I use the DFP try these
Steering Deadzone : 0%
Steering saturation : 15%
Steering linearity : 50%
and the rest at 0%
Enviormental : 50%
Strength : 70%
Wheel Weight : 50%
Then in the Logitech Profiler
Overall Strength : 70%
Spring : 0%
Damper : 0%
Enable centring spring then put it to 0%
Report combined pedals unticked
240 degrees lock
allow game to change settings ticked.
Got another half a second at least in there i reckon, G25 no assists etc!
Got another half a second at least in there i reckon, G25 no assists etc!
1:07... the physics are messed up then.
I have found this very annoying that as soon as the car begins to slide there is nearly no way to catch it. In F1 2010 I used to just hit the brakes and did some stearing against the dirft and hit the paddle again. But in F1 2011 this ain't possible anymore not for me anyway.
Amazing time a random name....pretty random name btw guessing you made a thread in GD?
Anyway how about I challenge you to a TT?
You pick the car and track(except Monaco and Singapore)?
Not at all, the time trial mode isn't designed to be simulation. There's no tyre wear, no damage and no fuel simulation.
There's not a hope in hell you'd get that time in a proper race, you'll be absolutely miles off.
That still makes no sense then. Time trial should be based on when the tyres are optimal/peak in the career/GP qualifying mode but fuel in minimal run but never runs out. A bit like F1:CE.
Should have been called fantasy instead of time trial.
Soon Monaco will be in the 1:00's it's that silly. Even Brazil is going to be really daft. Last years game people were in 1:02 - 04's. By the crazy looks of time trial this year, Brazil will be in just double digits.