun? I may pop a score boost and a few lunch-boxes tonight and see if doing a few boardwalks gets me over the line, I doubt it though.
Awwww crap....

No chance of me getting to level 150 then. Time to spend all your score tickets as they won't roll over to the next season. Just checked and I've got nearly 2000 to spend.

Weekly challenges will also reset on Wednesday as well.

Hold up, June 12th is Wednesday, they normally update on a Tuesday, if it is weds I should just make it!
It's in the main menu in game or at the start, seasons or scoreboard it's called, you basically get free stuff a lot of which is useless but some is ok. In game you can see what level you are with the blue bar in the top right of your map screen.

You can see in the seasons page how many tickets you have and each item has a cost, different levels have different items and each can only be bought one time until the very last page, it's that last page myself & Flibster were trying to get to because you can buy the items on that page multiple times.

I never made it on all weekend so I could have made it, too many missed days for me. I know a German guy I play online with sometimes is around lvl 200 but they do casino runs all day, one day he said they did 64 runs of boardwalk which just seems insane to me, how is that fun? I may pop a score boost and a few lunch-boxes tonight and see if doing a few boardwalks gets me over the line, I doubt it though.
Was only level 25, but grabbed everythign I could and have about 90 left.
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Was only level 25, but grabbed a few legendary cores etc, still have about 400 left. That was a nice surprise!
That's what the daily/weekly quests are for, not to be confused with daily ops, you finish each quest and get points for doing it. Some are just stupid but some are really easy, join a team for 330 points....thanks I'll have some of that. You also have the option to re-roll ones you can't do or rather can't be bothered with, I think you get 1 free re-roll each day and 2 with fo1st.

The ones I hate are the teddy bear ones and the Gnome ones, I know where they are but most of the time the server has been raided, Fo1st again is great because as Flibster mentioned you make your own server and grab the stuff on there, saves hours of messing around.
If I leave work right now I could be home and get an extra day worth of dailies in......

Hope my boss isn't on this forum lol.
Finally got the Holy Fire. Found someone selling it for 2k. Now to get the flamer mods.
Basically unkillable, I used to just stand in front of the sbq/Earl and flame them, superb weapon but kind of boring to be that tanky, great fun for a while though.

Put on super duper and make a pile of flamers, should get easy mods that way, if you have enough scrap that is.
Basically unkillable, I used to just stand in front of the sbq/Earl and flame them, superb weapon but kind of boring to be that tanky, great fun for a while though.

Put on super duper and make a pile of flamers, should get easy mods that way, if you have enough scrap that is.
All I have left to get is the huge tank, but it came with it already fitted so.... eeeh...
All I have left to get is the huge tank, but it came with it already fitted so.... eeeh...
Nice, it took me a while to get the tank.

It's the one weapon I can't bring myself to sell, had it since early on (70ish I think) and just can't get rid of it, I've had 3-4 since and sold them for 1k caps but the original is in my stash still. I'll probably never sell my RR or my Fixer now either as both are pretty much god rolls.

What level are you now @Flibster ? I'm sure I got 146 last night so hopefully with a boost and doing all of the dailies and weeklies tonight I will hit 150, obviously I can't do the 3 day weekly one though and I dont think it can be rolled.
My main stash is actually pretty empty weight wise. Few weapons, couple of power armour suits and a lot of maps and magazines.

Hit level 143 last night. Too far away to get to 150 even with boosters.
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