[Damien];20031178 said:Back to work you! Also congrats on having the 1337th post in the thread (before i ruined it).
ain't seen you on in ages mate
To keep it short: so long as I can somehow keep my items/chests, I don't care.
Mob arena is temporarily disabled due to some issues. It should be back in a couple of days.
It may be that Creative isn't compatible with it. What are people's thoughts about removing it (Creative)?
Bleh.. As fun as talking about people engaging in sex with other people's mothers is...
1.8 and 1.9 possible map wipe. Discuss.
Nooo! Can access to the mob arena commands not simply be disabled while in the creative world in the same way the /i command only works in the creative world?
How about if no items are brought across?
I'm not saying anything in particular will or won't happen atm. It's all up in the air.
How about if no items are brought across?
I'm not saying anything in particular will or won't happen atm. It's all up in the air.
Another possible option:
Keep current map and get a new one but no shared inventories between the two maps.
I'm just trying to throw some ideas out here really. There are advantages and disadvantages to all options (both from a player and admin view point).
can i ask what the issue is with shared inventories?
For this option I'd stay in the old map and just make do with the unstable land for exploring 1.8/1.9.
Ps, this is kinda what I meant about the lack of a 'poll' option on LT, this would be perfect for it I think.