"More information about the Demo - Reasoning for Delay, updates, etc.
posted by Killz2much Now On Windows 7 @ 08:02PM on October 27, 2009
So many of you might be mad or outraged about the early access demo being delayed. Many of you may think Valve was being lazy or they ****** something up but I got in a word with Mike Blaszczak of Valve over Steam. He gave me the 411 on the reasoning behind its delay.
mike is now Away.
mike is now Online.
Killz2much Now On Windows 7: Hey Mike, I hope you don't mind but I just wanted to know something. What exactly happened with the L4D2 servers that made this demo be delayed for 10 hours?
mike: The servers? What do you mean?
Killz2much Now On Windows 7: I read on the Steam forums that the demo was delayed because of some "critical error" with the servers.
mike: I haven't heard such a thing.
mike: We found some bugs during last-minute testing that we decided to fix.
mike: If someone is telling you something else, you should ask them for details.
mike: They're probably making it up, and so there's no way for me to explain what everyone else says.
Killz2much Now On Windows 7: It was a thread on the Steam forums, I don't know the person.
Killz2much Now On Windows 7: But thanks for clearing that up.
Killz2much Now On Windows 7: Thanks, Mike.
mike: On the forums, you don't need to know them to ask them a question.
Killz2much Now On Windows 7: True and I did ask but the threads in the Left 4 Dead 2 section are in a storm of rage that it's impossible to get an answer.
Killz2much Now On Windows 7: But anyway, thank you.
mike: Sure.
This means the bugs present in the 360 demo will NOT be present in the PC demo. This also explains why there was a blank update just recently for Steam. It updated the Demo files for the patches which is why some of the files are not encrypted.
Also Jason from Valve had this to say.
"As you've already seen, the dedicated server files for the Left 4 Dead 2 Demo are now available. The game name is left4dead2_demo. We're still doing some final checks for the client, but that should be going live soon."