***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Yup vsync or borderless windowed mode are a must have for every game, can't stand the tearing and I find games to run smoother with some form of vsync anyway.
Just completed the first heist in SP and unlocked Trevor. Once I got over the shock that
all the gameplay in LCS to preserve Johnny Krebitz and the Lost & The Damned was all for nought when Trevor killed him off
the guy is a complete psycopathic slob!
Decided to outfit him with a tux at one of the upmarket clothes shops but the NPC's still comment on how stinky he is. Looks like a cross between Billy Bob Thornton and Walter Goggins (the jailbait character in Predators/Justified).
Vsync in GTA5 for me means that for some reason it sits at 59fps and drops a couple of frames every few seconds causing a stutter - does my head in! Annoyingly it runs so much nicer with it on rather than off!
See i have the game completely maxed out, ultra on all settings which have the option, i run VSR 3800x1800 i think it is, and SweetFX have High Detail when flying on and 25% on Extended Draw Distance and run 4xAA without FXAA and the game looks breathtaking i can sustain 70fps, denser areas with lots of foliage it drops to 55fs which is acceptable, id like to run 8xAA just to see if it makes a difference but im only limited to 4GB of VRAM

Wow gimme your system, i had a choice of between 1800p or 1440p 4xmsaa but the AA from multi sampling just looks much better to me so im sticking with that untill i get better hardware so i can run higher resolutions and MSAA.
Vsync in GTA5 for me means that for some reason it sits at 59fps and drops a couple of frames every few seconds causing a stutter - does my head in! Annoyingly it runs so much nicer with it on rather than off!

theres a way around that m8, i cant remeber what it is but sumwhere in the config i think ya need ot change it to 60....someone with nvidia will tell you as they had to all work it out early on.
Wow gimme your system, i had a choice of between 1800p or 1440p 4xmsaa but the AA from multi sampling just looks much better to me so im sticking with that untill i get better hardware so i can run higher resolutions and MSAA.

Im kinda running the same as you

2700K @ 4.7GHz
295x2 @ 1100/1500

I haven't tried the game with my 4790K yet, im gonna assume minimums should be on the up, but with my 4770K @ 4.5GHz results were almost the same or within marjin of error

Also i just noticed the clocks on your graphics card, is the card stable with 1700MHz on the memory clock?
Anyone looking for new members or taking new member for heists?

Have been playing GTA since PC release and recently started online just over a week or two. I'm about rank 80, have done the first 2 heists as leader but struggling to find people to continue the rest since random groups have a harder time with later heists. I've tried the official forums but can't really understand or find groups that match what I'm after

Can use TS, Ventrillo etc no problem got a mic just looking to get the heists done, make some money and have a bit of fun.

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If I upgrade my monitor to 1440p will my 780 handle GTA ok?

Depends on what you mean 'handle'

Maxed out at 1440p? No!

But, turn down the settings a bit 2xAA and itll be fine, best thing to is play around with the settings, but when you do, make sure you do them in SP mode, because sometimes in MP you get stupid server stutters and stuff, just one less variable!
Depends on what you mean 'handle'

Maxed out at 1440p? No!

But, turn down the settings a bit 2xAA and itll be fine, best thing to is play around with the settings, but when you do, make sure you do them in SP mode, because sometimes in MP you get stupid server stutters and stuff, just one less variable!

Ok thanks, looks like I'll have to think about upgrading sometime soon then.
Since the last update, its good to see performance issues are resolved for me. Only weird thing is that I've found now that with the last patch vsync works fine now in game and off in nv control panel.

Game runs very well in sli btw. And whilst MSAA isnt brilliant, I do find FXAA blurs the image so would rather run with 4 x MSAA, than say FXAA. All personal preference of course.
Depends on what you mean 'handle'

Maxed out at 1440p? No!

But, turn down the settings a bit 2xAA and itll be fine, best thing to is play around with the settings, but when you do, make sure you do them in SP mode, because sometimes in MP you get stupid server stutters and stuff, just one less variable!

I downloaded gta yesterday.. I have a 780 evga ftw and it runs very very well on my Dell U2515h. Your limitations will be the 3GB limit on the card but no way a show stopper.. getting tiny micro stutters when up in the hills but nothing to write home about. Details are set to very high on the graphics menu, running a bench seems to top out around 60fps but this could be v-sync.
If I upgrade my monitor to 1440p will my 780 handle GTA ok?

I have a 780Ti. As above, 1400p max = no, but then unless you spend about £800 on GPUs then I doubt you could max everything. I would actually be interested to see bench details of max everything and 1440p on any machine.

3GB limit does not come into effect unless you ramp up AA or advance detail distance, long shadows or anything like that.

I run 1440p, vsync on in NCP and in game with most settings on very high and it mostly runs at 60fps. The odd drop (strangely down to >40fps instead of 30fps as I was expecting it to do due to vsync)

I will post my settings later in screens on here for you
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