No just keep playing, and if it looks like you're going to get hammered, kick it out of play, pause it a few times. Then just rubber band the remainder of the game.Is the etiquette for these friendlies for swap tokens still to quit if you concede?
Are you playing over Wi-Fi?
If not, it might be worth setting up a thinkbroadband monitoring graph and seeing if you’re getting packet loss etc during the time it disconnects.
dead link hereDon't mind if I do
Yeah just in settingsIs there a way to turn off crossplay on PS5? I've came up against a PC cheater in champs play-offs using all 6ft 7 players with 99 stats...
I think it is lag on ea's servers. was bad last weekis it just me or is the entire game broken?
for about 3 days now my players feel shocking, can't move, passes all over the place, balls bounce off people or they just miss the ball. feels like I'm playing with a bronze side.
If you hold RB that will call an AI teammate to press the ball carrier and allow you to manually cut passing lanes with the player you are do you get your players to close the ball down at 500mph while at the same time mark every other player to stop them being passed to?
I use a constant pressure tactic, 424 about 90 depth. Seems to push high and mark his players.If you hold RB that will call an AI teammate to press the ball carrier and allow you to manually cut passing lanes with the player you are controlling.
What I want to know is a good counter for the scenario where the opponent has a narrow lead late in the game and starts just passing it around his defenders, when I recognise this happening I want a way for my team to really press and mark the other players, but even Constant Pressure tactic doesn't seem to do this, they are still sitting too deep and not pressing in enough numbers. I'm not concerned about leaving myself exposed at the back because I'm losing anyway.