*** Official OcUK Modded Minecraft + Vanilla Server - Now with guides and how to's***

Can't see why non spawn players would object anyway, its showing off what's on the server that's the main thing... as a non spawn builder I say post away.

kk - I'll get it posted soon!

If you have community enhancing builds in the old over world and you'd like them to be moved across to the new world, then please feel free to ask for them to be moved.

I think it fair enough that you move your own materials across (chests etc), but if you think you have a build that would benefit this server's community then please ask for it to be moved.

Builds that benefit the community would be auto-farms and builds of particular impressiveness etc.

Have fun - Ham
I'd like to grab permissions on the vanilla server when possible pelase (hyp3r10n).

Also I'm a bit out of touch, is there a site to simply search for UI mods that would work with this vanilla server? (e.g. minimap, inventory sorting, mod that showed what your cursor was targeting possibly, etc.)

Edit: just been upgraded to builder in game, cheers whoever it was!
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Just a quick question, do new players have any requirements to for fill before we grant build permissions?

Before now we have asked for info about the player and what they would do in certain circumstances i.e. creeper damage etc.

Am i right in thinking the vanilla server is now more of a public minecraft server, rather than one linked to Overclockers UK?

Or do players still need to be OcUK forum members?

I don't want to just give new player build permissions and 5mins later there griefing the place.


hmm update anyone?
Auto-treefarm now at spawn, just next to the iron farm. It only works with oak.

It's simple enough to use - stand in front of the dispenser with saplings in your hand. Turn the lever on to start. Plant the saplings (I hold the mouse button down whilst it's doing it). The tree will grow and a set of pistons crush the leaves and stack the wood for you. Most of the saplings and apples from the trees will go into the chests either side of you.

Once you've stacked the wood you require simply stop planting the saplings and turn off the machine. The machine will automatically stop once it's reached capacity. If this happens you will need to reset the machine by chopping the lowest bit of wood that's now in front if the dispenser. If you get stuck then let me know and I'll sort it.

Then simply chop the wood down from the great big block that's now conveniently and safely gathered in one place for you.

You can harvest about 10 stacks of oak in about 10 minutes (with an effV axe), so not too bad. Enjoy. Ham.

Planting area

Here's where all your wood will be collected

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So folks - the horse racing circuit. Here's a few ideas about how it could work.

If you want to build a section then you would be allocated a section to build. The sections would be connected by say a three block wide 'checkpoint' for want of a better word.

I think that traps and or shortcuts etc could be fun - but non fatal traps obv. You can do whatever you want with your section - just make a 3 wide track or maybe go underground, or maybe even build it up in the sky? Put in a few bits of redstone to trip up your opponents?

Do players think there should be a maximum section width, or would we be happy to have it unlimited?

I think the sections should be in half kilometre sections to allow you to get some decent stuff in.

It was suggested that I temporarily cover the sections in tiles so it doesn't come up on the dynmap and we would have to have a gentleman's agreement not to peek.

We could also have teams if players so wanted to to make building easier. Once the track is built we can arrange races via the sites.

Please put up any ideas you may have and let's get the ball rolling. Once we start I suggest some sort of timescale is set so the project gets completed. If a player is unable to complete a section it can always be reverted to just a standard, flat fenced in track.

Comments welcome - cheers. Ham

Edit - here is a pic showing what half a kiometre looks like. The red lines represent 0k .25k and .5k to give you an idea of size. If you visit in game the lines are also in the world as strips of glowstone block

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As we all know there is now an in game shop available. Type /buy to access it. At the moment it allows you to donate, but the idea is that it is set up to allow you to purchase difficult to acquire items or bulk buy items with actual cash money (the cash raised is used to cover server costs)

What items would you like in the shop? Personally I'd like high end enchanted books to custom enchant my gear.

Suggestions welcome! Cheers - Ham
Someone's gone robbed the egg from the cathedral and stuck it in the crypt for some reason -_-

I cba to faff around making pistons n circuits and whatnot, would whoever moved it be able to stick it back where it was for me please?

Cheers :)
I've just signed up following the instructions on the vanilla server, when a mod has a moment could they grant build permissions please? :D
Someone's gone robbed the egg from the cathedral and stuck it in the crypt for some reason -_-

I cba to faff around making pistons n circuits and whatnot, would whoever moved it be able to stick it back where it was for me please?

Cheers :)

Replaced and egg surrounded by glass blocks to prevent a repeat. Let me know if you're happy with it gazzab :)

Dragon eggs will tp away when mined using picks etc so the perp didn't choose where to place it :)
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Any plans on going 1.8?

currently we are stuck on waiting for bukkit :(
i am looking to see if i can get all the same plugins for a non bukkit setup
if i can then i will try an update to 1.8

the 1.8 version does how ever remove the need for some plugins :D
so that makes it a little easer at least.
yeah was thinking about that, looks like more and more of bukkits features are being built into vanilla
currently we are stuck on waiting for bukkit :(
i am looking to see if i can get all the same plugins for a non bukkit setup
if i can then i will try an update to 1.8

the 1.8 version does how ever remove the need for some plugins :D
so that makes it a little easer at least.

Uh oh http://dl.bukkit.org/dmca/notification.txt


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Just out of interest, if you are whitelisted on the Vanilla server does that mean you will be whitelisted on the mod servers as well?

The van server doesn't use a white list any more, it's permission based. It means anyone can go on an look round but not access chests or buttons etc until they've been granted builders permissions by either a mod or an admin (although the area accessible is currently quite small due to new players killing animals :/)

I have no idea ref the mod server access though - on of the admins will pop by I'm sure :)

Cheers Ham
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bukkit 1.8 is going to be released by mojang
it is after that we need to be looking at what can be done but i suspect plugings will ether move or implment a new system. heel you never know mojag may have an API :P
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