***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

so how big is the l4d2 folder in total now then? i think valve should buy me a new HDD with all these updates :p


Edit: for those experiencing slow speeds try changing your location - I changed mine to Dallas last night and things got much better, someone else did Holland iirc and it worked for them too.
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Anybody had any performance issues with the new map?

I can play any of the other maps 170-300fps but this new map runs at 30-49fps and seems to stutter like mad,anybody any ideas :confused:.I'm sure that crossfire just runs off the L4D2 exe so a new map should make no difference.

Valve put out an announcement saying you get 2 free hats for TF2 if you buy l4d2 during this offer... and within seconds it filled up with people raging about how they already own it so how do they get them. Yet it says you get them immediately if you already have it ><
Guys, with how slow it is right now, take a look through this: http://store.steampowered.com/stats/content/
Ignore the ones that say filtered, and then chose lower load ones. I could barely even connect to the UK servers, changed it to one of the lower load servers and was downloading at over 200KBps quite quickly. Yeah not amazing, but I'll take 150-250KBps over 20KBps any day.

I'm on one of the Japanese servers right now pulling about 350KB....go London server, you'll be quicker being nearer ¬_¬ lol
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I played the new campaign last night with Khaaan, Pookie and Ruddles, only on Advanced though because we had Khaaan! :p

It was ok, the maps were good but there was nothing memorable or outstanding. Considering this new map took what, 6-9 months if not more to make since the last decent campaign DLC?

Anyway, if they released a new campaign like that once a month, I'd be more than happy. The only reason L4D got boring for me was the same old maps played over and over again.

Finally, at the risk of going off topic, Steve09 is a top notch guy. Nothing bad to say about him at all...honest!
Well they surely have other things to do, and besides they'd run out of ideas if they were releasing maps consistantly. Still, we know they have at least 4 more campaigns they can release for L4D2, perhaps they could reverse the process and do it for L4D1...
I played the new campaign last night with Khaaan, Pookie and Ruddles, only on Advanced though because we had Khaaan! :p

It was ok, the maps were good but there was nothing memorable or outstanding. Considering this new map took what, 6-9 months if not more to make since the last decent campaign DLC?

Anyway, if they released a new campaign like that once a month, I'd be more than happy. The only reason L4D got boring for me was the same old maps played over and over again.

Finally, at the risk of going off topic, Steve09 is a top notch guy. Nothing bad to say about him at all...honest!

I played the new campaign last night with Khaaan, Pookie and Ruddles, only on Advanced though because we had Khaaan! :p

It was ok, the maps were good but there was nothing memorable or outstanding. Considering this new map took what, 6-9 months if not more to make since the last decent campaign DLC?

Anyway, if they released a new campaign like that once a month, I'd be more than happy. The only reason L4D got boring for me was the same old maps played over and over again.

Finally, at the risk of going off topic, Steve09 is a top notch guy. Nothing bad to say about him at all...honest!

Excqueeeze me! You were the one that shot me the most in yesterday's game so speak for yourself :p

And I didn't burn anyone!



:( (yellow highlight)


:( (yellow highlight)

Bhahaha, always stitched up with Rochelle. Good times. I appreciate what you said re: maps evilsod, but it would be nice to have new official content a bit more than once a blue moon! The unofficial maps are ok but they don't become mainstream as a result.

Anyway, playing L4D2 last night got me a little hooked again I think. Wouldn't mind getting back into it a bit more. Although VS will still make me rage. I like the co-op aspect of it definitely.

Also, what I said about Steve earlier was a lie.
They really should've put the bars around the entire roof on the NM finale. You can't smoker someone off anymore but you can still very easily instakill Charger someone.
TAAAANNKKK! has really got me enjoying the game again i hope it stays as an permenant game mode.

Really enjoy how frantic it is, really dont care if you lose you just enjoy playing and its short so i can play a match in no time.
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