**Official MSI Z77 Mpower Discussion Thread**

Please can someone assist with my issue? How do set up my RAM to manually run at 1600mhz 9-9-9-24 timings?

Everything I have tried just doesn't seem to work.

EDIT: I am getting rather irriated with this board. I must be missing something. I have just set my timings correctly etc but when the machine restarts it returns the settings to default. What is going on?
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Have you tried saving your settings before you "save and reboot" ? also you could save teh settings to usb just in case.

Yeah man saves and reboots. It comes up with the correct settings and boots into windows. However next time the machine restarts it results back to default timings :/. I will be returning the 8gb and just keeping the original 8gb that I can run with xmp
Can someone check that I'm doing it right please..

I set all the core ratio limits to 42 and left everything on auto.

In windows it says it's still 3.4ghz but if I use Intelburn it goes to 42.2GHZ with temps of 63-66-65-63 and it slows down to 1.6 when idle

Is this the best way of overclicking my 3570K? or is it best to change the Core multi to 42? thanks :)

Going to put my ram to the correct speed now.

edit=opss forgot the Volts are 1.064v idle and [email protected]

ok I have now hit a problem.. the CPU I\O is 1.056v but it went to 1.25v in the bios but I DID NOT CHANGE IT!
I had to load defaults to get it to boot in to windows...what would cause this?
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I/O is IMC voltage. If you leave it on Auto when setting a High RAM speed the auto will be set fairly high to make sure the system boots.

Set 1.05v for default and on most chips upto 2133 and 1.1 for 2400mhz.

Your clocking is with Turbo and Speed stepping enabled. That is fine.
Thanks 8 Pack for your help(again) :)

The I\O is on auto but it did not boot in to windows(got a black screen after the windows logo) it's saying "No video available"
So I rebooted to the bios and I could see the I\O at 1.25v.

I will try what you said tomoz as I have to update the bios and I need a friend to help. But I am having so much fun :)
Whats the BSOD code. If your only overclocking the CPU set DRAM 1600mhz 9-9-9-25 2T timings. I/O 1.05 and then adjust Vcore with high LLC to about 1.325v and test. Some CPU need less Vcore some more than this.
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