***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]


That's me playing all afternoon and evening with no crashes of any sort...

Went online to find you all, in a lobby with one of you... who blew me up with a tank... :D

That will teach me to be nosey about "MMmmmm whats that boom boom boom noise and police sirens" :)
I think you may be on to something Strudders. Has this been an unusually long period with no crashing?

I was good till the patch again last night.

I must stress that GTA V has been a nightmare for me. I have had so many issues with stability. However it is not just GTA V but also Elite Dangerous.

This morning I was back into the whole "do mission, crash. Log back in online after restart, crash. Always the D3D error.

Since I disabled DWM at 1-2 ish?? I have been playing pretty much solidly. Mission after mission. I also completed missions that I know would cause issues. They had done so in the past.
No crash's, no stutter or anything TBH.

I will not call this as there are so many issues full stop but looking in depth at how the DWM process works, it would make some sense.
I definitely think they have done something with the lighting and textures in this game after the patch. It looks a lot better now!

Had a good humane labs run this evening, final heist tomorrow though! And apologies again for committing suicide as you were in the marker for the hydra part :P honestly don't know what I hit.
msi afterburner and yeah for some reason they never seem to look as good as in real life :(

What do you use? if afterburner, can you post your settings please.
Had some fun in free roam earlier!

Got my hydra out, some dude with a bounty on him went into a shop. Landed hydra near, proximity mine outside on the steps, fly away. A few minutes later he explodes! :D It was only a $1000 bounty and proximity mines are $1000 so I didn't gain anything :(

I felt bad so I landed my hydra next to him as a gift but he blew the hydra and killed me as I was running away, so I was forced to chase him down and kill him needlessly then drove off and did some business elsewhere.

Was flying my hydra again, watching a couple of people trying to get their cars on a moving train. A big Titan comes from nowhere and flys straight into me :(

Me and 2 others eventually got on the train by using the standing next to it whilst it's going past and jumping, still one of the original guys trying to jump a car onto the train. Fun to watch him try.

1 more guy turns up in passive and gets on the train somehow, he just turned up from nowhere. Probably saw the messages on chat and decided to check it out. After some persuasion I get him to come out of passive, he was thinking we'd just kill him. We did not.

A Savage choppa turns up to try and land on the train. They fail somewhat and crash into one of those overhead metal solid things that pop up every now and then.

Previously passive guy says that his mate is coming to kill us... We all got RPGs and stuff out ready to defend the train from any threats. Hydra eventually turns up to look at the train hovering really close and I manage to throw a sticky bomb on it, thinking it might be the hostile, but hold off detonating it just to watch what he does first. He tries to land on train. He lands it a few times but never bothers coming out just takes off again. I tried to jump on top but the jet from the back pushes you away :(

Savage turns up again same guy from before I think and some green car turns up trying to jump on the train too. Green car goes flying up a hill, very nearly almost hitting the choppa mid air was quite cool to watch!

There's still one of the original guys trying to land their car on the train too... They are quite determined on getting that on here lol.

We were getting back into the city, and then my game crashed :(

I think the previously passive guys friend coming to kill us might have been the hydra guy as nobody ever did try to kill us.

Makes a nice change from all the people randomly killing others and hackers messing with everyone and what not.
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Must say the game ran very well last night, I just didn't have my GTA head on. I find the mass amounts of "lets just kill people" pretty boring in free roam.

Also when are R* going to do anything about the hackers.
Have only just started playing this but well impressed so far. I love the concept of the whole map being open from the beginning as it's fun just to hop in a vehicle and tour the "island". Also discovered if you time it right you can jump on a freight train and take a virtual tour that way. In fact, the railway system is laid out so well, I reckon Rockstar must have a couple of train simmers on their team.

However it appears you can't actually drive the train or the subway/transit cars in the vanilla game, only by installing mods. Are these likely to interfere with the rest of the gameplay or are they fairly benign?
I love this game, but... still dont get how the hell to arrange heists etc.

I tried calling lester but all the options are locked.

Its like Im stuck running round like a headless chicken, to setup races or other types of missions, its not straight forward (for a newbie like me at least)!
I love this game, but... still dont get how the hell to arrange heists etc.

I tried calling lester but all the options are locked.

Its like Im stuck running round like a headless chicken, to setup races or other types of missions, its not straight forward (for a newbie like me at least)!

Go to the planning room in your apartment, you can launch the heists from there either as the leader, or jumping into a heist as a crew member (there'll be a menu appear in the corner to press a button either way).

If you just want to get into a race or job, open the phone, go to quick job and join alone, it'll stick you in the queue while you're in free roam and you'll automatically be in once the host launches it.
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I love this game, but... still dont get how the hell to arrange heists etc.

I tried calling lester but all the options are locked.

Its like Im stuck running round like a headless chicken, to setup races or other types of missions, its not straight forward (for a newbie like me at least)!

I think you have to get to around Level 12 first before you can start a heist, but I think you can still join other heists.
Could also be modders booting everyone. Pita!!!!

Can they do that as well!? Could have been that alright, considering I could not drive down the street without having to avoid two or three UFO’s so there were modders about alright.

On the plus side, I can now go into Ammu-nation and buy armour without the game stalling every single time, that was definitely fixed last night. Great fun doing Humane Labs heist too, must actually try to do it from start to finish with the same group of people now, it’s a great mission, good to have some stealth in GTA.
Must say the game ran very well last night, I just didn't have my GTA head on. I find the mass amounts of "lets just kill people" pretty boring in free roam.

Also when are R* going to do anything about the hackers.

I've always found freeroam boring. I much more enjoy the missions, heists, survivor and all the different individual stuff that I guarantee you've not done 10% of.
Yup great fun with those heist setups last night, always love destroying tony's car :D

Shall be on tonight to finish it.

I was in the van today driving to a job 70 miles away, and just remembered the trolling of that poor dude in the clothes shop. So funny driving up to the glass door so the player inside couldn't open the doors outwards to get out. Then you standing on your bonnett looking at them whilst smoking, drinking, waving and a whole host of other emotes with about 4 others all looking on. Was so funny dude.
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Must say the game ran very well last night, I just didn't have my GTA head on. I find the mass amounts of "lets just kill people" pretty boring in free roam.

Also when are R* going to do anything about the hackers.

Not sure R* can do anything at the moment.

They released the patch notes and it was made clear that whilst mods are unofficial, modding in single player is fine...

We also received some reports linking decreased performance when using Story Mode mods to TU 1.28. As mentioned previously,we are not actively targeting players using mods in Story Mode, nor are we explicitly implementing protections against them in-game. Our primary focus is on protecting GTA Online against modifications that could give players an unfair advantage, disrupt gameplay, or cause griefing. However, as a reminder, mods are still unauthorized and as such, Title Updates may cause Story Mode mods to behave in unexpected ways because they are not supported or tested, and players run them at their own risk.

Also had no crashes again this morning....
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