***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]


A first benchmark run with vsync on the plane under bridge part dropped to 30fps, with adaptive vsync turned on in NCP it stayed at 60fps!

Screenshots showing settings - large images



Benchmarks, settings above, first with vsync on in NCP and on in GTAV menu. Then Adaptive in NCP and on in GTAV menu
Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 5.617628, 100.497368, 59.951668
Pass 1, 25.059025, 110.930733, 58.207432
Pass 2, 7.050511, 140.972717, 60.702969
Pass 3, 10.923344, 127.537750, 60.584888
Pass 4, 8.485408, 122.668449, 57.178890

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 9.950509, 178.011078, 16.680103
Pass 1, 9.014634, 39.905785, 17.179937
Pass 2, 7.093571, 141.833694, 16.473660
Pass 3, 7.840816, 91.547058, 16.505766
Pass 4, 8.152056, 117.849373, 17.488972

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 90/548 frames (16.42%)
Pass 1: 32/533 frames (6.00%)
Pass 2: 51/562 frames (9.07%)
Pass 3: 75/561 frames (13.37%)
Pass 4: 1162/6347 frames (18.31%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 539/548 frames (98.36%)
Pass 1: 514/533 frames (96.44%)
Pass 2: 559/562 frames (99.47%)
Pass 3: 558/561 frames (99.47%)
Pass 4: 5987/6347 frames (94.33%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 18.00
90%, 19.00
91%, 20.00
92%, 20.00
93%, 20.00
94%, 21.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 25.00
97%, 28.00
98%, 31.00
99%, 35.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 20.00
94%, 27.00
95%, 31.00
96%, 32.00
97%, 33.00
98%, 33.00
99%, 34.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 16.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 18.00
94%, 18.00
95%, 19.00
96%, 20.00
97%, 21.00
98%, 24.00
99%, 28.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 18.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 19.00
96%, 20.00
97%, 21.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 27.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 18.00
85%, 19.00
90%, 23.00
91%, 25.00
92%, 32.00
93%, 32.00
94%, 32.00
95%, 33.00
96%, 33.00
97%, 33.00
98%, 33.00
99%, 34.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.8GHz
8192MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3160MB, Driver Version 353.30
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync ON
Tessellation: 2
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
SamplingMode: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 1
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 3
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: false
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 2
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 0.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 22.386097, 92.312584, 59.903908
Pass 1, 38.562302, 101.581238, 60.030746
Pass 2, 39.326908, 74.550316, 59.964367
Pass 3, 38.916553, 89.636856, 60.098091
Pass 4, 4.250279, 91.615211, 59.763149

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 10.832759, 44.670582, 16.693401
Pass 1, 9.844337, 25.932062, 16.658131
Pass 2, 13.413759, 25.427883, 16.676571
Pass 3, 11.156125, 25.696007, 16.639463
Pass 4, 10.915218, 235.278656, 16.732719

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 73/558 frames (13.08%)
Pass 1: 28/567 frames (4.94%)
Pass 2: 19/566 frames (3.36%)
Pass 3: 48/567 frames (8.47%)
Pass 4: 1163/6890 frames (16.88%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 552/558 frames (98.92%)
Pass 1: 567/567 frames (100.00%)
Pass 2: 566/566 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 567/567 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 6872/6890 frames (99.74%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 18.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 19.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 20.00
96%, 21.00
97%, 22.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 32.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 19.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 16.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 17.00
99%, 19.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 18.00
96%, 18.00
97%, 18.00
98%, 19.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 18.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 19.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 19.00
96%, 20.00
97%, 20.00
98%, 21.00
99%, 24.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.8GHz
8192MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3160MB, Driver Version 353.30
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync ON
Tessellation: 2
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
SamplingMode: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 1
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 3
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: false
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 2
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 0.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000
Does it also stutter and jump in the benchmark too?

1440p maxed except for MSAA
Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 7.834446, 70.592285, 56.345661
Pass 1, 27.328308, 58.676033, 42.051510
Pass 2, 26.029079, 93.590721, 56.454720
Pass 3, 23.935228, 96.649803, 59.012653
Pass 4, 13.355956, 88.219803, 49.265572

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 14.165854, 127.641434, 17.747595
Pass 1, 17.042734, 36.592094, 23.780359
Pass 2, 10.684820, 38.418571, 17.713310
Pass 3, 10.346633, 41.779423, 16.945518
Pass 4, 11.335323, 74.872963, 20.298151

