***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Ooooh, I just enabled smaa instead of fxaa too... Looks incredible!

I been telling people to do this for ages. Game looks incredible at 1440p using Sweetfx profile, enabling the SMAA and disabling FXAA in the Sweetfx config. Then in game, disable FXAA and enable 2xMSAA, Ultra Post Process and DOF. It's probably the most impressive world in any game to date, the scope of the graphics still makes me go wow every single day.
I been telling people to do this for ages. Game looks incredible at 1440p using Sweetfx profile, enabling the SMAA and disabling FXAA in the Sweetfx config. Then in game, disable FXAA and enable 2xMSAA, Ultra Post Process and DOF. It's probably the most impressive world in any game to date, the scope of the graphics still makes me go wow every single day.

I have those exact settings now and it looks so much better. Stunning game.
Just finished story, what an outstanding game in every department. Now I'm wondering should I continue single player as I really want to buy the Golf Club(but only have 35m it costs 150m no idea how to make money now) and fill my garage with cool cars and drive/speedboat around this amazing game world or should I try multiplayer?

Is multiplayer full of people that just want to kill anyone they see or is there some structure to it? How does it compare to the story mode?

More beauty incoming, I think I have everything just about right, though I had to switch off high res shadows, when there was dust effects on screen it was dropping my fps something rotten.

My personal favourite:

And my new favourite car:

Christ, I've uploaded 2gb of GTA 5 screenshots.
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My favourite Trevor suit... :)

Ive been using the SweetFX profile called "1000 times better" or what ever for the last hour or so. Yeah i think it looks a lot better than normal GTA. I do think it is a touch on the sharp side and some of the colours (especially red) seem slightly over saturated. Also, i prefer the depth of field with the normal GTA as well. A few tweaks here and there and it would be spot on for me.
Ive been using the SweetFX profile called "1000 times better" or what ever for the last hour or so. Yeah i think it looks a lot better than normal GTA. I do think it is a touch on the sharp side and some of the colours (especially red) seem slightly over saturated. Also, i prefer the depth of field with the normal GTA as well. A few tweaks here and there and it would be spot on for me.
It's pretty easy to customise the sweetfx settings, you can go in and adjust the saturation settings.
im about to pull the trigger on this game.
any good tips? any worthwhile mods?
ive found it for £25.(kinguin) anyone know of anywhere cheaper?

I'm not bothered about the MP/Online side of things but the SP game is superb. In fact I would go so far as to say for me, it's probably the game of the decade so far (yes even better than Deus Ex HR or Skyrim). The graphics are superb, a leap ahead even from GTA IV - if you've ever visted or driven in the USA, R* have really captured the feel of the highway network. I've been playing around 3 weeks and around 35% through the SP game.

Not all the missions involve outright violence, it's also possible to think and evade rather than a stand up fight. R* still throw the odd curveball hard task, for example early on you get involved in a chase where you are trying to steer a moving vehicle and target an antagonist ahead of you. Took 10 attempts to clear that one, but then I discovered this time round R* have included the option to skip certain checkpoints or missions after three attempts, if genuinely stuck. This is far better than getting bogged down and frustrated as happened in SA ("All you had to do was follow the train, CJ") and occasionally in IV.

I was wary of the character switching at first, but after a while becomes second nature. Trevor Phillips is by far one of the best anti-heroes ever created in the entertainment genre
even if his introduction will leave fans of Johny Klebitz in LCS a bit shocked and cheated

I've just started prep work on the second SP heist but with the diversion of teaching one of the characters to fly. I'm also stuck on the mission where you have to do yoga but, unlike the wretched bouncing car in SA, know if push comes to shove I can eventually skip it.
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It's pretty easy to customise the sweetfx settings, you can go in and adjust the saturation settings.

Yeah I had a quick look last night at a few settings. I'm going to have another look tonight when I have a bit more time.

I think if I can turn the red down slightly, and the sharpness down a touch i'll be happy.
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