***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Define "fun"? The 20mins doing an impossible race before we realised you needed GTA turned on, which the host (read noob) turned off or the constant trolling by Nexus?

I like the game, but between the grieffing and the trolling I can't enjoy it online.

Still mystified as to my card running cooler and quieter with a huge overclock than at stock...

Yeah, sorry about that! I specifically turned them off to stop Nexus from trolling, without realising that you actually need them to complete the race! Wouldn't have been so bad had Nexus not been his normal trolling self.

I dunno I just don't get the enjoyment that you do from trolling. Might be online later if you chaps are doing a Heist and need a 4th let me know, if not might do some BF4.
Ever since the new patch my PC has been randomly crashing when running GTA. I think it must be a coincidence and the only thing I can think of is my GPU overheating, as the similar issues reported only seem to be a crash to desktop. My CPU temps are absolutely fine.
The thing is....

- flash was using explosives too and I was killed first by him a number of times
- I didn't initiate any "killing" until you 2 started it

So don't just blame me, like I said earlier on, I don't really care for killing people but if someone starts it then I will finish it :p

And it is is GTA, I have never been able to take this franchise "seriously" especially when we are doing "custom" races like that.
I didn't kill anyone expect you after you killed me bumder.

They were custom because without the boosts they were/are impossible after we found out using that silly 4x4 thingy.
The thing is....

- flash was using explosives too and I was killed first by him a number of times
- I didn't initiate any "killing" until you 2 started it

So don't just blame me, like I said earlier on, I don't really care for killing people but if someone starts it then I will finish it :p

And it is is GTA, I have never been able to take this franchise "seriously" especially when we are doing "custom" races like that.

I didn't start the killing though :p I only blew you up once or twice on that looong off road race.
The first kill I remember was you on Josh, can't remember the race but it was on a corner :p

To be honest, I don't think anyone was interested after we spent 20 minutes on that race trying to get over to that other roof :p
I didn't start the killing though :p I only blew you up once or twice on that looong off road race.
The first kill I remember was you on Josh, can't remember the race but it was on a corner :p

To be honest, I don't think anyone was interested after we spent 20 minutes on that race trying to get over to that other roof :p

Yeah after calling you a noob I was spent, I just don't seem to have any enthusiasm for gaming at the moment.
You 2 sooooo started it!!!!!!

And by custom, I don't really mean the weapons, more the type of race i.e. all those jumps, ramps etc.

You need batman in your life josh!
Yeah I may install the 3 I have and give them a play through.

*you started it on that first ramp/corner with the 4x4 race, you were first and killed me and Chipster with either a prox or C4!

So nuuurrrrrr
Play them in order so asylum first then city. Origins is a prequel, although it is very similar to city and not as good imo.

Ah that race, yes I remember doing that although in the race before that, I am 99% sure that you killed me first!!!! :p


Don't forget you also have half life 2 to play :p one of the most epic games ever that had a real impact on the gaming industry.
Play them in order so asylum first then city. Origins is a prequel, although it is very similar to city and not as good imo.

Don't forget you also have half life 2 to play :p one of the most epic games ever that had a real impact on the gaming industry.

Yup will do the in order, tried Hl2, those flying hings narked me off so I only played 20mins of it.

Just blame nexus... Josh was obviously distracted by his short shorts :p

There isn't an emoticon for sick, but that's just how you made me feel.
Surely the best bit about GTA is shooting people and blowing **** up? :p
If you're in freeroam and not in passive, I probably will shoot you at some point. Likewise, in a GTA race, you're going to get shot. Don't like it, you're playing the wrong game! :D
Strudders you've come a long way and with a breakthrough recently I reckon give yourself a fresh install, disable window manager and hopefully enjoy some trouble free gaming for a while! I would personally fresh install windows and get on the latest drivers. Your nVCP is broken anyway.

In other news I hard locked in game the other day becuz my CPU didn't have enough voltage and corrupted my GTA install. Every time it loads now it behaves as if I'm loading for the first time - resets settings and asks to adjust brightness etc.

This ****ing game....

Cheers dude.

Reinstalled last night and it's the same (I delete all R* folders and profiles so it is a clean install via steam)

I am about to look around the web to see if it was a driver optimisation and then start installing Nvidia versions.

I am also suspicious it might be an on-line issue. So will get a new IP from my ISP as that did change on the day of the patch (BT you are *****)

Then see how we get on.

However I am super tired ATM (MS can **** off as well)

Will report back later.
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