Fitness websites are getting hammered.
They're website is so slow.... I've managed to find a Oly bar and 100 kg of weights for £435. I'll have a quick look if I can get it cheaper.
Done ordered from fitness for the bench and rack
Looking...bulldog gear have squat squats like what I have have.
Guys. Quick advice.
Yes ive got this in basket will it go ok with the M1 squat and dip rack.?
Only issue is you will have no catchers for bench as those will need to be used to hold the bar when benching.
Did you see the rack I linked above ?
Mirafit website is hammered, checkout not completing...
Maybe go with the PayPal checkout ?
Yeah was trying with that from the start, fourth attempt worked!
Now just need some 5kg Oly plates and 1.25
And some mats. Gym will be installed upstairs at work...