Hi i just bought this game for my xbox 360 and wondered (after gawping and running around in the meadow admiring the scenery lol) if theres any sort of general starting tips anyone has for newcomers? gaining money, tips on playing certain characters etc.
Im molding my character from a tree-hugging wood elf (ohh how i love getting the wisecracks from npcs i be sure to note their names for later *evil snigger*) to be a vicious dark alchemic assassin (recently managed to 'borrow' a calcinometer and that other thing, (from a magic shop, hard lock! but got a few soul gems as well though i have to sell them i guess), as well as having mortar n pestle for alchemy not sure if i see much difference yet but im only apprentice in alchemy. Btw i say borrow because you cant really steal anything and keep it!!! because then the next time i speak to a guard they see the stolen goods!). A few things though. How can i get good at markmanship? (as im interested in stealth bow kills) Seems much quicker to level up melee weapons in a fight as sometimes because of the draw distance the enemy is almost upon me so i have to go melee (or the cavern etc is so dark i cant see them to fire at them with my bow..nightvision sure would be handy for an elf!!)
Are there trainers for levelling markmanship?
I've joined the blades, thieves guild and the arena as well im level 2 after about 4 hours. Next main quest is going to Kvatch to fetch the son i think.
Should i just go along with these for now? Or should i start murdering straight away?
I read someone earlier was a vampire assassin?? jumping about the rooftops at night and slipping into terrified people's homes for a quick drink lol that sounds awesome! Does drinking someones blood kill them? will they still talk to you afterward? does it turn them into a sorta slave? or a zombie? Would be cool to have a house and keep a stock of fresh blood in the cellar or smt LOL. I dont mind the downside of playing a vampire (sunlight etc) as i think that maybe is part of the fun.