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 72/519 frames (13.87%)
Pass 1: 0/389 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 73/524 frames (13.93%)
Pass 3: 133/540 frames (24.63%)
Pass 4: 262/5577 frames (4.70%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 510/519 frames (98.27%)
Pass 1: 381/389 frames (97.94%)
Pass 2: 521/524 frames (99.43%)
Pass 3: 531/540 frames (98.33%)
Pass 4: 5544/5577 frames (99.41%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 17.00
75%, 18.00
80%, 19.00
85%, 19.00
90%, 21.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 22.00
94%, 22.00
95%, 23.00
96%, 24.00
97%, 25.00
98%, 26.00
99%, 36.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 23.00
75%, 26.00
80%, 27.00
85%, 28.00
90%, 29.00
91%, 30.00
92%, 30.00
93%, 31.00
94%, 31.00
95%, 31.00
96%, 32.00
97%, 32.00
98%, 32.00
99%, 33.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 17.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 19.00
85%, 20.00
90%, 20.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 21.00
94%, 21.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 22.00
97%, 23.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 28.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 18.00
85%, 19.00
90%, 20.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 23.00
94%, 23.00
95%, 25.00
96%, 26.00
97%, 29.00
98%, 31.00
99%, 37.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 20.00
75%, 23.00
80%, 23.00
85%, 24.00
90%, 25.00
91%, 25.00
92%, 26.00
93%, 26.00
94%, 26.00
95%, 27.00
96%, 27.00
97%, 28.00
98%, 29.00
99%, 31.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.8GHz
8192MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3160MB, Driver Version 353.30
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync ON
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
SamplingMode: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 3
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

1440p maxed with 8x AA (for the laugh)

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 2.594967, 39.154709, 28.290760
Pass 1, 11.704671, 62.235287, 21.735785
Pass 2, 7.823215, 59.678139, 29.045856
Pass 3, 2.139332, 62.828506, 29.629944
Pass 4, 3.215390, 58.913574, 27.213182

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 25.539713, 385.361420, 35.347229
Pass 1, 16.068054, 85.435974, 46.007080
Pass 2, 16.756556, 127.824677, 34.428318
Pass 3, 15.916342, 467.435730, 33.749641
Pass 4, 16.974016, 311.004211, 36.746895

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 0/264 frames (0.00%)
Pass 1: 0/203 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 0/267 frames (0.00%)
Pass 3: 1/277 frames (0.36%)
Pass 4: 0/3041 frames (0.00%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 91/264 frames (34.47%)
Pass 1: 2/203 frames (0.99%)
Pass 2: 124/267 frames (46.44%)
Pass 3: 135/277 frames (48.74%)
Pass 4: 854/3041 frames (28.08%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 33.00
75%, 39.00
80%, 41.00
85%, 41.00
90%, 42.00
91%, 43.00
92%, 44.00
93%, 45.00
94%, 45.00
95%, 45.00
96%, 45.00
97%, 45.00
98%, 46.00
99%, 47.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 45.00
75%, 49.00
80%, 50.00
85%, 51.00
90%, 54.00
91%, 55.00
92%, 55.00
93%, 56.00
94%, 56.00
95%, 57.00
96%, 57.00
97%, 58.00
98%, 60.00
99%, 62.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 33.00
75%, 40.00
80%, 41.00
85%, 41.00
90%, 42.00
91%, 42.00
92%, 42.00
93%, 43.00
94%, 43.00
95%, 43.00
96%, 43.00
97%, 43.00
98%, 45.00
99%, 47.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 33.00
75%, 35.00
80%, 36.00
85%, 37.00
90%, 38.00
91%, 39.00
92%, 40.00
93%, 41.00
94%, 42.00
95%, 42.00
96%, 43.00
97%, 44.00
98%, 45.00
99%, 47.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 37.00
75%, 42.00
80%, 44.00
85%, 46.00
90%, 48.00
91%, 48.00
92%, 49.00
93%, 50.00
94%, 51.00
95%, 54.00
96%, 57.00
97%, 59.00
98%, 62.00
99%, 69.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.8GHz
8192MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3160MB, Driver Version 353.30
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync ON
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 8
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
SamplingMode: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 3
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

back to usual settings (I note that max fps is different to the test ran on the previous page with same settings :confused: )

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 9.213770, 91.540634, 60.258511
Pass 1, 34.730614, 70.420815, 59.963245
Pass 2, 32.133469, 64.732170, 59.920738
Pass 3, 20.068386, 86.617790, 59.735199
Pass 4, 8.292939, 86.613747, 59.800613

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 10.924110, 108.533211, 16.595167
Pass 1, 14.200347, 28.793041, 16.676882
Pass 2, 15.448269, 31.120201, 16.688713
Pass 3, 11.544972, 49.829617, 16.740549
Pass 4, 11.545511, 120.584511, 16.722237

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 70/561 frames (12.48%)
Pass 1: 40/566 frames (7.07%)
Pass 2: 19/566 frames (3.36%)
Pass 3: 47/560 frames (8.39%)
Pass 4: 1234/6900 frames (17.88%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 556/561 frames (99.11%)
Pass 1: 566/566 frames (100.00%)
Pass 2: 566/566 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 559/560 frames (99.82%)
Pass 4: 6885/6900 frames (99.78%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 16.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 18.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 19.00
96%, 19.00
97%, 20.00
98%, 22.00
99%, 28.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 18.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 17.00
99%, 18.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 16.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 18.00
97%, 19.00
98%, 21.00
99%, 27.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 18.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 18.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 19.00
96%, 19.00
97%, 20.00
98%, 21.00
99%, 24.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.8GHz
8192MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3160MB, Driver Version 353.30
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync ON
Tessellation: 2
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
SamplingMode: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 1
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 3
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: false
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 2
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 0.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

