So finally got set up last night and a quick workout in. Need to get used to the rack and the best way to set up for certain exercises (wish I had the head room for a proper cage), but went ok.
Before and after pics can be found here:
I've decided I want a set of dumbells, obviously the proper adjustable one would be best but start from around £300. I'm thinking about just getting some olympic plate loaded bars for the time being and see how they go. Can anyone recommend a good quality set of these? also an EZ bar?
The strength shop ones will set me back £150 for both bars and collars, whereas the powerhouse fitness (Bodymax) ones are only £100, though It works out even cheaper on amazon. There doesn't seem to be much difference in them when looking at the pictures. Reviews on Amazon seem to vary quite a bit too. So a bit of advise would be good.
I'm leaning more towards ordering off amazon, as it'll be easier to return if they are rubbish