Hope they do server maintenance either today or tomorrow. Had 4 hard to kill 3 Star legendaries @ Whitesprings earlier all I got as drops were 4 different pieces of Combat Armour not a single legendary weapon for all that effort!
Higher level players are farming the game constantly now to grab all the Legendaries to sell on for Caps or real money.
Found that if you buy expensive Power Armour mods like I do not long after you see the same piece just lying around ingame which is a little annoying as its triggered by buying the part so why then give it as a free drop
you must have every PA mod by now!!
TBH i didn't think killing a legendary was a guaranteed legendary drop, nor killing 3* legendaries getting a guaranteed 3* drop. Although i must say, for me, it's a rare occurrence that i don't get a legendary drop from killing a legendary, but most of the time they're always 1*.
I would take a guess that i've had maybe 400-500 legendary drops by now, about 80% being 1 star that i've either dropped or sold to vendors, 15% being 2* and 5% being 3*.