***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

hehe it's always fun thinking hmm use the kit now and hope to the lord Jesus we find the 1 set of pills in the map before the event or save it so you're not slow on the coaster :p
So boring playing them, much prefer the rush based config.
We found that playing at our normal pace on confogl is pretty easy with the amount of pills you get, as long as the other team is a standard crappy infected confogl team. If they're good at infected both teams get raped, and unless you're a dodgy **** as survivor you don't stand a chance, you go back to only getting further due to a bug against the infected team.

Confogl is bias towards nerfing survivors to make up for poor infected skill.

heheh removing melee (or even just linking it to the right click shove cool down) would go a looong way to evening it up a abit, melee is just silly over powered.
yeah, remove melee weapons and confogl players will start crying. being able to sit in a corner and take no damage from a horde because you have a ****ing frying pan is stupid. single shot any SI with a frying pan is just stupid. Yet they think they're fine and an AK is over powered... seriously? the one that required you to actually aim is more over powered than right click and spin around while insta killing everything?
No they don't think it's fine! There are actually discussions by the confogl team and the community to do exactly what you suggest. Put a melee cool down. And (you won't like this) to increase the cooldown for mouse2. So you can't just hear a hunter and randomly right-click.

Dunno what confogl teams you have played, but most rush unless the game is a proper competitve one.

I agree about the med-kits being slower to use. In the confogl scoring system, though, most of the health-bonus is from permanent health. You don't get much for the temporary health off of pills.

How does ellus config promote rushing? Rushing is cool btw. Everyone agrees. It's just a shame defensive play is so effective.

And also, despite all these survivor nerfs, It is still a big surprise if a team wipes on any map. Except dead center 1.
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confogl would be fine if it actually balanced it, instead of making it easier for a bad infected team. The only balance it gives compared to my config is a **** ton of pills, seriously, kits take time to use, and you can get a good amount of damage in on a team while they're trying to heal. with pills you just throw them down and keep running.

but oh well, you keep playing confogl, we'll have fun being good as infected

So if you so hot at infected don't you want to be rewarded for your good infected attacks? Confogl does.
no it doesn't, do a good attack in confogl and they'll all nom some pills and then pick up another 4 sets in less than 20 feet.
that's like saying vanilla rewards a good survival team. You can get a wipe on confogl with next to no skill. There's a balance that needs to be created, confogl isn't that balance.
Yes too many pills on some maps it's true. But the scroing will reflect the fact that you took shedloads of damage. With a medkit, however, it would be as if nothing happened.
The health from pills is temporary too. On pills? you can't afford to campout a horde or bait a dangerous choke point.

Vanilla doesn't punish bad survivors enough that's the problem. Also, confogl has a teir 2 option. I've forgotton what the command is.

I don't really understand why you think confogl teams are bad at infected tbh.

The point is simply to have a standardised config where everyone agrees that the team that won, won because they are 40% better looking, have bigger penetrative genitalia, and where more skillfull and tactically astute.
The health from pills is temporary too. On pills? you can't afford to campout a horde or bait a dangerous choke point.

You can when you know there's 10 more sets up ahead including a full set before any event so no need to save for it.
Vanilla doesn't punish bad survivors enough that's the problem.

I agree, but confogl doesn't punish bad infected enough.

I've had plenty of fun close games with good infected teams on vanilla, with wipes on every map. I've never had a fun close game on confogl, maybe due to how little we play it, but the last 5 times or so the other team raged/banned us within a few maps (I never play TV on my confogl server, so they selected it). When one team walks in and gets 600 point bonus, and the other team gets unlucky and get wiped due to some really unfortunate thing out of there hands and gets 0 points bonus, there's no point carrying on.
The only garenteed pill spawns I can think of before events. Is parish 2. But it's unlikely and team will need them before that event anyway. There are talks about getting rid of pill spawns and also item spawns. 1 molo 1 pipe 1 bile per map. But the problem is that newer teams won't want to join leagues or play competitively because the config is too hard.

I would be happy with pretty much any config that has the confogl scoring system, with no extra medkits on the level and identical tank spawns. It is fustrating to play infected against good teams with teir 1 with teir 2 it would be even worse i fear.
When one team walks in and gets 600 point bonus, and the other team gets unlucky and get wiped due to some really unfortunate thing out of there hands and gets 0 points bonus, there's no point carrying on.

There is a tank on every map! just outplay them back. It's like saying you conceed 3 goals in the first half in football so there is no point turning up for the second half.

I don't think the confogl scoring system is perfect btw. Some maps a re easier than others. Especially carni 4 and hard rain 4. The possible health bonus is too big for such easy maps.
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The problem with this game is that Steve09 is clearly underpowered. There aren't enough buffs out there in the development community to assist him and therefore any team that he plays with is destined to fail.

This is my 2cents anyway.

Clans are boring to play against, and competitive games even worse.

Full of whiny kids who only play to "win" not because they actually like the game.
The problem with this game is that Steve09 is clearly underpowered. There aren't enough buffs out there in the development community to assist him and therefore any team that he plays with is destined to fail.

This is my 2cents anyway.

Ball and chain to stop him running would be the best buff for steve. :p

Although i think a red hot throbbing drill should be added as a melee weapon to buff rifleman/tomb0.
Anyway! If you are wupping confogl teams in team versus. Step up a level!
we play for fun, stepping up a level involves playing competitively... and that gets less fun nearly instantly.

We also find a few decent teams a week on TV, putting up a good fight or actually better than us.

Add me to steam, I'll see if we can get a vanilla,my modded server and a confogl game against you at some point. see which gives the most correct looking end score. I know what confogl is trying to do, and I have no problem with that, but in it's current state it misses the mark completely IMO.

Clans are boring to play against, and competitive games even worse.

Full of whiny kids who only play to "win" not because they actually like the game.

Because you are pub bashing? Team versus bashing even? I've spoken to loads of people on pub servers who won't even play team versus because they have had their asses handed to them by an organised, well practiced team such as yourself. So at the same time as having your fun at the expense of noobs you are actually putting people off the game. Pick on someone your own size?
WE tried to set up a whole group of regular for fun 4 man teams on here and it just died.

Don't really play l4d2 much lately because it got dull, I like playing with the regular guys as it's more fun but not many want to play with us and team versus is so hit and miss it's gets tiring.

competitive = not fun

Pub bashing = dull

reverse pub bashing = ****ing LOLz, but short lived.

team vs= meh some times really good if you find a good team often dull though.

friends games with random teams =fun but often frustrating

That's why i wanted to get another team of 4 regs to play against they'd quickly get much better playing together and playing the same teams at least once a week would be interesting as you get used to each others tactics and habits.

but no one wants to so meh.

l4d1 with links insanity config is still a laugh though.

Actually feels like a reall achivement if you survive a map on that :p
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