***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

I'm genuinely loving the performance on Windows 10. Had another quick blast yesterday just driving around the city like a mad man and it runs soooo smooth now. As mentioned before, my graphics settings are higher than they were previously.

Only thing I noticed was massive slowdowns when driving or walking near grassy sections - think I may need to turn the foliage down a little :p
Is anybody else having texture pop ins as bad as this?

Zoomed out

Zoomed in

When driving in rural areas its really obvious when the plantation pops up right in front of me
Yup, there are a whole load of people noticing it, maybe not on here but across the various other forums and loads of videos on it too.

I have tried a few of the suggested fixes that I posted a few pages back and it has helped a bit but still pretty bad.
Is anybody else having texture pop ins as bad as this?

When driving in rural areas its really obvious when the plantation pops up right in front of me

Yup, there are a whole load of people noticing it, maybe not on here but across the various other forums and loads of videos on it too.

I have tried a few of the suggested fixes that I posted a few pages back and it has helped a bit but still pretty bad.

Yep pretty poor. Also the traffic is popping in and out. So when sniping at a distance the target will disappear and also when flying the cars are popping in and out. Noticeable now, especially at night.
I didn't know it was Cara Delevingne on Non-Stop-Pop FM, love that station, got some cracking tracks on it, its the only one i listen to :p

I didn't know it was her either, but they're got some great DJs in there on a few of the other stations alright.

I do find myself listening to non-stop-pop a lot. It says a lot about the radio stations that I listen to them a lot more than my own self radio!
FXAA does not seem to be doing as much of a good jub under windows 10, got more jaggies seemingly on scenery, cars still look very crisp.

Might have to mess about with the settings as I'm teetering around 60fps at 3440x1440 and enabling MSAA takes it down to 45 - 50 regularly.

I have everything set to max except grass and all the binary options in the advanced tab on.
I'm in IF - and its a BIG IF, I'm allowed to connect to GTA online. It is so BROKEN it is unbelievable. Just spent 20 minutes trying to get into a game, any game, any mission. GTA Online is broken, single player is fine.

Here's how it "works" (ho ho ho): join game, fine, as soon as I try to join a job, first you get hit with the "the game you are trying to join has a different targeting system" - go away Rockstar just start the flippin game already, by the time you click on that, the game is already full of players (Cheers Rockstar!) and I am shot into a never ending spiral of loading. You would think you could go straight back to where you left off in the game? Don't be silly, you can stare at a "loading" screen for a long time.

Then, later on in the day it will tell you "Timed out locating session. Please return to Grand Theft Auto V and try again later." and kick you back to Single Player! Constantly, every single flipping time. GTA Online is broken.
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Well I have now completed all of the main missions. I played it for about 2/3 weeks after it came out, then with one thing and another, didn't play again until about 2 weeks ago! Got about 15 hours in last weekend :D Did enjoy it, just the rest of the tasks to do now.

I've probably spent about an hour online in total, I find it a bit rubbish. I can never find any of you guys to join!
I have been having a issue in regards to what my Windows account name(Local accont on 10 btw) and GTA V not liking it. This was also the case on Windows 7 previously. Basically my name on my account is my real name (Makes sense...) which is "Ian". But on this account GTA V crashes on startup giving me the "Grand Theft Auto V launcher as stopped working" message. Now taking in to account that i have done Windows reinstalls and GTA V reinstalls also. The only thing that makes it work is creating another User account and giving it a different name. Works every time on the newly named account :confused:

Now this isn't ideal as I don't want a separate account just for GTA V. But it seems that for some reason it doesn't like 3 lettered user account names.

I have all .exe's running as admin as well. I am at the end of my tether with this pile of R* junk launcher now...
I'm in IF - and its a BIG IF, I'm allowed to connect to GTA online. It is so BROKEN it is unbelievable. Just spent 20 minutes trying to get into a game, any game, any mission. GTA Online is broken, single player is fine.

Here's how it "works" (ho ho ho): join game, fine, as soon as I try to join a job, first you get hit with the "the game you are trying to join has a different targeting system" - go away Rockstar just start the flippin game already, by the time you click on that, the game is already full of players (Cheers Rockstar!) and I am shot into a never ending spiral of loading. You would think you could go straight back to where you left off in the game? Don't be silly, you can stare at a "loading" screen for a long time.

Then, later on in the day it will tell you "Timed out locating session. Please return to Grand Theft Auto V and try again later." and kick you back to Single Player! Constantly, every single flipping time. GTA Online is broken.
Welcome to GTA:O :)
GTA V isn't working for me in Win 10 (clean install), crashes on launch every time and verifying the install and reinstalling redists hasn't helped. No issues with my other games.

Anyone have any ideas as to possible cause/likely solutions? Google isn't helping me at the moment.
GTA V isn't working for me in Win 10 (clean install), crashes on launch every time and verifying the install and reinstalling redists hasn't helped. No issues with my other games.

Anyone have any ideas as to possible cause/likely solutions? Google isn't helping me at the moment.

Yep zlib crash am verifying my data now, should add this is happening in the middle of the game for me, second time tonight
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