*** Official Nintendo Wii U thread ***

My reason for wanting a wii u is so i can play my copy of xenoblade chronicles and the last story.

Xenoblade is the best JRPG I've played since FFX, to put that in perspective I rate FFX as the second best JRPG I've ever played behind FFVII. It's actually got better gameplay than FFX+VII and, I'd argue, a better world than both of those too. My only complaint is that it takes too long for the story to really get going, but when it does it's wonderful. Another complaint that the ending quarter of the game contains all of the plot twists, whilst they are all very well constructed and totally unexpected, it does leave you feeling that they should have maybe spread them out a bit. The first three quarters is all character development, you don't even meet one of the characters until the final quarter of the game, then suddenly they throw a truck full of plot twists at you!

The Last Story didn't grab me sadly, I did like the gameplay but the characters seemed a bit unimaginative. With that said I experienced the same feeling with all of the other JRPGs I tried straight after Xenoblade (Tales from Vesperia and Blue Dragon). Perhaps they just pale in comparison to one of the best JRPGs ever made, in fact, in my eyes one of the best games ever made.

[EDIT] Remember to play it with Japanese voices and subtitles though, the English voice acting is very low budget (due to a predicted lack of demand a very small development studio localized the game for the UK on a very small budget, it turns out the game sold incredibly well considering its development cost however)
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Xenoblade is a very good game, if you told me 5 year ago a JRPG was going to be one of my top games of this gen, I wouldn’t have believed you :eek:

I liked the UK voice actors, I have heard a lot worse in a game, Xenoblade voice acting is very passable.
pre ordered the premium wii u console being a channel islander no VAT
so £279 with zombie wii u pack,
Not a bad price at all :)
Has anyone seen any video showing the Wii U's operating system yet? The fact it takes up 1 GB of memory must mean it's doing something quite spectacular. :D

Seems weird there's been nothing. We were seeing the XMB and Xbox blades months before launch.
Has anyone seen any video showing the Wii U's operating system yet? The fact it takes up 1 GB of memory must mean it's doing something quite spectacular. :D

Seems weird there's been nothing. We were seeing the XMB and Xbox blades months before launch.

I think they have shown off a few things but as its not a massive selling point for the WiiU and isn't something they excel at or their market needs I doubt you will see it promoted all that much.

I'm guessing a lot of that 1GB memory is saved for streaming to the WiiU controller etc plus the on-the-fly web browser, game switching and all that jazz. Also expect the OS to be very user friendly so it will look childish compared to MS/Sony with lots of Miis and large graphics which probably eat resources a bit.
It seems the Miiverse is the operating system in a fashion. According to Iwata-san's E3 demo it is the first thing you'll see when switching on the console and it runs in the background so you can call it up in-game without quitting.

Cant wait to play the WiiU at eurogamer, will be interesting to see how it feels in hand, ZombiU and the new marioU game are playable.

Be sure to let us know how it plays...I'll possibly jump up to the road show when it hits Braehead in October but not really fussed, buying the thing either way...considering the pre-orders stopped at 4 :D
Be sure to let us know how it plays...I'll possibly jump up to the road show when it hits Braehead in October but not really fussed, buying the thing either way...considering the pre-orders stopped at 4 :D

Will do, im sure others from here will go as well, its an interesting idea, but i think i'll hold out for the next xbox/ps, unless it REALLY impresses me.
hmm, don't know what to do here.
I quite like the look of this and although the Wii held my attention for about as long as a goldfish remembers it's surroundings, the fact that more developers could make more "adult" oriented games is slightly drawing me to it.
I love the Zelda series and also some of Ninty's stuff is top notch, but the amount of rammel that came out on the Wii put me off it slightly.
Still play Skyward sword and Goldeneye on it though.
Even picked up a N64 a couple of months ago for a trip down memory lane, lol.
Decisions, decisions.
Are any other more hardcore gamers like myself really considering this? My fav console this gen was the 360 (although I currently only own a PS3). I gave my 360 to my bro and was considering getting a 360S but I'm thinking money would be better spent on something new rather than a 7 year old console. I think it would be a nice fill-in console until the next Xbox is released. We could also see more hardcore games on the Wii U until the new Xbox/PS release
Are any other more hardcore gamers like myself really considering this? My fav console this gen was the 360 (although I currently only own a PS3). I gave my 360 to my bro and was considering getting a 360S but I'm thinking money would be better spent on something new rather than a 7 year old console. I think it would be a nice fill-in console until the next Xbox is released. We could also see more hardcore games on the Wii U until the new Xbox/PS release

Basically how i see the new Wii - a stop gap which will either be sold on to fund a new PS/Xbox next gen - or first party title depending keep.
It seems the Miiverse is the operating system in a fashion. According to Iwata-san's E3 demo it is the first thing you'll see when switching on the console and it runs in the background so you can call it up in-game without quitting.

Got up to when the bloke said mee wara wara, couldnt stop laughing:p
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