** Official Fuelly Thread - Post your MPG **

Sounds like you live on a motorway service area! ;) :D

lol. Live about 2 minutes from the A120 (Nice road to Stansted) then M11 all the way to London :D

The car was only a cheap solution until I get settled in the job. However it seems like I may have to change Jobs again now so just waiting.
According to my iPhone app:

49MPG at 60.
40MPG at 80
33MPG average

Although the average includes way back when I was doing 20MPG due to car setup being wayyyy out.

1457CC Mark 1 Golf...
Can't be bothered with that online rubbish when I have a perfectly good spreadsheet.

I'm averaging 23mpg in the Scorpio Cosworth and 38mpg in the Westfield.

These are just the journeys to work so 30mph > 50mph > motorway > 40mph split 15%/35%/45%/5%.
I average 23mpg in a 328i e36, according to the OBC. I do drive it like I stole it, and it does have nakasil issues..
Total Spend

Total Miles

Total Litres

Average MPG

Pence per mile AVG

Integra DC2 since May 2009
Holy hell that's horrific!

Yeah, it's not too good.

Mostly town driving, and short journeys, and me driving it like I stole it.

Will hopefully improve when I give it a good service in the next few weeks. I also suspect the lambda sensor is gone, which probably isn't helping things.
I get about 37mpg on a run at constant 70. Don't really have a good gearing for my usage :o
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