***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

I've been mostly doing heists that some friends were hosting, would have invited but ended up doing heist with the same friends for 8hrs. Ended up making 2.5mil today, so a very profitable day :D

Was about to buy my yacht but the most expensive one fully modded costs about 9.8mil, need to make around another 600k.

I'll be back on tomorrow after work around 8/8:30pm. Definitely want to try doing some of those double rp events.
me and bag just mucked around waiting for you guys all night :) he showed me some of your elite routes.

Me and bag tried the blowing the bikes up over the fence trick but it didnt work the grenades blew up before they reached it. But i have a cunning plan, maybe if we just throw some stickies over, then run to the garage door and blow them as we get there we will all get straight into the garage, then all jump on super fast bikes and take the over the mountain skydive elite route to the boat.
GTA online has many different game types that cover freeroam non freeroam: Breakdown below:
*freeroam - max 30 player servers that within it has:
******tattoo parlours
******shops to rob
******mod shops - lcs and bennys
******gun shops
******clothes shops
******stunt jumps
******flight school
******impromptu races with other players
******impromptu desthmstches
******lots of freeroam events like longest wheelie etc
******vip bodyguard missions
******Pegasus for spawning purchased military vehicles
******property purchasing with heists room for launching heists mentioned below and also for storing purchased cars.

In addition we have other stuff that aren't in freeroam like:
Deathmstches - team, solo, vehicle
Contact missions - objective based
Versus missions - objective based again but in teams
Last team standing
Darts/arm wrestling/golf/tennis vs matches

The whole online system works on a ranking system which unlocks vehicle mods/weapons/clithes/tattoos etc.

Fantastic! Thanks folks.
There are subtle changes to the missions. in patch 1.24?? little things changed. The helicopter was gone from the Los Santos connection as well as the end of Get away. They have now returned.

One thing that has annoyed me a little is sighting.
Before the patch you could zoom on your assault weapon sight and then it stayed zoomed. You could run and shoot, lower the weapon, run and then bring the weapon up and it would still be zoomed. Now you have to zoom in each time, as soon as you lower your weapon, it stops being zoomed.
This may sound trivial but if you are using the mouse wheel to zoom, you can sometimes skip to the weapon wheel menu instead of zooming in. This effectively blocks your view and opening you up to being shot.

So there are subtle changes. Also might be wrong but I think they have un-nurfed the heavy sniper rifle. Will test in a bit.
I unbound weapon wheel as soon as i started playing thing game, was so annoying. I just use numbers 1-0 to choose like normal fps games.

Oh i got that bug i was trying to show ya recorded, i didnt catch the bit when i was flying down the slope just when i had stopped at the bottom as i only remembered to record then. I need to get my self a instant replay thing setup so i dont alway miss the best bits.

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I unbound weapon wheel as soon as i started playing thing game, was so annoying. I just use numbers 1-0 to choose like normal fps games.

Oh i got that bug i was trying to show ya recorded, i didnt catch the bit when i was flying down the slope just when i had stopped at the bottom as i only remembered to record then. I need to get my self a instant replay thing setup so i dont alway miss the best bits.

hmm i need to read how to put a youtube video onto here, it just keeps giving an error video

I tend to quickly switch weapons, however I might tab and see how we get on with that.

to post a vid you can either post a clickly link or to embed it to the thread, copy the video id (everything after equals in the address) paste, highlight text and then click yooootoob at the top.
yeah i gave in and watched a guide how to stick a vid in a forum, i dunno why youtube dont just give you the numbers if ya ask to embed it rather than all that other stuff.
I will need to try the 0-1 keys for weapons, the wheel is starting to annoy me as I cant switch as quick as I want, specifically the heavy sniper.

I cant do the 1-9 as that annoys me as I never hit the correct key as I don't look down......

I have switched the wheel around, so down mouse wheel is now clockwise. This has made it very easy and I am now able to get on again.

Other small changes... On manoeuvre's. The jet is still glitch but at least it makes it far enough to snipe.... Both helicopters are now glitched at there start point... :D

Diamonds for Trevor... The helicopter is now at another start point that does not trip until you are down the coast. So no sniping from the beach... Also the two inflatables don't come to get you if you snipe them from the beach....


That looks awesome LOL
Lots of small changes indeed. Wonder what other missions have changed.

Blue, its normally f2 to turn on quick replay, then all you need to do is hit f1 to capture the last whatever amount of seconds.

Its random though, sometimes it captures 45s, other times a few minutes. Depends on how much different scenery has passed in terms of textures etc.
Bag for weapons 1-0 ya have to reassign them so ya dont have to look down, i put all the important ones from 1-8 cause i can hit them without looking down, then i stick the ones i use 90% of the time closest, so i have 1 as melee, 2 sniper, 3 Combat MG, 4 RPG, 5 Stickies.

Just go into single player and save them as that first. Then i put the less impotant ones leading to the least important one last.
James and Chrissy, have ya logged in recently? gamble just invited me to a game rockstar have made called sumo, its basically just a rippoff of your kuruma game but a bit less fun as it put a sudden death circle thing in just when things are getting interesting.

I hope they gave you lads credit for that.
Will definitely be on tomorrow by around 6:30pm, been working on the division today instead.

Was going to jump on the division for a while tonight but got home late so decided just go jump on GTAO as I promised bag I would be online.

Will have a few hours of the division tomorrow then GTAO and NFS lol

Anyway - BagPuss - told you the Karuma was easy to manoeuvre in mid air lol!
Backflip first thanks to Blud for showing me a good place, then followed by tricks done when we were on heist(these were after but same locations)
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