<fpsmin>24.96</fpsmin> <!-- You can also specify the fps range yourself -->
<refreshmin>24.96</refreshmin> <!-- Same for the refreshrate -->
Anyone installed this on their Smart TV?
Apparently I am VERY late to the Kodi party... I hear so many people talking about it now, and I've heard you can install it on some TV's? What is it and why should I get it??
It allows you to stream film/tv etc , I don't have it
Installed the new Aeon MQ7 skin this morning and i think i'm in love.
As the title says really, what's the best method of using kodi to playback files from a nas box?
I'm looking at using kodi on a fire tv, I run it on a fire sick at the moment, it's the performance better on a tv2?
I have an Nvidia shield TV. I dont use it for anything but kodi with USB HDD. Is it still the best box or would it be worth me swapping it for an Amazon Fire TV 4K?