***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Strudders I would be interested to know what was the solution for you, but I guess you're so over the moon you haven't crashed you don't fancy poking the bear? :P

LOL Yeah that is it, pretty much.

However I have

Remained on 350.12 drivers. (even though though NCP is broken)

Disabled, Desktop Window Manager service

Uninstalled Afterburner. (if I want any monitoring I use GPU-Z)

Reinstalled the game from scratch..... (deleted all folders etc)


Open the game from a Restart without opening Chrome or any other programs.

Alt + Tab out and in, once in game.

I have stutter rubberbanding issues mostly in Clearing the cat house and Hit 'Em Up missions. (the hotel seems to be the issue)
However during a tank rampage yesterday, I did drop FPS whilst careering across the wetlands.... :D

No issues at all in SP though....

My Bench results average....


So yeah, happy once more in my own little world.. :)
I'm glad you got it sorted mate.

I gave this a go and found it to be overall smoother than Adaptive but.....If I go into heavy grass areas my FPS will halve to 30 :eek:

Any solution for this?

Grass tanks performance. I have it on normal to prevent that and I really don't miss it. I also have Post FX on normal as well. I do use X4 MSAA and I have very few jaggies....

I could mess around with DSR/scaling n stuff but if it ain't broke don't fix it...
For anyone using msi after burner and who finds it distracting on screen the use the remote app on your phone or tablet.
It lets me keep a quick eye on things.
Its just too bad they don't have a remote app on the windows store as I could use it on both my windows tablets
That is a right load of faff just to get the game running :p

I find just in game vsync to be very good, I tried borderless windowed fullscreen mode (usually better than in game vsync) but there was some hitching.

I always have MSI AB + RT on in the background and I use F12 to turn the OSD on/off, my setup is pretty basic


Personally, I would sacrifice a few of the other settings i.e. shadows, reflection quality & MSAA in order to set grass on "high", normal just looks horrible imo:



MSAA does help a lot although I find sweetfx with SMAA + FXAA (in game) to be good enough @ 2560x1080
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For anyone using msi after burner and who finds it distracting on screen the use the remote app on your phone or tablet.
It lets me keep a quick eye on things.
Its just too bad they don't have a remote app on the windows store as I could use it on both my windows tablets

Dreams shattered. I started getting excited when you mentioned about the app, then I read its not for windows phone :(

Hopefully this will change when w10 mobile comes out.
Agreed I find MSAA to be resource greedy. A great alternative is DSR anything 1.50 times your native res or higher, with 20% smoothness.
This form of AA paired with sweetFX SMAA injection is just superb, but you must disable FXAA to get that crisp look.
You see what's strange for me is I have sweetfx but I have left fxaa on as I think it looks better - less jaggies.

Since the last update I think there is more grass and foliage on normal as well as the texture/lighting/shadow bump.

Will be jumping online in about an hour if anyone is kicking about.
I want 8xmsaa so i dont need FXAA, i like hte look for it better without FXAA but the jaggies annoy me even more. 8xMSAA goes wayyyyy past my vmem cap though.
I did an experiment a few weeks ago where I ran everything maximum. Full msaa/reflection msaa/ultra grass etc and I got about 50fps, 40fps in high density areas but the main issue were temperatures!!

Both cards were 80+ degrees which, considering how long sessions can be I didn't want to keep it like that.

But anything less than 8x msaa, is a waste of resource for limited visual gains. This is my opinion, obviously people may disagree :)
See i have the game completely maxed out, ultra on all settings which have the option, i run VSR 3800x1800 i think it is, and SweetFX have High Detail when flying on and 25% on Extended Draw Distance and run 4xAA without FXAA and the game looks breathtaking i can sustain 70fps, denser areas with lots of foliage it drops to 55fs which is acceptable, id like to run 8xAA just to see if it makes a difference but im only limited to 4GB of VRAM
I take it everyone (or most) are running without vsync then? I normally play all game without but for some reason GTA V seems a lot smoother with it switched on.
I take it everyone (or most) are running without vsync then? I normally play all game without but for some reason GTA V seems a lot smoother with it switched on.

I much prefer your method of Vsync on in game and forced in NVCP, its really silky smooth.


I just had quite possibly the most fun I have ever had on a video game.
In free roam I found myself in the middle of a sniper battle between two "red" mental state characters. They soon both turned on me.
The cargo train just so happened to be passing at the time, I hopped on and they both spent the next 20 mins trying to catch up in ****** cars they stole, and then either getting sniped from a distance or taking a rocket if they got too close. I eventually got bored and joined a heist but really, the possibilities on this game are amazing
Thanks both re vsync - I will try off in game and adaptive in NVC as never tried that.

Snap ceaton - The other day I was minding my own business in free roam when I stumbled across a bank robbery taking place I guess with people online. Being the good Samaritan I am I drove backwards and forwards taking out the cops for them to complete it get away (with daylight robbery)
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