OFFICIAL: Nintendo Revolution called 'Wii'!

You do realise it's all going to be about multiplayer Wii? There's nothing like having your mates round for some Wii action.

Hell, you can even share a Wii experience with people across the world.
I've got use to it now, Nintendo Wii, love it (always have). Don't pronounce it the wee, or a wheeeee, but it does roll of the tongue, "Aye, got mi sen a new console at weekend, NintendoWe, bloody great it is"

See, no probs.

104 posts in less than a day of people talking about Wii.

LOTS of internet talk about Wii at the moment with nearly ALL the major game sites having a HUGE feature on it. Gamespot even have a video about Wii.

With only 12 days left till the BIGGEST gaming convention in the Western world and all this talk about Wii.......... GO GO Nintendo.. kick some Next Gen butt.

Nintendo Marketing Machine 1 - 0 Everyone else

As for the petition and whoever started it: ROFL

I actually like the name and see it as being a very clever marketing tool.

C'mon people, its not WEE, its WE. How many other companies spell words differently to suit there own needs?

Whose not going to buy a console just because of its name?

I couldnt care less if they called it a Brick Bat Dingo Dropping 1 million pound Turd Of A Log Supersystem, IM STILL BUYING ONE.
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Gimpymoo said:

104 posts in less than a day of people talking about Wii.

LOTS of internet talk about Wii at the moment with nearly ALL the major game sites having a HUGE feature on it. Gamespot even have a video about Wii.

With only 12 days left till the BIGGEST gaming convention in the Western world and all this talk about Wii.......... GO GO Nintendo.. kick some Next Gen butt.

Nintendo Marketing Machine 1 - 0 Everyone else


I remember the mystery at last years E3 regarding the revolution controller that caused a similar thing.
When you're a kid and you wanna go wee but you ain't got drugs yet... :p

Remember that flash animation/song? Great stuff :)
I know they so no publicity is bad publicity, but i'm not sure that applies in this case. Nobody knows how well Nintendo's new console will do, but going off gamecube sales it has to be accepted that it could easily flop.

What you have to ask is, will it sell more due to it being called wii?

I doubt it somehow
Gimpymoo said:
Whose not going to buy a console just because of its name?

Mistubishi named a truck a "Pajero", which, in Spanish, means " Masturbator" not as bad as what Nintendo have done but my point remains the same, what you name it can make a difference in some parts of the world.

And in that part of the world people will not buy it becuase of the name.

(thanks to for that )
XPE said:
Mistubishi named a truck a "Pajero", which, in Spanish, means " Masturbator" not as bad as what Nintendo have done but my point remains the same, what you name it can make a difference in some parts of the world.

Eh? Are you stupid? How is having a name which the public twist to see as "wee" not as bad as literally calling your product the "masturbator"?

I think this has been blown hugely out of proportion :\

MoNkeE said:
I think this has been blown hugely out of proportion :\



but this to me, comes across as a very Japanese idea, wii as in we (group), as in anyone old, young, male female come tougher and play this machine (doesn’t seem very western to me) and i am saying naming something that is based on one culture may not translate well.

that was perhaps not the best to way to explain cultural differences, but it did show that somethings dont translate well when move around the world.
Even more interesting that it was Nintendo of America that came up with the name :)

(not purely on their own, but mainly them)
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