**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

What gun are you using, 54 is very low.

A lot depends on the gun you are using matching the build you have, heavy guns don’t work well with commando builds and vice versa, at lvl 50 you can use any gun in the game so don’t limit yourself because of Ammo as you will get loads of that by doing daily ops….if you want to.
My Plasma casters first hit is around 600-700 as its double damage if target is full health.

Add the sneak perks and its even higher.
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What gun are you using, 54 is very low.

A lot depends on the gun you are using matching the build you have, heavy guns don’t work well with commando builds and vice versa, at lvl 50 you can use any gun in the game so don’t limit yourself because of Ammo as you will get loads of that by doing daily ops….if you want to.
I think this might be the problem, Its been a long time since i last played this, but by looking at my current set up, it doesnt look like I have a build aimed at anything, think that could be my first problem.
I think this might be the problem, Its been a long time since i last played this, but by looking at my current set up, it doesnt look like I have a build aimed at anything, think that could be my first problem.
Yeah your perk cards are quite important in this game, best to decide roughly what you want to play as and then build the deck based on that, you can have other builds you can switch to if you fancy a change later on but it's best to get one sorted first IMHO.
There are loads of sites out there with builds on them.
Any beginner friendly builds you recommend?
Do you have a preference to weapon type. Pistols, melee, rifles etc?
I started on a pistol build but with lots of intelligence to boost xp gains so I could get to level 50, I was using a 10mm silenced pistol and sneak as that was easy to build. Then I switched to a shotgun build and used a couple of builds on YouTube to get the basics going.
Pretty sure the cremator can’t be sold or dropped, it was a plan on last months scoreboard.
Yeah the new quest dialogue was buggy, if I skipped it I had to wait until it caught up anyway, I’ve never had the workbench flickering bug though but I’m in pc so maybe it’s a console bug.
When you bring up teams you get a rough idea of how many are on the sever but not everyone joins a team, it’s something I often wonder myself.
Yeah i had come to that conclusion. I did get a flamer called Holy Fire from one of the vendors and that is close to similar. Need to find more to scrap to start getting some more mods.

I need to start making different perk classes for different scenarios.

I did see a funny video last night where someone realised that if you use the gamma gun on the robots in Neurological Warfare it takes them down really quick. I am sure it will get patched out soon but its pretty fun.
Yeah i had come to that conclusion. I did get a flamer called Holy Fire from one of the vendors and that is close to similar. Need to find more to scrap to start getting some more mods.

I need to start making different perk classes for different scenarios.

I did see a funny video last night where someone realised that if you use the gamma gun on the robots in Neurological Warfare it takes them down really quick. I am sure it will get patched out soon but its pretty fun.
Yeah I watched that one, Angry Turtle is pretty good most of the time.

Holy fire is amazing but not really much like the cremator, given the choice I would take a holy fire over a cremator any day but that's just me. Cremator has a lot more range and has crazy damage where the HF is more like a normal flamer but with a vampire mod, when I started I got a HF early on, that and Power armour made me pretty much unkillable which is great fun for a while then it gets quite boring.

I'm now looking at mods thanks to Flibster, I think I want to use a mod manager though as my old ham hands (and head) will surely make a mess of any files needed.
Well another thing im learning while playing this is i cant aim for toffee!, tempted to follow a VATS biased build but i think im the long run i might be better off just learning to aim! seems like a long way off for me at the moment but i am leaning towards this Commando build i found on YT what do you guys think?

I’m on a bloodied commando build just now, very much VATS based. I carry a quad explosive RR, a bloodied explosive handmade, a two shot explosive handmade and an uktracite explosive fixer….I come prepared lol.
I also carry a Tesla rifle, mainly for Radiation Rumble, insane xp event.
VATS is great, my SS armour is all ultralight so +5 ap each part, I fire and hold space which adds crit damage too, depending on the gun and the enemy I can do around 1k damage per shot. Manual aiming with the RR is a joke due to recoil, has to be VATS.
Any beginner friendly builds you recommend?

Power armour full health commando (commando = automatic rifles)

As you are over level 50, I'd recommend visiting player camps to find someone selling the weapon called "The fixer". Its an automatic rifle that has a few extra *** bonuses than normal. Nothing OP, just extra sneak bonuses. By the time you are >lvl 100 with customized armour you won't need to sneak at all, but is nice for new players.

One other benefit of the weapon is that is tends to come with a fair few of the better standard modifications already attached.

A further subltle benefit thats key to my recommendation, is that its good for 'Tagging' enemies in events. As a level 58, when you attend an event, you are not going to be expected to be doing damage. You kind of have the opposite problem. In that high level players tend to kill stuff too quickly. An automatic rifle gives you the ability to land a couple of shots on enemies before they get obliterated and get the exp from the mob.

You might think that automatic = ammo problems. But .45 is very cheap to craft and if you do the tagging in events, enemies will drop more than you use.
I found that doing radiation rumble a dirty trick is to keep laying mines or use Molotov cocktails and a shotgun with a long barrel to get the tags in. I ended up with 6 legendary items and doubling my ammo.
I found that doing radiation rumble a dirty trick is to keep laying mines or use Molotov cocktails and a shotgun with a long barrel to get the tags in. I ended up with 6 legendary items and doubling my ammo.
Automatic Tesla rifle tags everything, just sit in the middle and fire both sides, turn on the damage indicator too so you can see when you do damage and how much you do.
There is supposed to be a tesla rifle drop from the new area hourly event. Considering that the event is a bit boring, the fact its so packed right now suggests that a fair few are after the 2? rifle drops from it.
There is supposed to be a tesla rifle drop from the new area hourly event. Considering that the event is a bit boring, the fact its so packed right now suggests that a fair few are after the 2? rifle drops from it.
Yup. The V63 Bertha. Has 3 legendary effects and a hidden one. Two shot, 25% faster reload, 15% faster reload and the hidden effect is double ammo capacity.

Have one in my stash to play with at some point.

Have been playing with the Red Terror that you can get. It's a huge ammunition hole. 5% more damage per hit, 25% more damage when aiming, 15% faster reload and double ammo capacity light machine gun. So much ammo gone... :D
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There is supposed to be a tesla rifle drop from the new area hourly event. Considering that the event is a bit boring, the fact its so packed right now suggests that a fair few are after the 2? rifle drops from it.
Pretty sure I have 2 of them, I didn't even know where they came from.
Yup. The V63 Bertha. Has 3 legendary effects and a hidden one. Two shot, 25% faster reload, 15% faster reload and the hidden effect is double ammo capacity.

Have one in my stash to play with at some point.

Have been playing with the Red Terror that you can get. It's a huge ammunition hole. 5% more damage per hit, 25% more damage when aiming, 15% faster reload and double ammo capacity light machine gun. So much ammo gone... :D
I spotted one at a vendor but i didnt buy.. Kinda wish i had now.. Guess i will have to just keep grinding that event to see if i can get them. So far i only got one of the V63 weapons but cant remember which one it is.

I also have the V63 electric baton thingy from the end of the campaign. Not sure if its any good as i dont play much melee but i did get the auto axe thing and that rips through enemies. I need to do a build to help with AP usage for it tho,.
Bethesda have announed there will be an update for XBOX and PC players next week that will have some stability fixes and sadly fix the pickaxes giving legendary cores when scrapping them.

BOO! I've made so much money with them. :D Been selling them for 500 caps each. Still have 40 or so in my stash and have sold something like 100 of them now.
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