**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I'm on a Flibster run now, well over 100 (More like 200) weapons and no new plans learned.
It'll only get worse as you have more plans learnt.

Really should keep notes on what ones I have already so I don't scrap 1* legendaries with something I already know.
Ah well. No mods or plans, scrapped about 30 items tonight and the only mod I have is a heavy Hitter.
Going to have to try some Atlantic city and the other expeditions. Only done 1 before.
Managed to do Earl solo tonight... Took all but about 2 minutes of the allowed time. Also a LOT of fuel for my Cremator, Holy fire and had to repair my Autoaxe twice...

Only died once though.
Managed to do Earl solo tonight... Took all but about 2 minutes of the allowed time. Also a LOT of fuel for my Cremator, Holy fire and had to repair my Autoaxe twice...

Only died once though.
Do you use PA with the auto axe? I don't think my level.122 cold shoulder could manage the expedition runs.
I've not jumped in since the Milepost Zero and Caravan update.
Whats the thoughts so far?
I've done a couple of Caravans, it's not the worst addition but it's not one that will draw in the crowds to play the game. Still very buggy, my mate went to the site it tells you to go to to start the mission but nothing was on the Brahmin so he can't start it.
I've done a couple of Caravans, it's not the worst addition but it's not one that will draw in the crowds to play the game. Still very buggy, my mate went to the site it tells you to go to to start the mission but nothing was on the Brahmin so he can't start it.

Thats why I generally wait a while before jumping into the expansions. I've been around since launch so experiencing a few game breaking bugs is kinda old on me.
So I just wait it out until they fix it.
Thats why I generally wait a while before jumping into the expansions. I've been around since launch so experiencing a few game breaking bugs is kinda old on me.
So I just wait it out until they fix it.
To be fair on this occasion I wouldn't put it past him to be at the wrong place or doing something wrong, I'm going to give him a help to do it tonight so we will see if it is him or Bethesda this time.

I've not had any problems with it.

I was quite enjoying the new scrapping and crafting stuff in the game but now I'm out of caps, I went from 40k to 500 in a few days, I think I bought every weapon in the game and a few mods too. I'm only asking 20k for a bloodied mod box too....that's fair right ;) A guy bought a few things last night so I'm back around 10k again, I'll have that blown in about 10 minutes tonight. I should switch to a Junkies build as I am addicted to trying to get mod plans, RNG hates me though.
Still no luck on the legendary mods or plans. 30 items scrapped. 3.server disconnects during 2 events and 1 expedition. I did buy the auto axe and with my shotgun setup it proved very strong and useful. Fun to use too!
Quick tip for this weeks "collect 500 scrip" challenge.

Get a 3* legendary - go to one of the legendary scrapping machine and put the weapon in, take it out again, put it in again, take it out again and so on. Just remember to remove it before you leave the machine.

This way, you don't lose a load of weapons and armour that might give you a mod plan. ;)
Quick tip for this weeks "collect 500 scrip" challenge.

Get a 3* legendary - go to one of the legendary scrapping machine and put the weapon in, take it out again, put it in again, take it out again and so on. Just remember to remove it before you leave the machine.

This way, you don't lose a load of weapons and armour that might give you a mod plan. ;)
Never knew that either, wish I did at the time.

Almost all of my weeklies done, I think I'm aorund lvl 111ish now, those ultra boring West Tek runs deffo made a big difference.
Never knew that either, wish I did at the time.

Almost all of my weeklies done, I think I'm aorund lvl 111ish now, those ultra boring West Tek runs deffo made a big difference.
The west Tek runs are just going and taking out all the mutants? Just because there is a high volume of enemy's? Not done a full run through it yet.
Never knew that either, wish I did at the time.

Almost all of my weeklies done, I think I'm aorund lvl 111ish now, those ultra boring West Tek runs deffo made a big difference.
It's just another little thing to speed it up, like bulk materials count for scrapping challenges. Also sticking a weapon into the scrip machine also counts for selling weapons too.

Just got the 3 day one to go now. Currently at the end of rank 89. About 200 score needed for 90

Did get a Unyielding mod from scrapping earlier. Did some mod shopping and needed a quick hit of caps, so stuck it in my store for 20k. Sold within 5 minutes.


Oh yeah! Just unlocked ** Rapid plans. :D
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The west Tek runs are just going and taking out all the mutants? Just because there is a high volume of enemy's? Not done a full run through it yet.
West Tek runs are basically you and one other person (quickest way IMHO), you go in fully boosted and with all the machines used (INT, XP Buffs etc) then each run takes about 1.5 minutes, basically you clear out the front section then throw nuka nades through each one of the three doors, if properly done you should get between 40k and 60k XP in 1.5 minutes, double on a double XP weekend so more like 100k+ per run. You then go outside and swap team leader to the other player, rinse and repeat that for about 1 hour (until magazine buffs etc wear off).

This is why the LL3 mags became so popular, LL3 with cranberry relish gives 33% extra xp, LL3 and Brain Bombs give 11 INT, same goes for BW6 mags and meat based foods such as SB brains, all of those boosts and some west Tek and your season becomes quite short. Bear in mind that it is utterly mind numbingly boring after about 5 minutes though.
I'm so slow it would take 5.mins a run haha

Thanks for the info. Even though I'm level 122 I'm way off knowing enough. Trying to expedition runs but I always get server disconnected issues.
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I'm so slow it would take 5.mins a run haha

Thanks for the info. Even though I'm level 122 I'm way off knowing enough. Trying to expedition runs but I always get server disconnected issues.
Honestly I'm closing in on lvl 900 now and I still know so little, I just keep doing the same things over and over until someone says "why don't you just...."
Given that I'm mainly a sneaky evil bow user at the moment, West Tek takes me about 5-10 minutes to fully clear.

If I switch to Holy fire or cremator build, it's much quicker. But I'm enjoying using the Burning Love bow with flaming arrows to mass tag enemies in events. Decent splash damage and also a very wide area of effect.
I have found farming the Pitt expedition is the best way for me to farm legendary items, just struggle with the trogs at the end. I even unlocked executioner's mod plans which I stuck in my auto axe.
Going to try the other expeditions and see which I like the most.
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