A couple more tests with the same settings

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 10.182456, 88.027275, 60.012592
Pass 1, 33.554554, 71.680397, 59.996239
Pass 2, 30.776731, 67.499107, 59.927292
Pass 3, 25.531944, 84.950226, 59.668076
Pass 4, 13.440269, 95.761917, 59.730629

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 11.360115, 98.208130, 16.663170
Pass 1, 13.950815, 29.802214, 16.667711
Pass 2, 14.815011, 32.492081, 16.686888
Pass 3, 11.771599, 39.166622, 16.759380
Pass 4, 10.442565, 74.403267, 16.741829

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 68/559 frames (12.16%)
Pass 1: 27/566 frames (4.77%)
Pass 2: 10/566 frames (1.77%)
Pass 3: 52/559 frames (9.30%)
Pass 4: 1064/6904 frames (15.41%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 555/559 frames (99.28%)
Pass 1: 566/566 frames (100.00%)
Pass 2: 566/566 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 557/559 frames (99.64%)
Pass 4: 6886/6904 frames (99.74%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 16.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 18.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 19.00
96%, 21.00
97%, 21.00
98%, 22.00
99%, 28.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 18.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 16.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 17.00
99%, 18.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 18.00
96%, 19.00
97%, 20.00
98%, 22.00
99%, 28.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 18.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 18.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 19.00
96%, 19.00
97%, 20.00
98%, 21.00
99%, 24.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.8GHz
8192MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3160MB, Driver Version 353.30
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync ON
Tessellation: 2
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
SamplingMode: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 1
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 3
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: false
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 2
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 0.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 5.648961, 95.223778, 60.438999
Pass 1, 29.083942, 74.149612, 59.856834
Pass 2, 31.546980, 74.155540, 59.936504
Pass 3, 25.743244, 102.617760, 60.095165
Pass 4, 13.269420, 99.724976, 59.593029

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 10.501578, 177.023712, 16.545609
Pass 1, 13.486247, 34.383236, 16.706530
Pass 2, 13.485169, 31.698755, 16.684322
Pass 3, 9.744902, 38.845142, 16.640274
Pass 4, 10.027578, 75.361244, 16.780487

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 75/564 frames (13.30%)
Pass 1: 34/564 frames (6.03%)
Pass 2: 19/566 frames (3.36%)
Pass 3: 48/566 frames (8.48%)
Pass 4: 1076/6869 frames (15.66%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 563/564 frames (99.82%)
Pass 1: 562/564 frames (99.65%)
Pass 2: 566/566 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 565/566 frames (99.82%)
Pass 4: 6850/6869 frames (99.72%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 16.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 18.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 19.00
96%, 19.00
97%, 20.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 24.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 18.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 17.00
99%, 18.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 18.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 18.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 19.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 19.00
96%, 20.00
97%, 21.00
98%, 22.00
99%, 25.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.8GHz
8192MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3160MB, Driver Version 353.30
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync ON
Tessellation: 2
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
SamplingMode: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 1
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 3
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: false
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 2
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 0.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000
Last edited:

A first benchmark run with vsync on the plane under bridge part dropped to 30fps, with adaptive vsync turned on in NCP it stayed at 60fps!

To fix the drops to 30 FPS you either need to lower some settings or alternatively ALT + TAB once. Don't ask me why but this fixes Vsync.

Vsync forced on in NVCP and in game + ALT TAB > Adaptive Vsync through NVCP

Its smoother
Anyone with fps issues go into settings, go to graphics, scroll to shadow detail and drop it down 1 notch, hit space to apply then drop it back up to what it was and hit space to apply. Resume gaming with no more fps drops.
To fix the drops to 30 FPS you either need to lower some settings or alternatively ALT + TAB once. Don't ask me why but this fixes Vsync.

Vsync forced on in NVCP and in game + ALT TAB > Adaptive Vsync through NVCP

Its smoother

Does this mean On NCP and On in game is better than Adaptive NCP and On in game? Surely adaptive is better because it would drop to 40 or 50fps instead of 30.
I tried to do a setup with random people...

Why...seriously like im a average gta player, but these guys at level 100 making rookie errors....why oh bloody why!!

Just people not caring because they are with randoms themselves. I tried to do pacific heist yesterday and one guy - level 150 or something shot all the hostages and then proceeded to run out the bank without trying to kill anyway. He came up on chat saying "i made it before" ......so? lol

I will always do missions with randoms - if they die the mission doesn't end :)
Just people not caring because they are with randoms themselves. I tried to do pacific heist yesterday and one guy - level 150 or something shot all the hostages and then proceeded to run out the bank without trying to kill anyway. He came up on chat saying "i made it before" ......so? lol

I will always do missions with randoms - if they die the mission doesn't end :)

I dont have a choice, the current crew i play with kinda got bored, i still wanna play forces me to do things with randoms!
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