Been using Fo1st it for a couple of weeks now. It's very useful. Don't use the tents much. Think I'm currently using the christmas one. This new one though with all the toys, yes please.
The scrap and ammo boxes are superb. Not having to worry about scrap and ammo is fantastic. I really can't go back to only having 1200 stash weight again now. Having 22k .45, 17k fuel, 9k plasma cells, 15k shotgun shells just waiting for me is nice. Wish it took plasma cores as well, but I just sell them off instead. Same with fusion cores. Charge to 100 and sell for 100 caps.
Private worlds are useful as well. Especially with some of the quests where everyone is hunting mirelurks or some such creature at the same time. Just hop into a private world and they're all yours.