We found that playing at our normal pace on confogl is pretty easy with the amount of pills you get, as long as the other team is a standard crappy infected confogl team. If they're good at infected both teams get raped, and unless you're a dodgy **** as survivor you don't stand a chance, you go back to only getting further due to a bug against the infected team.So boring playing them, much prefer the rush based config.
Confogl is bias towards nerfing survivors to make up for poor infected skill.
confogl would be fine if it actually balanced it, instead of making it easier for a bad infected team. The only balance it gives compared to my config is a **** ton of pills, seriously, kits take time to use, and you can get a good amount of damage in on a team while they're trying to heal. with pills you just throw them down and keep running.
but oh well, you keep playing confogl, we'll have fun being good as infected
The health from pills is temporary too. On pills? you can't afford to campout a horde or bait a dangerous choke point.
Vanilla doesn't punish bad survivors enough that's the problem.
When one team walks in and gets 600 point bonus, and the other team gets unlucky and get wiped due to some really unfortunate thing out of there hands and gets 0 points bonus, there's no point carrying on.
The problem with this game is that Steve09 is clearly underpowered. There aren't enough buffs out there in the development community to assist him and therefore any team that he plays with is destined to fail.
This is my 2cents anyway.
we play for fun, stepping up a level involves playing competitively... and that gets less fun nearly instantly.Anyway! If you are wupping confogl teams in team versus. Step up a level!
Clans are boring to play against, and competitive games even worse.
Full of whiny kids who only play to "win" not because they actually like the game.