Regards the Mahrez SBC, I never submit multiple teams until I know I can complete all of them!
Yeah I understand that logic and it's why I generally tread cautiously with the icons with all the squads, I kind of felt at 3 squads this one would be achievable and basically the situation was I had untradeable duplicates with high enough rating that I didn't just want to discard them, so I was using them for the cheaper squads on Mahrez (but obviously it also consumed a lot of my existing fodder too). It was kind of bad timing really in that there wasn't a cheaper or longer duration SBC I wanted to do that I could've put those dupes into. Normally if I do multi-squad SBCs not in one go, I do the higher rated squads first to reduce the chances of this happening, but I've never really got to a position where an 87 squad was achievable. I'm maybe partly to blame myself for getting 'distracted' by other short term SBCs like Showdown Origi that have come up, I'd have a few more higher rated cards if I'd ignored those. Plus I was kind of slow off the blocks with Mahrez, I'd originally dismissed him as too expensive but then I'd ploughed through the other short term SBCs so thought I should make a start on him.
I'd been hoping some of these other packs would have helped, like I focussed on doing the 100 card centurion pack with 80 gold rares assuming I'd get some decent fodder, but I got 88 Dias, some random 86 special defender and then everyone else was rated 84 and below. I actually used more 85+ rated cards to get that pack then I ended up getting back. 83x10 didn't really net me much either.
I've now got a day to go on Mahrez and bascially all I have is 89 Son and 89 Oblak, everything else is 84 and below. Not enough coins to buy anything of note to go in. 87 overall is quite a hard squad for me to fill based on my ability and length of time playing the game. I'm probably going to have to decide between just resigning myself to the two 'wasted' squads or chuck in some special cards that I won't have much use for to lacking chem links or being in positions where I have much better options (making the SBC even more of a rip off).
I do have a whole bunch of draft tokens, I guess I can try grinding those out and see if I get lucky with the packs.
I've already burned most of my random low rated golds on the upgrade SBCs to try and get higher rated cards, I think the lowest rated gold common card I have now is 80. This has a kind of dangerous impact in that it means I'll lack all those random players you need for the SBCs like Marquee Matchups or players from league X.
I guess I need to remind myself that even if I don't get Mahrez it's not the end of the world, he'd definitely improve my team as my highest non-loan RW is 87 but probably in a months time there will be an equivalent affordable option available or I'll have reshuffled and not be using wingers anyway.
I noticed corners have been changed, it used to be quite easy to do fast inswinging corners (I even scored direct from the corner a few times if I saw them shuffling their keeper outside the six yard box) but now the ball floats slower and higher, I'm back to square one now as I don't really have a good corner routine aside from that.