does a wireless pad work on pc?
22 years old and i'm getting giddy over a computer game ... ffs I need a girlfriend !
22 years old and i'm getting giddy over a computer game ... ffs I need a girlfriend !
im 33, have a wife and a 2yr old and im excited
that excited ive took friday n monday off
im 33, have a wife and a 2yr old and im that excited ive took friday n monday off
Hard to understand the hype over this I guess you have to be an F1 fan that doesn't find the sport like watching paint dry ?
The car models and other graphics look next gen the track details look no better than something 5 years old is all I am saying.
Not impressed at all if I am honest wish they had used a new engine and not dirt 2.
I'd ony pay £15 or less for this and a hard retail copy so they have lost my business already would rather put the money towards gran turismo 5.
So, what's the chances of connecting to an American proxy/VPN and getting the game unlocked today?
I have a girlfriend and am still getting stupidly excited about this game
slim to none