**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I'm near Sunnytop Station.
Feel free to add me as a friend. I don't often go on mic and I'm clueless about daily ops lol
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I see a lot of camps around the central map area and at wWhitespings. Probably to capitalize on the fact it is the busiest areas.
Being up at Sunnytop I seem to get a few people willing to travel up and mostly sell plans.
I'm near the top left at Aaronholt homestead, near the shed with the power armour frame in it. It's a pretty crappy location but I get cranberries and honey quite near me, it was great when I used PA as I got loads of free parts/frames/cores, now not so much.

I keep meaning to move to somewhere else but I've been there for months now and I cba with the hassle. I bought a second camp which I'm considering building near the bottom of the map, I'm kind of anti social lol.

Feel free to add me, sometimes I'm on the mic and sometimes the wife is asleep so I'm quiet. I don't do daily ops all of the time, as a bloodied build reflect damage is just not for me so that's one I normally skip, I do try to do one once a week though as you get one rare plan a week from them.

Current IGN is Hung_Solo.
I'm near the top left at Aaronholt homestead, near the shed with the power armour frame in it. It's a pretty crappy location but I get cranberries and honey quite near me, it was great when I used PA as I got loads of free parts/frames/cores, now not so much.

I keep meaning to move to somewhere else but I've been there for months now and I cba with the hassle. I bought a second camp which I'm considering building near the bottom of the map, I'm kind of anti social lol.

Feel free to add me, sometimes I'm on the mic and sometimes the wife is asleep so I'm quiet. I don't do daily ops all of the time, as a bloodied build reflect damage is just not for me so that's one I normally skip, I do try to do one once a week though as you get one rare plan a week from them.

Current IGN is Hung_Solo.
Reflect damage sucks even when not bloodied. I just used the Holy Fire on the last daily op and still died twice. Did it with someone else who also used the Holy fire in about 6:30 minutes which was good.
Reflect damage sucks even when not bloodied. I just used the Holy Fire on the last daily op and still died twice. Did it with someone else who also used the Holy fire in about 6:30 minutes which was good.
Yep, I used to do full health PA Holy fire and still die, I avoid it like the plague now I'm bloodied.

Nice pose lol.
Is a baserker 3 star cryolator any good?
To my surprise I have managed to do the weekly challenges, the scoreboard boost has been nice and I'm up from 39 to 48.
One thing I wish they did was different ammo types for the shotguns, slugs burning, acid etc.
Is a baserker 3 star cryolator any good?
To my surprise I have managed to do the weekly challenges, the scoreboard boost has been nice and I'm up from 39 to 48.
One thing I wish they did was different ammo types for the shotguns, slugs burning, acid etc.
Nice going on the weeklies, they are quite easy most of the time, I just re-roll the ones I dont like. I've missed another few days so I'm still around 79/80ish, double xp this weekend though I think so I might add a few on if some good events come up (please please Radiation Rumble).

Not a clue, Cryolator isn't one I have used much, give it a spin and see if you like it would be the best bet, I dont see many using them so that maybe is a little hint at how good they are.....as in not very but each to their own so you may love it.
Nice meeting you in game @BeeP, didnt realise you was from here till long after you left, cheers for the goodies as well, however what i didnt like was you hanging outside my base with no clothes on lmao
Nice meeting you in game @BeeP, didnt realise you was from here till long after you left, cheers for the goodies as well, however what i didnt like was you hanging outside my base with no clothes on lmao
Yikes, I was fully dressed when I left home officer!

Not the first time I've used that line either, Jeez my skivvies are minging.

Yeah seemed odd just to bump into you on a random server, nice spot for a camp though.
So does that mean you loose scrip because you have to farm particles?
When they say mods is that like pocketed or are the refering to the the 1, 2 and 3 stars as mods? So a 3.star would have 3 mods?
So does that mean you loose scrip because you have to farm particles?
When they say mods is that like pocketed or are the refering to the the 1, 2 and 3 stars as mods? So a 3.star would have 3 mods?
No idea. I'm sure some people who use the test server will stick video on youtube showing the changes.

And Angry Turtle appears with a video.

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Added you guys last night, mostly for the tighty whitey action :D

Now to find a damn deathclaw egg that hasn't already been looted.
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Added you guys last night, mostly for the tighty whitey action :D

Now to find a damn deathclaw egg that hasn't already been looted.
I gave up and re rolled that one.

I did the AFK thing in Helvetia last night, got 5 crappy masks so I don’t think I’ll bother again, I must be one of the only folk not to have a glowing mask, tbh I wouldn’t even use it but I do t know why I’ve never got one, even from previous events.
I know the odds are really low but my mate now has 4 of them after doing half the events I’ve done…..RNG hates me lol.
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I hopped a few servers then ended up getting the one in the Enclave laboratory (?) bit of a wander to get to it so I assume most people don't bother.
Got about 6 masks, no glowing, just doing the event for the easy freebies.
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