***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

Yup, confogl sucks donkey balls.

I stopped playing team vs because soooooo many times it would take you a good hour to find a team that didn't want to play confogl. To echo what Link has already mentioned, playing a confogl team means:-

1. They rage at the first hint of something not going their way, whether that be the survivor team made it all the way through or their first attack didn't slaughter the opposing team. FAIL.

2. No finale - they either quit outright without saying anything or just moan on the 4th level about not playing the finale. Yes, some of the finales are not the best in the world - but they are part of the game and should be played as such. FAIL.

3. No tier 2 weapons - just makes it even easier for any infected team with half a brain and a modest ability to organise attacks. Not the biggest problem not having tier 2, but I like shooting big guns (and yes we can crown a witch with a pump action before anyone says anything - even though it is a lot easier in L4D2 than 1) FAIL
Is there any way to stop stupid configs when looking for a standard pub game?

Is it in settings "Download no custom content" or something? I'm sure I still game dumb config games with this.
No you can't. Its server side so you aren't downloading custom content afaik. I think thats just a leftover from things like CSS where you'd get plugins and skins and sounds sent to you by the server.
No you can't. Its server side so you aren't downloading custom content afaik. I think thats just a leftover from things like CSS where you'd get plugins and skins and sounds sent to you by the server.

Damn. I hate it :(

Especially when you've been in a lobby for 5 minutes, only to get put into some stupid 20v20 bat-**** crazy ass server.

No T2 weapons, pills everywhere (quicker to use then medkits, so why have them?) and it doesn't fix the random spawned commons, which tbh is the biggest balance problem in a vs game, the horde amount can be different for both teams and the placing can also make it harder for one team then the other. I wouldn't begin to see how to fix that, but confogl doesn't attempt to address it.

Random hordes in confogl are the same size and come every 100secs. There are the same amount of pills as in vanilla, less to be found in fact if you disregard the 4 you start with. Pills only give you temporary health and don't reset the incap counter. If you are b&w, there is no kit to save you.

T2 weapons are overpowered. But tbh, the scoring system of confogl is what makes it good. One lucky death charge on some guy who lagged out no longer decides the game.

But it is true, no one in the European competitive scene likes finales at all. Even in confogl they are worth way to much in terms of points.

Vanilla teams on team versus rage if they are losing too, it's hardly unique to confogl teams. But you repeatedly imply it is.

3. No tier 2 weapons - just makes it even easier for any infected team with half a brain and a modest ability to organise attacks. Not the biggest problem not having tier 2, but I like shooting big guns (and yes we can crown a witch with a pump action before anyone says anything - even though it is a lot easier in L4D2 than 1) FAIL

Teir 2 weapons have been gradually reduce in confogl through a process of 1000's of hours of play testing. It most certainly is not true that t1 weapons make it 'easy' for the infected team. Getting wiped in a game between two top teams is still unusual.
No we didn't! ;)

Until the last 2 jumped on the chopper there was only 1 point in it! Insanely close game!

Made even closer by me and link lining up perfectly for that charger at the end :p and Bez running off on the second stage :D We deserved it going by our finale performance imo! :p

Teir 2 weapons have been gradually reduce in confogl through a process of 1000's of hours of play testing. It most certainly is not true that t1 weapons make it 'easy' for the infected team. Getting wiped in a game between two top teams is still unusual.

Top teams? There's your problem, it's a miniscule minority of players that play l4d in leagues and ladders, it's just not suited to competitive play because the games too random! there's no point in treating as one (competitive being: a game where two teams compete for placing, prizes and or money) Compare it to cs or css for example, there is no random entity (apart from bullet spray) as a deciding factor equivilent to l4d in the way that you spawn as different thigns at different times or the way in which the horde attacks etc, it's not competition friendly.

Your a good example of someone who takes the game far too seriously, it's not designed to be played seriously.

Insanity versus is a thousand times better than a confogl borefest.
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Random hordes in confogl are the same size and come every 100secs. There are the same amount of pills as in vanilla, less to be found in fact if you disregard the 4 you start with. Pills only give you temporary health and don't reset the incap counter. If you are b&w, there is no kit to save you.

T2 weapons are overpowered. But tbh, the scoring system of confogl is what makes it good. One lucky death charge on some guy who lagged out no longer decides the game.

But it is true, no one in the European competitive scene likes finales at all. Even in confogl they are worth way to much in terms of points.

Vanilla teams on team versus rage if they are losing too, it's hardly unique to confogl teams. But you repeatedly imply it is.

Yes i'm sure the situation with a guy lagging out in a death charge position happens at least twice a game... or is that just the excuse you come up with everytime it happens to you?

Theres a big difference between confogl teams and random teams. Random teams may stick around even if they're losing or if they're lagging behind slightly. The INSTANT a confogl team starts losing they ragequit, no 'if' no 'but', they rage.

As mrbios said... l4d does not work for competitive play as the location of wandering horde or the direction a forced horde attacked from can be the difference between a win and a loss entirely down to random chance.
Top teams? There's your problem, it's a miniscule minority of players that play l4d in leagues and ladders, it's just not suited to competitive play because the games too random! there's no point in treating as one (competitive being: a game where two teams compete for placing, prizes and or money) .

The minuscule minority of any sport play in leagues and ladders. The whole point of confogl is that it reduces all those random elements to a point where the better team will win. There is currently a l4d2 tournament about to start with a prize fund of £6000 for the top placed teams. And its run on confogl.

@Evilsod random wandering hordes or 'natural hordes' are a part of the game and are not random in confogl as I mentioned. They spawn every 100s. You simply need a strategy to deal with them. This involves talking to your team mates Evil.

You both admit you don't care about competitive play and yet you have a lot of opinions on l4d2's suitability for it.

I know the comp scene well, and they are all 734% nicer than css teams. I'm sorry if you've had bad experiences with confogl teams in team v. But the guys that play team v are not very highly regarded. Bash the actual individuals involved not the config :/
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Yes, because you don't insist you are good like defrag and ellusionist simply because you pubstomp, but then cry and whine about the config when you lose to better teams.
as someone who hasn't played l4d2 for months, I'd like to thank you for knowing I exist :)

you've made my day :) although that's not hard, having a very ****ty day
Vanilla teams on team versus rage if they are losing too, it's hardly unique to confogl teams. But you repeatedly imply it is.

Did I say that? I don't believe that I did, if it sounded like I did then I apologise, but it's a problem with team versus in general, not the confogl players only. It just becomes more annoying when they rage, because they insist on a game mode that I'll play, but find boring compared to vanilla overall, yet they still rage when they get beaten at it.

Give me a confogl with just the starting medkits/pills (no others along the map), tier 2 weapons and a few other tweaks from the standard version and I'll play as a few things that it implements such as the scoring system are actually better.

Btw a post saying:
but imagining you are good at this game is ridiculous and offensive.
is not called for. Jump off your horse and post more contructive posts or get out of my thread. Your choice. :rolleyes:
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meh confogle just compensates for poor infected skill.

much in the same way links insanity compensates for good survivor skill.

It's popular because the main competition crowd is old fps gamers who have good fps skill but rather than learn a different type of game would rather just make that side easy so it became once more a simple fps game.
That wasn't directed at you link. It's more people like tefal that's intended for.

What you say doesn't make sense. Making the survivor side harder is a definite trend. If you are good as infected then confogl should make it even easier? What are you even complaining about?
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