**Official Gigabyte Z87X-OC Discussion Thread**

i cant seem to install app centre,keep on getting an error related to .net framework,ive uninstalled and reinstalled a few times but wont work for me.
i have got the latest version of app centre and .net 4.5,not sure what to do
done that twice now,only want to try the oc part of app centre
might try the old fashioned way bios style
im getting really good temps during bf3 on real temp,so might just leave well alone until i REALLY need to start ocing the board,i want to tinker but am slightly afraid,dont want to brick the board by doing something daft.
Guys, am I missing something? for some reason my overclocks aren't sticking and it constantly boots but with the voltage changes I have made.

What am I doing wrong?!
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if they aren't applying then try reflashing the same bios again,sometimes it sticks esp if using a beta bios

atleast its like that for z77
just reflash it,beta's are fine its just they have that bug where settings won't apply sometimes

final bios's seem unaffected
This is very weird indeed I've just opened CPU-z and its showing core speed 800mhz, speedstep is (c1 c6 etc) is all disabled also).

I've run intel burn test and its not rising from 800mhz.

Temps are around 32'C idle.
Looks like a BD PROCHOT issue, ive used throttlestop to disable it and the cpu returns to normal clocks. however the temps are rocketing.

Going to re-seat the H100i tomorrow and see if that helps, if not it will be a call to customer support to seek advice.
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I've removed the H100i, checked the installation and it is fine. The thermal paste looked to have a good even spread on the CPU die also. The pump is running at an average of 2260 with one hot pipe one cold.

I have rebooted and I'm getting exactly the same issue. I've reset the CMOS, tried a few different BIOS versions but to no avail.

I think its an issue with the CPU to be honest. As I'm sat here typing its hitting 68'C at standard clocks at 1.04V
Hi all,

Anybody here using X bios on the Z87 OC - do you know what The K OC setting is or does in the bios, as there is no clue as to what it does. Just curios. Has available settings of Auto, Enabled or Disabled.

Hi all,

Anybody here using X bios on the Z87 OC - do you know what The K OC setting is or does in the bios, as there is no clue as to what it does. Just curios. Has available settings of Auto, Enabled or Disabled.


I believe it permits some amount of overclocking on a non-k series cpu
Hi guys i'm looking at getting the Gigabyte Z87X-OC but I have a thermalright silver arrow CPU cooler and just wanted to see whether anyone else had one. Key thing is whether it covers the first PCI E slot as I have 7970 CF so would like to spread them out without loosing a slot.


Asumming there is a problem with the Gigabyte Z87X-OC what other motherboard would you recommend for CF and overclocking?
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X series.

Hi Stulid. (or anyone else)

I've just bought this mobo after reading the great comments here.

Q, Would moving from F6 bios to X5 give me a more stable overclock beyond 4.3 @ 1.3v... anything past 4.3 I get bsod at the mo :(

I don't wanna push my volts to much higher as im getting 75c+ in Aida64.

It may, you don't have to remove the f6 bios either. Move the bios switch over and flash then you can alternate between f and x bioses :)
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