Right - a few points regarding the vanilla server:
Mods are able to access many, many things, including the container (chest) inputs and outputs. Mods are able to see who puts in what and more specifically who takes out what from all containers.
I'm sorry to have to point this out, but recent events have forced my hand.
There may be unlocked chests in the old overworld, but they are NOT there for you to loot, as per the signs into the old overworld.
There is a very good chance that old_overworld will be locked, with limited access to it.
Theft will NOT be tolerated. If you need gear, ask other players.
Gold/Tear/Magma Cream/Gunpowder farm is now finished and open. The last two spawn pads and killing floors have now been completed by Dubs (Vdubs7er) and me. Here's a piccy of the whole thing.
Rates on gold and tears have massively increased - gunpowder has stayed the same and magma has gone down, but seeing as I only wanted tears, meh - who cares. If you need magma cream there's a blaze farm in the old nether and a slime farm at mine and Dub's place
There is one rule about using the farm - you can find the rule book in the chest at the top. Here's the current rates after one hour afking - not too bad, I'm sure you'll agree.
As with all the builds I'm involved with, please feel free to use - leave donations if you want to. You can see the mats that went into this build a few posts ago.
Enjoy - Ham
*Dramatic Music*
So I've got two weeks to waste and I was just wondering if I could play on the Vanilla server again? Please?
*Dramatic Music*
So I've got two weeks to waste and I was just wondering if I could play on the Vanilla server again? Please?
I don't see why not. Just don't make me have to come out of banning retirement please
Sweet! So am I good to go and just join the server or do I need to be added to the whitelist again?
Well it was two years ago since I last played... But I just get the 'server is outdated' error when trying to connect.